1. Anything over C that defies gravity. Anything over B if the girl looks over 35. 2. Anything hard like a pineapple. 3. Too spherical, too symmetrical. 4.Higher position of nipples. 5. Small strong ass (non jiggly) and huge boobs ( Scarlett Johansson is exception) 5. Dancer too eager to press them on your face, like they want to break your jaw.
Some of the boob jobs I've seen lately it's hard to tell. There really is no hard fast rule that tells you for sure they are fake, at least for some of the really good boob jobs out there.
@joe Rofl ... memory foam. Does it feel like titty fucking your mattress.
@lopaw the position of nipples is good distinction. It's up by an inch.And the cleavage doesn't look natural. A natural cleavage is a tan angle (geometry) , fake ones are more rounded.
TABA wrote: "A natural cleavage is a tan angle (geometry)". WTF is a "tan angle"? With the exception of a right angle, *every* angle of any triangle has a tangent!
I used to be 90% confident with a look at the bare goods and 100% after a squeeze. In the last few years both of those numbers have dropped a few percentage points. High end implants can be tough to spot if the woman chooses an appropriate size.
Sorry to burst the bubble of some of you would-be boob experts here, but... a good pair of fakes is REALLY hard to spot these days. A lot of the things you guys consider giveaways have nothing to do with real or fake- more women have wide set tits anatomically than you guys realize and breasts with a gap between them mean nothing. Nipple placement varies as well as a LOT of women have nipples that are very low or uneven naturally and most surgeons don't mess with nipple placement.
Also you have to be cheap enough to get saline or it's botched if they're at all stiff or hard. I know this because I had mine done back in February. I am tall, thin and didn't want to look unnatural so I got the highly cohesive "gummy bear" kind and they feel and look so real eight months out from surgery, it even surprises me sometimes.
Anyway, I did so much research prior to surgery it almost ruined boobs for me sexually ha. I saw so many before- and- afters of ugly tits. Doctors all say- they can't really change the look of your boobs, they mostly enhance what you have. For some women that means bigger tits that are still unattractive but just a bit less so.
Made me feel bad for women with not-so- good anatomies. Paying all that money for a result that would never really be what they wanted.
TL:DR tits are complicated, fake tits even more so. You've probably been fooled a time or two.
I realize the comment about nipples and having a measuring tape was made in jest... I've just known a lot of girls from discussion forums to obsess over their nipples.
last comment@lopaw the position of nipples is good distinction. It's up by an inch.And the cleavage doesn't look natural. A natural cleavage is a tan angle (geometry) , fake ones are more rounded.
Also you have to be cheap enough to get saline or it's botched if they're at all stiff or hard. I know this because I had mine done back in February. I am tall, thin and didn't want to look unnatural so I got the highly cohesive "gummy bear" kind and they feel and look so real eight months out from surgery, it even surprises me sometimes.
Anyway, I did so much research prior to surgery it almost ruined boobs for me sexually ha. I saw so many before- and- afters of ugly tits. Doctors all say- they can't really change the look of your boobs, they mostly enhance what you have. For some women that means bigger tits that are still unattractive but just a bit less so.
Made me feel bad for women with not-so- good anatomies. Paying all that money for a result that would never really be what they wanted.
TL:DR tits are complicated, fake tits even more so. You've probably been fooled a time or two.