
Sending Habbits Q and A for strip clubs

Avatar for JuiceBox69
JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads

After my thread on mini trips and I read the comments and then went out and had a mini trip myself it began to make me question my larger trips

I understand this is really up to each and everyone of us and the answer to these questions can be different

But !

Am I over spending on trips to clubs like follies when I burn through $600-$1000 ?

Should I just go every chance I got $300 instead ?


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Avatar for ThereAndBackAgain

Yes , 300 is a few zeros off... make it rain 30K like Larry. Why else is it called follies !

Avatar for shailynn

Vince - he meant "spending" but his sausage fingers got in the way.

Juicy you have 3 options.

  1. Spend 30k like Larryfish

  2. Spend $30 like LDK82

  3. Or spend $300 like every other member on TUSCL does.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Shailynn you actually just shined a light on some things...putting it like that just made a lot of since to me

$300 it is

Avatar for JuiceBox69

$300 does seem to be the norm and the Max for a solid strip club visit especially given my income level...I'm mean in not rich and it's good to club at a level that's comfortable but isn't braking you either....maybe if I actually had six figures a grand is more the norm or is $300 so standard that even guys at that level just drop that as well ? I'm talking about not being excessive or extreme or waistful with the spending...hell with that in mind $300 really is like the golden number......thanks for helping me think this over and through guys.....I guys if I had $1,000 it would be wiser to take 3 trips

Avatar for shailynn

Juice don't think there's some minimum or maximum you have to spend in a club each time you walk in. I've spent $30 before (not drinking that night and not finding any girls that tickle my fancy) to spending several hundred dollars (getting drunk, and getting several lapdances or even more).

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Shaylynn I agree your leading me back into the advice papi gave me a few days ago

My biggest issue has been having money these days lol...it's a good problem to have I've just never had this issue before.

Back in my broke ass days if I had an itch to go club I would clear out what I could afford normal half of my bank account lol....if I had $400 I would club on $200 and if I had $200 I would club on $100

These days I got enough to hold me without a job for a year.

I've been trying to plan my events and act like a boss....in reality it hasn't worked out that well and I've clubbed a lot less.

I really enjoyed that last visit a few days ago on the $100 I used

I kinda feel like the universe is telling me to go on my feelings and instinct.

Much like you and papi have said in two different threads

If you feel like saving over clubbing then save but if clubbing and the itch comes back then by all means hit the clubs on an amount that feels right for that night, location and goals....arrive optimistic and enjoy what is available....if nothing good going down then close shop and use those funds on the next outing to enjoy.

I need to just go with the flow a Lil better and stop being so robotic.

Thanks for the Lil talk buddy...it helps a lot

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Thank you LDK for sharing some insight and price ideas of how you club so I can use it to reflect on what I'm spending and why I'm spending. Looks like I could take a page from your book and learn to minimiliz my expenses my getting exactly what I need.

From people making comments and me refection on my past experiences and such it's really clear that $100,$200,$300 is all that is needed for any one night out on the town per club visit.

I honestly had so much fun a few days ago on $100 I'm really thinking about going back out again on my next weekend off for another $100 dry fuck session

Avatar for JuiceBox69

The only way I manage to spend $300 is because I usually LDK more than once in a single trip to the club. Usually 3 LDKs with 3 different dancers $100 a piece in a 8 hour span of time

Maybe I could cut back and go more frequently if I focused on just one LDK per visit. I could start clubbing weekly to bi weekly then.

Not a bad idea....it would give my duck some rest inbetween LDKs....usually after one of my 8 hour trips for $300 and 3 LDKs my duck is soar for a week or two.

The only way I mange to spend $600 or more at follies is because I'm fucking more than one girl plus buying tons of dances...even their I could go more often to follies if I backed off and just focused on one fuck and a few dances per trip

Avatar for shailynn

If you usually LDK more than once during one visit, your mom must hate to do your laundry.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

She does lol...you should see how messy I get down at follies with $10 dances lol

Avatar for AfricanLovePimppp

You are spending too much. We all are spending too much. Start spending nothing if you go to the club a lot, and the prices will go down. I am tired of saving these skank ass hoes.

Avatar for Jascoi

it depends on the girls. now that i have less i tend to spend more on a sure thing with a girl i really like. instead of spending a lot on a lot of girls that are not so much my type. make sense?

Avatar for Jascoi

i need to be rich. because i can easily spend a lot on pretty ladies. $300 is dooable... butt i gotta pick carefully.

Avatar for JamesSD

3 times per trip? Dude, that's intense. And also where your big cost is coming from obviously.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Even I don't spend 800-1000 at Follies. 300-500 has always been sufficient for a very fun and satisfying afternoon.

Avatar for rickdugan

$600 to 1000 on B- talent in a southeastern U.S. location? I hope you are drinking all day and fucking at least 3 to 6 girls. If not, then that might be a tad excessive. ;)

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I really appreciate all the feed back it's really helpful

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