
Back to Traveling and Dancing, what are your favorite clubs?

avatar for JustCallMeChuli

Hi my name is too complicated so just call me Chuli. I just made 23, I write erotic literature (I also commission my work!), Indianapolis, no children, African American, I weigh 128 pounds, very long legged and I have a world class rack, I am currently a boring insurance broker for a large company. And hey, if you wanna help me out, I'll send you a pic ;) Im a spinner with a great silhouette. I used to travel dance back when I was 19 and 20 and I want to dance again. If you're in the Midwest, what are your favorite clubs? Military cities welcome!! I was raised in New Orleans, so if you know of a club close to there, that you think would be great send it to me. I have racked up about $250 dollars in air miles and am only going to get more, I'm there.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
8 yrs ago

Spinners do NOT weigh 128 lbs and do Not have big racks.

avatar for jackslash
8 yrs ago

I like the weight and big rack. Post some pics so we can enjoy.

As for clubs, try the Penthouse Club in Detroit and the Flight Club in the Detroit suburb of Inkster.

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

If that's you in your profile pic, you're a cute girl.

avatar for ButterMan
8 yrs ago

I'm in Indy as well. I like Dancers and the brass flamingo there.

avatar for mikeya02
8 yrs ago

I would like to see a world class rack

avatar for jestrite50
8 yrs ago

If you are in Indy you would fit better at Dancers Showcase on the west side on Washington Street. That's my favorite club in Indy. Why move ? there are good clubs nearby.

avatar for JustCallMeChuli
8 yrs ago

That is me in my picture, and I did not say 'big rack'. I said world class. I am a C cup, I believe my breasts are perfect. You guys aren't playing fair, I asked for a few of your favorite clubs and you want a picture first :(.

Anyway, I've tried Dancers before they have changed a lot, what do you like about them and Brass Flamingo? I'd like to dance in Indy sparingly.

avatar for JustCallMeChuli
8 yrs ago

Im terrified of Detroit, unfortunately.

avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

Detroit is what you make of it, Chuli.

I'm a life long resident. True, crime exists. If you are careful, in the city, you will be safe.

avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

We have many clubs around Detroit in the suburbs. The Penthouse Club, The Flight Club, Crikets, BT's among the many. You could do well here.

avatar for jackslash
8 yrs ago

Mama_Chuli, come to Detroit. Vince and I will protect you.

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

I never play fair that would be no fun but if you post a pic or three I'll Give you some good Florida info. .......................

; )

avatar for Timbuck12
8 yrs ago

Atlanta is the Mecca of sexy black dancers.

avatar for JustCallMeChuli
8 yrs ago

Lol thankyou for that, lets hope I won't need it. Okay I can add those to my list, thanks Vince and Jack! Im going to read some of those reviews. i want to send you two some pictures to tell me what you think :) do we exchange emails or does this site have a messenger?

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

What ButterMan said! I, too, frequent Indy clubs and like Brass Flamingo and Dancers (as well as the day shift at Club Rio). If that's your picture and you have long legs and C cups, I would spend a lot of money on you!

Compared to other Indy clubs, Brass Flamingo and Dancers have lots of good-looking girls of different races and feature nice $20 lappers with two-way contact. Both have decent food (for strip clubs) and lots of beer and other alcohol choices. Both have VIP rooms that, as far as I now, aren't too over the top. (I personally have never experienced or even been offered extras at either, unlike at Rio.)

You don't need to travel. Indy has 16 strip clubs to choose from, ranging from places like Patty's Showclub and Paradise Cove at the bottom to PT's at the top, with Brass Flamingo and Dancers being much closer to the top of that range.

avatar for JustCallMeChuli
8 yrs ago

Timbuck, I keep hearing that, what clubs do you like there? I know black girls don't say this, but I do prefer something tame and laid back. As tame as a strip club can get anyway....

So far from this thread, I'm going to go to Dancers in Indy.

avatar for JustCallMeChuli
8 yrs ago

[b] hmm..[/b]

avatar for ButterMan
8 yrs ago

Yes you should go to dancers..me and mr deuce will see you there:)

avatar for JamesSD
8 yrs ago

What did you just make 23 of?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

If you wanna travel because you wanna experience different areas; there are a few areas w/ good strip-club scenes.

