New Orleans Strip Clubs Shutting Down?

avatar for Nixur68
Surprised to see this hasn't been discussed, from the article...

"Five Bourbon Street-area strip clubs and bars had their alcohol permits temporarily pulled after a month-long undercover investigation found drug and prostitution violations, state authorities announced Tuesday (Oct. 27).

The venues, located on Bourbon and along Iberville streets, include strip clubs like Centerfolds and Lipstixx, as well as some bars. Officials said their alcohol licenses were suspended, effective Tuesday." Source :…

Seems like the golden age of New Orleans Clubs is over, any local patrons able to go into any more detail?


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Interesting, but I didn't know a "golden age" for New Orleans clubs ever existed. When I have been in them they just felt like tourist traps to me with sub-average talent.
Seems SCs in tourist areas often have jacked-up prices and more miss than hit mileage - AFAIK New Orleans clubs don't have too good a rep w/ experienced SCers
One of my worst SC experiences was in NOLA. My own fault, because I don't drink much but had been overindulging before I walked in. So I was primed to be seriously non-brilliant. I doubt that I'd club in NOLA again.
Arthur Hailey wrote a book called "hotel" in the 1960's and one chapter had a very negative scene about New Orleans clubs being tourist traps/rip offs, so I knew from the time I was 12 to stay away.
Some people has suggested that the long time NOLA practices of rampant graft, over the top promises with near zero delivery, crooked cops, more crooked politicians, Gambino style business licensing and a rainbow of criminal groups controlling government, tourism, hotels, bars, booze, deliveries and even roadwork are history - but that is still how NOLA operates. Obviously, the named clubs failed to pay their "insurance" bill on time and the seven unnamed clubs are now warned about the consequences.
Note the word "temporary" and the fact that these clubs can still operate just without alcohol like strip clubs in many states. Hell, on Bourbon you can walk around with your giant drink from another bar all the way up til the time you walk into one of the strip clubs. Granted they will have a harder time making money with no alcohol but, plenty of clubs survive as such.
Say it ain't so! I'd actually like to get to NOLA and Bourbon Street in the future!
there was never a golden age of NOLA strip clubs. The scene sucks (before all this). Those ones the got shut down were total traps with a bunch of junkies working there. The like to do stuff like spring a surprise $100 fee after you already paid for a room etc. ... And you could see all the pimps and handlers hanging out on bourbon street.
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