

New York
starting sometime last week i noticed a bunch of office stickies hanging on a big wall in the union square subway station in nyc. not just a whole bunch. i must have seen like 100's, if not maybe even approaching 1000 stickies. each one was anti-trump.
several days later it might have posted over a 1000 stickies. you had people taking pics of the wall.
this dude passes by, sees the crowd stopping in front of the wall, and utter,"nothing but a bunch of fucking crybabies." laughed my fucking ass off.
anybody here have any public anti-trump shrines in your neck of the woods?


  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I have not seen anything like that
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Other than a picture of Donald near a pile of rocks.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Idiots - if they did the same thing w.r.t. Obama they would be called racists - if they did that to Hillary they would be called sexists - morons
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    It sounds like a lot of people aren't happy he's gonna be president? I have never seen the public outcry for any president elect that Trump is getting now. I can't say I blame them.
  • Daybreaker
    8 years ago
    He's an embarrassment and we look like a joke. It's an okay time to be a crybaby when the country's last shreds of dignity are being snipped off by a man who tweets more than a teenage girl and has a worse fake tan than most strippers.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
  • nemesisk7
    8 years ago
    Obama was a joke that's why Trump won
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    And Trump is an even bigger joke. Thin skinned, nuke happy, misogynistic creep. Oh joy !!
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Progressives are simply whiny bitches with nothing of value to add or say.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    "I have never seen the public outcry for any president elect that Trump is getting now."

    That's because never before has a tainted press corps worked so hard so hard to vilify a Presidential candidate. They bootstrapped random comments and moments over 40+ years to paint him as everything from a fascist to a racist to a woman hater and as just about anything else they could think of.

    The reality is that he is none of these things and really doesn't give a crap about most social issues. But weak minded types, heavy on hormones and light on critical thought, lapped that nonsense up because it felt good emotionally. So when he actually won, those same weak minded emotional types, especially the urban variety, lost all those warm fuzzy good feelings that they got from the group thin brigade and some of them just couldn't cope.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    OOOOOOH. lie to me some more, rick. :) Sounds like ASS to me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    A lot of people are fed-up w/ the political establishment, Donald Trump was basically a big middle-finger to the establishment
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Wow Rick Dugan! With all the historical criticism you get from TUSCL posters, the one you just released above is spot on. My guess is you're someone who hires people, owns a business, or both and understands what the hell is going on out there across America. Business people get things done, and politicians kick the can down the road, which is why we're in a good position with this election.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    To skibum and rick dugan- What are you looking for from the loyal opposition,.Do you idiots expect that they should just lie down and take whatever shit you are willing to dish out. The reality is that there is strong opposition to your choice and you are not raising the discourse you are lowering it with your constant disrespect of any view that is different to your own. Skibum calling progressive whiny little bitches with nothing of value, that is so stupid, no wonder that you practice family law, I bet you are a divorce attorney, and one of those that inflames the issues, for your own personal gain, making divorces worse than they need to be and you probably couldn't work in a corporate law firm because your personality reeks worse than an open can of tuna fish that has sat open for a week on the kitchen counter, you are a dick and your politics are ignorant, and RickDugan what can anyone say about you that hasn't already been said, you are a dick also, serial exploiter of drug addicted women, and serial drunk driver most of us cope quite well you are the idiot that is in the group think brigade, and can't cope. Your candidate won and you two are so thin skinned and angry just like your candidate that both of you can't stop acting out,
    You two guys need to shut the fuck up you don't know what you are talking about. I have no problem with anyone who voted no matter whom they voted for, and i have no reason to doubt anybody's patriotism but you jerks are way over the line constantly criticizing any body that disagrees with you, make no mistake about it, in your own way you are no better than our crazy poster SJG even though you think that you are.
    I have a suggestion for both of you, why don't you guys find out if personality transplants are available and start saving your strip club money till you have enough money to get that it would benefit both of you and anyone you are in contact with
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    One last thing Papi is one thousand percent correct this has nothing to do with issues or who can get things done, all Donald Trump is is a big Fuck You to the establishment nothing more, nothing less.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    Good point! "I have never seen the public outcry for any president elect that Trump is getting now. I can't say I blame them."

