
outing yourself.

mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
i know many pl's have an issue with others knowing what their web name is. and especially paranoid of a dancer knowing who they are. i have had only one time that i got turned down by a dancer when she knew who i was on bonedin. a girl at dvcoi. now retired. i like meeting fellow mongers and dancers that are on the web sites.


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    If by others you mean non TUSCLers, then yes. I don't talk to people about my strip clubbing unless I know they are into it too. As far as dancers go, I just play it by ear. I have known 6 dancers that have posted on TUSCL. Telling dancers who I am has never bitten me in the ass but I can see how it could if I told the wrong one.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I tell dancers from time to time who I am on TUSCL, I also tell dancers my real first name. It's never bitten me or caused a dancer to turn me down.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I'll out myself. My real name is Juicebox69.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ No. I am Juicebox69
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think it depends on what other responsibilities you have.

    When I was married I was very careful. But now divorced, I actually have even more responsibilities which are sensitive.

    Eventually I will be focused only on my own enterprises, and I'll be waking up in the mornings with girls I met from strip clubs. So girls will be a central part of my f2f life and fully integrated into all other aspects.

    But I still feel that I will need to keep fire walled off some online stuff, just because there could otherwise be completely unnecessary problems.

    I think I realized this in the Mexican Table Dance underground shows, where besides dancers having handles, the male talent agents did too. So I realized that I needed to do the same.


    TJ Street


    Erik Satie
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    No I am Spartacus!
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    And I'm johnsmith69!
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Apparently, San_Jose_Guy is Lloyd
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    @justme62 - I've also run into issues with some dancers at DVCOI due to my reviews on bonedin. Some have asked me not to review them (I won't if they ask me not to) and some won't dance for me because they don't want to risk a possible bad review. This seems to be the only club that has this issue. I don't go there often but the last time I was there it was pretty good. Maybe the new girls haven't heard about bonedin yet.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I don't want them knowing my username. They gonna think I hand out 100 dollar bills like candy!
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Larryfisherman, please give me a loan. I'll gladly pay you on Tuesday. :)
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I want to be able to deny everything posted on this web site if I want to. I don't want anything I post to be able to be used against me for whatever reason some devious person might think of. There are evil solicitors and lawyers out there. You can't be too careful.
    Plus some dancers might think twice if they knew you might post whatever you want about them. I've heard stories about customers of regular businesses getting sued because they posted a negative review. If that became common, everyone would be left in the dark.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If people didn't judge others without knowing them nor did they try to get even against entire groups and there were not just plain bad apples out there, I would feel free to share a lot more. As is, some groups think anyone who even visits a strip club is in a group of people they are willing to tax because they think it's ok to apply taxes to anyone who spends a dime for anything related to the sex industry. Some people think it's ok to condemn anyone who ever says anything negative against a group they belong to. Doesn't matter if the person criticizes all groups on occasion. People get sued as well if you say something negative against others if they have money or power and want to get even.

    From what I heard this morning, sounds like if Hillary is elected and succeeds in getting open borders in the Americas letting in all the murderers and criminals from Latin American countries, we won't have to worry about all of our current problems, we will have to worry about not getting killed just walking about if someone wants you dead.
    That's probably ok with Hillary and the clintons in my opinion since anyone with any shred of evidence against them has suddenly been killed or murdered.. I noticed when she talks, she says no one can prove anything or they won't find evidence, not that she never Broke the law. When top elected officials are so transparent, it would be wise to not reveal too much.
  • K
    8 years ago
    I try not to reveal too much about myself on the off chance a client or competitor figures out who I am. The odds are very small that would happen and even smaller it would result in lost revenue. But way take that chance? there is no upside.

    I also don't want to out any dancer. I don't think they would suffer for it. I just think it isn't my choice to announce to the world what she does. I want them to respect my privacy so I respect theirs.

    When posting a story, I leave out or alter slightly some non important details that might identify one of us. If I can't, I don't post.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" i have had only one time that i got turned down by a dancer when she knew who i was on bonedin"

    There's literally nothing good that can come of a dancer knowing you're on tuscl and what your handle is. Best you can hope for in neutral, every other response will be negative, it's just a matter of how negative. As K said above: there is no upside. None.

    To your comment above, I'd say, you only KNOW of one time you got turned down by a dancer because she knew who you were on a forum. There was a guy on a local forum who the girls figured out, and plenty of them simply avoided him, or were extra stingy with what they allowed him to do or touch... they didn't tell him they were doing this, and there was no organized motion to boycott him or anything:, it was just a subtle girl-by-girl personal decision to avoid him, or him probably thinking that a high-mileage girl is actually a low-mileage girl, since she pulled back specifically for him.
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