
On My Way To LA...

Avatar for AfricanLovePimppp
AfricanLovePimpppDetroit-What Up Doe?

Thanks to all for the advice on all of the high mileage clubs in LA! If you are in the area, hit me up and the first drink will be on me! Peace.


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Let us know how it went and which clubs you hit - have fun & be safe

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Watch out for the Bloods and the Crips

Avatar for crazyjoe

I am sure you will love giving blow jobs in LA

Avatar for Jascoi

put flamingo at the very bottom of your list. you ain't missing much.

synn coi is usually good... so is spearmint rhino later at night as is tropical lei in UPLAND. and hong kong is sooooo awesome.

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