    I don't blame them either, completely. You see, If one indoctrinates people to believe lies and smears, that is the ostrich media. OK, I grant you it doesn't take a Rhodes scholar to educate themselves, but way to many just accept whatever is thrown at them.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    Take a listen to this Michael Moore video. Especially at the 3:19 mark.

  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @Clubber You know me better than that, i am no liberal, and you know that, I just dislike thin skinned bullies that use their power to harm folks, I know of several people, two personally, that Trump has had work on his projects and then use his money and power in ways to keep them from getting paid on time, one man in particular put over $800,000.00 worth of finishes into his casino hotel in New Jersey, payment was stalled through various subterfuges, this man lost everything he owned and went broke paying his suppliers, after subcontracting for a Trump managed project, he committed suicide two days after paying off the last of his bills leaving his wife destitute with three children, this man is not a good decent man with different views he is a greedy bully.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I voted for Sanders for the same reason many Trump supporters voted for him: as a protest against our corrupt government. Decisions in congress are made on the basis of political expedience, not what's best for our country. This won't change until we have term limits for congress and the senate; something Trump said he was in favor of.

    Of course, he's not going to follow through on it...he needs the support of congress and the senate and it would be bad politics to throw them out of a job in the years to come.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    25, seems like you're getting all butt hurt and snarky just because you were called out for making a very bad argument. Sorry dude, but claiming that someone is trying to trample another person's right to free speech, just because the original target issues a response to an accusation, was plain out wrong. Period. Now maybe I could have stopped short of calling it a "stupid fucking comment" but I was in a hurry and mind boggled by how anyone with a lick of sense could hold that view.

    But if you don't like others disagreeing with you, I hear that there will soon be a safe space for over-sensitive types who share your views:

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @nemesisk7-Trump wasn't running against Obama, he was running against Hillary. The reason he won is people didn't want Hillary in there. If Obama was eligible to run for a third term and he ran against Trump, he would have destroyed Trump. Everyone realizes Trump and Clinton are the two worst nominee candidates in history. That is why is 47% of eligible voters didn't vote, and that is why there is the public outcry for Trump right now.

    @Dugan- could you try to be a little objective? Why is it that some righties always blame the "liberal" media for everything? Trump bullied Megyn Kelly, twelve women (so far) have come out and said he sexual assaulted them, he's caught on tape saying girls let famous people grab them by the pussy, he allegedly paid off a couple of his ex wives not to say anything about him abusing them, and countless other things. Did the media make all this woman hating stuff Rick??? SMH. Wake up Rick. This is DONALD TRUMP we're talking about. All he is a celebrity attention seeking whore just like the Kardashians and Kanye West.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Will all that being said I certainly didn't want Hillary in the office either, she has her own issues. But Trump is the winner, so we're focusing on him.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^That's fucking funny dude, I was mind boggled myself by your statements in favor of restricting free speech that is what is really going on with a president elect feeling insulted by anyone expressing opposition to his views. I have a real suggestion tell your boy, Trump, to stand up and speak live to the folks who elected him rather that tweet insults to Saturday Night Live, the cast of Hamilton, and all of his bullying tactics,they just keep on, going forward when does he become the President of all of the people, instead of a jackass braying out loud. you guys are really stupid somehow you just don't get it. SMH
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Larry, so now being an unrepentant horn dog makes him a woman hater? If so, then I suppose that Bill Clinton was a woman hater too. The same Hillary that expressed outrage for Trump seemed to have no problem with how her husband sexually assaulted female state employees and others while the Governor of Arkansas. Willy liked to free his willy a lot it seems. But despite all of that, he ended up being a pretty good President, so maybe it was a good thing that we didn't use that as the sole criterion for the job.

    But you also know that the press antics went quite far beyond reporting the sexual stuff. They tried to paint him as an anti-Semite, even as his own daughter and grandkids are jewish, as against LGBT rights, even after he made it clear that he didn't care who used the bathrooms in Trump tower, as a racist, based almost solely on rental practices dating back 40+ years, etc.,etc.

