Hungry strippers in NE and central FL
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
After missing Friday shifts due to weather and power outages, there have to be some hungry strippers right now in NE and central Florida. Even better, with so many guys who still have more pressing issues to manage (such as guys with families who have no power or those dealing with cleanup), I am wondering if conditions are ripe for new OTC engagements or even dicier ITC activities. For those of you who can get to clubs in affected areas, I suspect that tonight could be interesting.
Shouldn't have to do it that way, and shouldn't be restricted to the kinds of girls that run with no margin. I believe that many will be drug addicts. No longer have all of their marbles.
Wicked Lady, Axeman Cometh, AWESOME!…
I could write another chapter of The System on flood refugees....
Ricky trying to fuck strippers for pennies on the dollar.
Larryfish claiming to drop thousands every trip to the club.
Both douches.
This thread is a brilliant illustration of that.
I wonder when rickdugan will tell us about repeating his post-earthquake Haiti tour with a post-hurricane Haiti tour. I hear the Haitian women are pretty desperate after all.
Well, don't let it get you down. There's always another natural disaster around the corner.
Hey there lil buddy. You ok? Don't let it get you down. Here I'll buy you a beer...