Phoenix; Dallas, Houston, Miami; Atlanta; Detroit.

You said you'ved danced before - so perhaps you are aware that an an AA dancer often times it's not as easy as to say "I like that club I'm gonna dance there" - many of the better mixed-clubs seem to have an AA-dancer quota thus it's not as easy as to say "I wanna dance there (even if you are good-looking)".

It's hard to pick out out a good-club in an area one is unfamiliar with - a good rule of thumb is to look at the clubs w/ the most reviews since those tend to be the better ones (although not foolproof) - or if you have a city in mind then you can post a city-specific thread.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

Chicago is not good for custies b/c of the low-mileage; but seems the clubs may be good for dancers because of the low-mileage and often expensive dances - MrDeuce is def your contact for Midwest info.

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

Mami_Chuli, if you decide to dance in Indy, let us know with another discussion post and/or PM me. I would get dances with you for sure. "Tame and laid back" is OK for starters :)

avatar for georgebailey
8 yrs ago

Detroit isn't scarey if you know where you're going.

The decent Detroit venues are on the outskirts and city border.

I think you can paste pictures into messenger.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

Yeah Chuli; throw a dog a bone - post some pics on imgbox.com then post the link on here.

Actually - via your pics our crack professional team can better choose a club for you - for real girl

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

You never know what you could be missing, I'm in Palm Beach County we have got the best weather in the country from October till February, and the richest people from all 50 states own homes here, and are here during the winter season. Internationally, we get a boatload of Europeans in the winter, although we get a lot of South Americans here in the off season because that is their winter, many own condos in Miami, which is only 40 minutes south of Palm Beach County .BTW here in Florida we call the area where you are flyover country, for a good reason. "-)

avatar for JohnSmith69
8 yrs ago

It would help if you told us what kind of club you want. Are you looking for a black club, a mixed race club, or mostly white girls where you would be somewhat unique and exotic? Do you want really upscale, or can you handle more of a blue collar kind of place? Are you willing to give full contact lap dances, or do you insist upon more of an air dance place? Under the right circumstances are you willing to be extra friendly?

Also a link to a picture of your tits would help us tremendously in figuring out the kind of club you'd fit well in. Remember, we are all strip club professionals here, so no need to be shy.

avatar for Jascoi
8 yrs ago

consider spearmint rhino, synn (both nude) in the city of industry (los angeles county), 4 play in west los angeles, las vegas spearmint rhino, (treasures. both topless).

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

I like mid-tier mixed clubs. The clubs here in Cleveland along with the rules here are not good. So I cannot recommend this area.

Happy Hunting!

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

If you ever get out to LA, Larryfisherman will spend money on you.

avatar for Dancer_
8 yrs ago

Jeez, guys.

What stripper in her right mind would move to Detroit specifically to dance? Even if she was doing extras, it still would a wrong place for her, as extras there are not expensive at all.

Houston is ehhhh as well. Phoenix has 10$ lap-dances so why would anyone travel there.

You said you were born in NOLA, it seemed like a good place to dance, at least those clubs on Bourbon street. Well, I wouldn't go there right now, after vices' busts but I am just saying in generally.

If I were you, I would try Chicago.

avatar for HungryGiraffe
8 yrs ago

My favorite club in the Midwest is Christy's Cabaret in Cleveland OH. Good luck to ya!

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

I'd pass on Detroit, too.

avatar for sweetjamesjones
8 yrs ago

If you are open to making the drive to the Chicago area, Red Diamond is a decent club. They are also opening a V-Live in Chicago soon.


avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

Send money, NOW

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

I grew up in Detroit, and I agree with others that say Detroit is not a great place to work, it's the extras capital of the United States.

avatar for ButterMan
8 yrs ago

Am I seeing things or did dancer95 just make an appearance? talk about a blast from the past. or maybe i just haven't been keeping up?

avatar for jpcher
8 yrs ago

Maybe baltimore for a weekend

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

she pops in from time to time. There are a lot of lurkers, it seems.

Damn you cute. If you ever come out to the "A", let a brotha know.