    Twenty, I hear that the Bubble will be a "safe space" where everyone can say whatever they want, so long as it is the group think view, and will be safe from "bullying" responses from people who might disagree. ;)
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    And I want to be clear about something. Trump was just about my 4th choice. I don't agree with his views on immigration, which I think will make us look increasingly like Japan and other aging industrialized countries in the future, and overall there were several times that I wished that he would keep his mouth shut during his campaign against Hillary.

    But with that said, the horribly sensationalized, hyperbolic and all too often unsupported reporting during this campaign from almost every media outlet, including CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, Yahoo, NYT, L.A. Times, etc., etc., was just utterly incredible. if you believed their stories, we were going to quickly become Nazi Germany, our economy was going to tank, the stock market would collapse, the civil rights laws would be repealed, armies of ICE agents were going to kick in the doors of immigrant familiaes, etc., etc.. Almost every news article became an op-ed piece.

    Small wonder that Trump is being more proactive in his approach to the media. There was a time when they could be relied upon to provide at least some balance in their reporting. There was also a time when they could be counted on to report the news rather than to manufacture and/or heavily spin it. But those days, it would appear, are long gone. If and when the media once again decides to resume its proper place as the Fourth Estate, then perhaps someone like Trump would not feel the need to communicate around them directly to the public.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Dugan I am tired of people explaining SHIT, especially when their explanation contradicts what I see with my own eyes, open your eyes for a change you can't bully me with your own version of the truth, after I have seen for myself exactly what is going on, that is not group think that is logic your side has none as far as i can see. as far as safe spaces go I am quite capable of protecting myself and I'll be fine I wonder what will happen to all of you who fell for the circus, when you realize who you really elected.
    Come at me with something that makes sense, stop with stupid platitudes like "safe space" or "group think" show me something positive about your guy instead of criticizing everything else then maybe we might get some where.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Fair enough Rick. But even you know Trump is the most polarizing president to be in history. Your boy Tom Brady is a Trump supporter, but he won't talk about it, because he doesn't want to get crucified in the media, and his wife said on social media that they're not supporting Trump. Even Belichick had to defend himself from the congrats letter he sent to Trump. Jay Cutler came out and said he supported Trump, and that was a headline. So basically in the sports world if you say you support Trump, it's controversial. Once again I've never seen that for any president.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    "But even you know Trump is the most polarizing president to be in history."

    +1 on that and I really wish it were otherwise. I just hope he does what he said he would do, or at least makes every effort. I will feel betrayed if he wastes this rare historical moment in which Republicans control both chambers of Congress. In my humble opinion G.W. utterly squandered the same opportunity to address deeply entrenched domestic issues. Time will tell.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    Here is problem I have..... and if you say the media isn't at fault you are fucking blind!!

    1. If any public figured supported trump (just like larry stated above)... they would get attacked and why is it headlines if a sports figure says they like Trump??? BIG FUCKING DEAL. Yet it was headlines and people would get blasted. ALL THE MEDIA"S FAULT.

    2. When people said anything bad about Obama.... They were called RACIST. When in fact it was just you speaking up against policy. You were still called RACIST. Also the media would throw the words "race" and "black vs white", etc into anything when anyone spoke up against Obama. You see... MEDIA is playing a roll.

    Again... the sky isn't falling. The world and our country isn't going to come to an end. The man hasn't even taken office yet and people are going insane. He hasn't even produced one piece of legislation, hasn't submitted one budget or tax plan, etc. He has done nothing at all. Everyone is going off of what he said on the election circuit. If people have an ability to free think and study history.... they know what is said on the campaign trail only about 10% will be acted upon.

    I mean come on our health care industry was supposed to be fixed by now, insurance premiums decreasing, the exchanges would run themselves and not need assistance, all states would have great exchanges with no glitches and many insurance companies would be doing business in all states, you could keep your current coverage and keep your current doctors, etc. Remember all that garbage.... all LIES!!!

    So again.... I understand the frustration when one establishment didn't win and you get the other side..... But this country isn't an US vs THEM.... we are a whole. People need to work together... libs and conservatives need to come together and move our country forward. The past 20 years we went backwards. Everyone has thought it is an US vs Them type mentality.

