
Pure Platinum, oakland park

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
In preparation for a visit to the Miami area, I called PP to see if they were closed. To my surprise they said they were open. I am excited to see if it will match up to how much fun I had at the sister club, solid gold, last year.

In case it doesn't pan out, I'm considering the Pompano Beach triangle over Scarlett's and Tootsie's. Any thoughts from anybody?


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Just don't get bit by any mosquitos!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    When I was in Miami the cabbies and the hotel front guys all told me to skip the strip clubs and just hit up the normal clubs. They said that where all the really gorgeous women go to play. They weren't kidding. But those women were among the sharkiest, cattiest, (insert-word)-ist, women I have ever seen. Lots of working girls. I just didn't have the fundage to even try it. I think cover alone for me was like $100, let alone drink prices. There's nothing like getting bumped from you table by staff since you aren't spending enough on drinks. Probably more fun for trust fundies and/or ballers. It was a fun experience though.

    In hindsight, I think the SC would have been more consistent and cheaper.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    They don't like me. I think they're worried about what MY blood will do to THEIR offspring. I knew experimenting with drugs was a good idea.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I was talking about mosquitos; but I'm probably salty and rough hewn for trustfunders as well.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    *too salty. Shit, is it 4:00 yet?
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Q. What's the difference between a stripper and a mosquito?
    A. When you slap a mosquito, it stops sucking.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    The Pompano triangle will do - Diamonds Dolls seems pretty popular these days; Cheetah Pompano is always a well-liked club; Booby Trap is so-so (more like diamond in the rough kinda club) - things about Pompano:

    + all clubs close at 2:00 a.m. - so doing a night-crawl may be a bit harder

    + until recently decent mileage could be had w/ the $10 floor-dances - but this was more of an aberration since traditionally the floor-dances were supposed to be no-contact - it seems now they are back to limiting contact w/ the $10 floor-dances so one has to do the $25 lap-dances to get decent mileage (which traditionally is the way is supposed to be)

    The North-Miami/South-Broward triangle consists of Tootsies; Scarlett's; and Cheetah Hallandale - these clubs all close late like 5 or 6 a.m. (unless Scarlett's and Cheetah have also had their schedule affected since they are in south Broward but I don't think so).

    In the Pompano triangle extras are available @ Diamond Dolls and Booby Trap - in the North-Miami triangle extras are only available @ Tootsies.
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    After hitting up Tootsies, right after a Pompano Triangle run a week or so before I would say hit Pompano. Hell if Pompano is a bust, you'd still have until 6am at Tootsies/Scarletts/Cheetah Hallendale. I cant tell you anything about Pure Platinum/Solid Gold though.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Tootsies gets my vote for best club in the US. I've planned many times to start there and then go to another club later but I never make it. Some Tootsies girl always fulfills my dreams and empties my wallet.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^i thought tootsies was mostly latinas.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ yeah - mostly - but not all - Tootsies has a national rep and gets a fair # of out-of-state white-girls that either move down to Miami via being able to work @ Tootsies or come-down for a couple of weeks at a time to make $$$
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