Suggestions for first time TER user.

avatar for lookingforlove
Respected proud TUSCL members :)
I am feeling strong urge to use TER. I would really appreciate if you guys can share your experiences and suggestions. What are do's and don'ts? What are the risks involved and how to nullify them? How to proceed as a first timer. What are the things I should take care of? A reasonable amount I should spend? Please share if anything else I should know. guide you brah. Cheers


last comment
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
Make some mistakes boi...the only rule is there is no rule.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Okay, I'll show my ignorance. What is TER?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago (escort site)
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
avatar for mikeya02
8 years ago
Somewhere someone needs an answer and Papi is there :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Call me "Mr Helper"
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
I was a VIP member of TER, you get VIP status by either posting reviews of escorts or paying for it. Since you are new, you should pay for a minimum term of VIP, with VIP status you can read the entire reviews of escorts and communicate with the posters for other details. You are new so they may not talk straight out, but by checking the full reviews you can find someone you want and the rip off artists to avoid.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
I used TER as a fact checker. It's a great tool for prospecting too. Go for it!
avatar for lookingforlove
8 years ago
Thanks guys. so many scary thoughts going on in my mind. El-ee , cams etc. etc. I'll die virgin :)
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
You wanna be totally safe?

Go get a disposable credit card (visa/mastercard branded gift card) and join that way.

Generally I went by reviews. If a girl had several good reviews then there was a very good chance she was legit and had her shit together (so to speak).

If a girl had 1 or 2 reviews, a sketchy looking website or nowhere were you could view photos, I would pass.

Lastly do not go on ratings for looks. I can't tell you how many times I met someone that everyone rated an 8, which was a 5 to me. I'm not picky, I just think a lot of pervs on there have extremely low standards.

Want to take it even a step further? Say a girl has 5 reviews, go and check out the profiles of the 5 reviewers, to see if they are legit reviewers. Sometimes you would run into "shill" reviews, or the same profile writing multiple reviews for only girls that belonged to one agency, and then one random review, etc. etc. etc.

I haven't used TER in years, but I used to a lot in areas that strip clubs were bad, especially a lot of cities on the east coast, Texas cities and some smaller midwest cities.

avatar for lookingforlove
8 years ago
That's helpful. Thanks Shailynn
avatar for ThereAndBackAgain
8 years ago
Yeah and pm desertscrub on how to get a 600 down to 200 and a 300 down to 150. Buy him a dance as well.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I have yet to hear any reason to use escorts on TER when you can find the same thIng in lower mileage models in strip clubs, where you can try before you buy too. Why go through all of this paying for VIP, needing references, etc.
avatar for lookingforlove
8 years ago
totally agree with you Johnsmith.
@desertscrub, have you seen this…
starting to like this community :)
avatar for lopaw
8 years ago
There are always risks involved so that "hobby" is not for everyone. Use common sense, stay away from CL and BP, and as a noob definitely seek out newbie-friendly and very well reviewed providers. Joining a site like P411 can make the whole ordeal a lot less painful as well.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I have tried to use TER in the past. Unless you are ready to go when you book forget it. Anything planned for more than an hour out will not happen as they girls have really scattered lives.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
^^ That's not true at all. In fact most of the providers insist on booking for at least 48 hours in advance and many won't even take same day appointments.
avatar for lookingforlove
8 years ago
when do you guys discuss stuff? after reaching to their place or on phone. I was wondering if some unreasonable offer is made from their side ,after I get there, which I don't want to proceed with, how things will go then.How do you guys tackle that?
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