So Hillary Duff and her boyfriend dress up as a "sexy" pilgrim and Indian and the Internet is losing their shit over this.…Have things gone too far where just about anything you do today causes someone or some group to be offended or am I missing something here?
I was just going to throw a sheet over my head and go as a ghost for Halloween like Charlie Brown and his buddies do every year but then I was afraid someone would think I was a member of the KKK.
last commentRight.
The truth is it's political correctness.
The article states... RACIST..... so a white person dressing up as Michael Jackson would be racist?? A black man dressing up as Trump or some other white person.... is that racists? Come on fucking people...... relax.
This reminds me of the stupid move PCU..... where everyone is pissed off at other groups and all get together at the end to party..... except I don't see a party in our future.
PC is killing this nation.
Yes I do... But that isn't the point..... there are issues every year.... Football team names, college team names, depression and suicide rates on reservations, etc. But it is a fucking costume.
Also not to get all into it.... The pipeline did all the necessary studies, paperwork, payments, etc... it is also on lots of pvt land as well. But now people are trying to stop it. Most of the protesters are not linked to the reservation it is "going thru". Just like the ND fighting Souix debate with the name and what not.... those people protesting and wanting the name change were not from ND or the surrounding tribes.
It is people who want to "protest" and what not.
Ten years ago, going viral took a long, long time. It can now take minutes, and millions can see it.
It is more than just correctness, it's proliferation.
Along with the "instant information" and the technology out there.... ie: everything has to be done now.... or why isn't my text, email, snap, call (who does that really), FB post, etc.... responded too yet?? that mentality is killing our nation IMHO. *** yet here I am on a**** It is also people want to find something to hate on and also they can do it from a phone/tablet.
a side note.... Look at this election... it is an US vs THEM mentality. With each side hating on the other. Yet neither group can come up with a plan good for all... it is either us or them thinking. This is kind of like what I said about hating on everyone or anything. I mean PC and what not.
Times, they are a'changin'!
So you a big Mac fan, are you? :)