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @crsm- I agree with your we are a whole point, but you're missing the point. It's not the frustration of one side losing, if you're a lefty, plenty of righties have won it (in recent memory the two Bushes and Reagan), and there wasn't this outcry. The outcry is because DONALD TRUMP is gonna be president, plain and simple. Look at Donald's history and you'll see why there is a outcry.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Obama ain't the issue now it's Trump, I'm wondering when he is going to step up and speak for himself to the whole country not just to crowds that favor him. I think a lot of this could be alleviated with him showing his face instead of hiding behind Kelly Conway, Rudy Giuliano,Chris Christie, and the rest of his choir.
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    YOu don't think people were upset with Obama being president??? Remember the Birthers? People crying to see his "real" birth certificate. People crying as how can a "community organizer" lead a country!!

    It is the same thing..... yet one side was called racist when they brought up things.

    It is that the libs are butt hurt over this and the only thing they are doing is bitching and moaning. It is the generation that can't handle losing. They are the everyone gets a trophy generation. They are the generation that throws tantrums to get their way. If you don't think so.... look at it with open eyes.

    Again I never stated how I voted. But I am seeing poor losers out there whinning and crying.

    Larry and others.... if you know how our government works you know for a fact that the president of the USA has to jump through a lot of hoops to get things done. Most of the stuff Trump wants to do can't be done by executive orders. They have to go thru congress. You think congress will jump in line with him.... look at all the people who were not "endorsing" him. YOU think they will say... .Oh hell ya President Trump lets do what ever you want.

    Fuck..... relax and just wait to see what happens. I am sick and tired of all the whinning and the rhetoric that the sky is falling.... for everyone... celebs, people on forums, people on streets, new media, etc.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Sure there was outcry from previous president elects, but not as big as THIS outcry, that is what I'm trying to explain to you. And yes you didn't say who you voted for, but it sounds like you voted for Trump. Cmon man how can you even defend Trump?? I'm gonna go through his history, but it's long and extensive, you can look it up if you want. I didn't want Hillary in there, but that doesn't mean I'm overjoyed that Trump is in there. Once again this big of an outcry is because DONALD TRUMP is president. It would be like Kim Kardashian winning the presidency.
  • Daybreaker
    8 years ago
    Such predictable reactions from a bunch of old white guys who lead secret lives throwing their money at pussy. Yawn. I can actually handle opposing viewpoints. But some of you guys seem as thin-skinned as your helmet-haired pres-elect. Come on now boys. Leave the name calling to us idiot youngsters. You're making us look bad.
    ps- there was plenty to know about Trump before he ran for president. Some of us knew how to research a fairly prominent public figure before the ''Election Edition" media began...
  • Daybreaker
    8 years ago
    A spade's a spade. Don't feel ashamed of the demographic you're a part of. Someone has to embody cliches in order to keep them alive.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Damn @ Daybreaker are you picking on us old guys we are the ones that spend money you know ! Do you think all of us are stupid ? How do you think we got the disposable that you Depends (notice I got in a plug for our diaper company) on for your bread and butter. The ones of us that are thin skinned bruise easily, why should we let you younguns have all of the fun name calling don't take a lot of effort and it doesn't leave us winded for some of us that's about all the fun we have.
  • Daybreaker
    8 years ago
    @twenty five I actually agree with a lot of your posts so no worries there; ) I had this entire response written out and my battery died, taking my post with it. I'll write it out again when I have a minute.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    No, no anti trumpers here. Secretary Clinton carried Cuyohoga county here (Cleveland) but most are looking at Trump with an open mind. The middle class and the working class are hurting right now. Maybe he can do something about that.

    When one looks at the percentage change in the midwest versus President Obama in 2008 and 2012 it is pretty striking the Rust Belt, for those who couldn't or wouldn't relocate, is hurting. We need solutions or a modification of the conservative ethos that works for those left behind in the 21st century economy.

    Those left behind DO NOT believe in the republican ethos RE: women, LGBT, womens' reproductive rights ... but we need an economy that works for regular people (Not the welfare crowd but not the affluent crowd, either). Hence, the open mind.
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