@Dancer95. Don't be so quick to judge clubs with $10 dances. These girls in Atlanta are making MAD money in many of the clubs and dances in every Atlanta Club are $5 or $10. You don't make money by driving up the price; you make money by attracting more customers in the clubs. That is one of the main reasons why Atlanta is a popular clubbing city because the clubs attract more customers at those more reasonable prices.

avatar for Corvus
8 yrs ago

Chuli, if that picture is of you, and you come dance in Phoenix or Albuquerque, even Tucson, I'll spend money on you. Lots of money.

avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

Nothing like a monger fight over a gal. LOL

avatar for minnow
8 yrs ago

Is this a reincarnation of "Fetish Dancer"?

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

^^^^Or anangirl

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

^^^Or CookieMoney

avatar for Mate27
8 yrs ago

Dancer95, Phoenix may have $10 dances but the extras girls make big bank on all the retired guys with discretionary money. It's safe and steady income as what harm is a 60 yr old going to do?

Black girls make bank with older white males, easily $1000 plus per shift during the day, and much more if they're willing to hustle. I've seen them tip out $300-$400 to the bouncers, so figure out how much that is in one shift? It's easily $2000 in dances, mostly from VIP.

avatar for Tiburon
8 yrs ago

Few things.

  1. how can you have a "world class rack" and be a spinner? What kind of definition are you using?

  2. pics or it didn't happen

avatar for Tiburon
8 yrs ago

How is chi-town any better than Detroit? Chicago is known as Chiraq for Pete sake

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

^It depends if one means if it's better from the dancers' P.O.V. or the customers' P.O.V.

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

Chicago's premiere club used to be the Admiral Theater. They has feature dancers like Venus DeLight, porn stars like Christy Canyon, etc. Full nude, nonalcohol, and the girls made bank. Unfortunately, I think you may be too young to dance in New Orleans, they made a minimum age law like 25 or something. The Big Easy has turned into an overbearing no-fun Nanny State.

avatar for crazyjoe
8 yrs ago

Tits! Tits! Tits!

Show your tits!

avatar for crazyjoe
8 yrs ago

Tits! Tits! Tits!

Show your tits!

avatar for jackslash
8 yrs ago

Why is everybody hating on Detroit? You're gonna hurt our feelings!

avatar for Dancer_
8 yrs ago

@butterman, I haven't been here in a while, yeah.:)

@Mistah, girls make tons of money in some of Atlanta clubs thanks to rain-making, not cause dances are cheap. And then there is cheetah with its high-rollers. And who cares if clubs there are busier or not. It's all about quality, not quantity.

Meat72, exactly, "extras" girls. And we don't know whether she is down with it or now. Even if she is, she is better off doing extras in NYC or Vegas, imo.

avatar for Dancer_
8 yrs ago

Although OP is very pretty and will do fine everywhere but again - she is a dancer, not a monger. So certain cities that are avoided by experienced customers often turn out to be the most lucrative for strippers.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

Who knows for sure what dancers earn except them - but IME I see a lot more dances being sold in $10 clubs vs $20+ clubs.

I know me as a custy; I'm much more willing to say yes to a $10 dance w/o thinking about it much if at all - at $20+; I def think about it more and def pull the dance-trigger w/ less frequency - and not only do I say yes to $10 dances more easily; but I tend to get more in a row vs being much more conservative w/ the $20+ ones - also; a $10/dance club will get me in there easier and more often; whereas $20+ clubs I may skip on visiting as often even if I'm in the mood to hit a club.

avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

And with $25 dances very common, one should be pretty darn sure, the dancer will be worth it.

avatar for Dancer_
8 yrs ago

It's way more time-consuming and physically demanding to hit your goal with 10$ dances vs 25$. You need more guys to sell them.

I work/have worked in clubs with 20-30$ dances and I can't say that all of those girls working there are/were lookers nor not all of them give good mileage. Clubs still are in business.:)

Also again, OP is beautiful and she could def get hired in upscale places(assuming her body is fine). Why move to Phoenix and give medium/high-contact dances for 10 bucks while she can do the same, let's say in NOLA, for 30-40$?

Cheaper dances usually mean cheaper private rooms too.

Also Papi, you look at this situation from a position of guy who lives in a city clubs offering both 10$ and 25$ dances thus you can compare while guys in Arizona usually take their cheap dances for granted. You know what I mean?

avatar for Dancer_
8 yrs ago

Where clubs*

avatar for Dancer_
8 yrs ago

Are offering*

avatar for Dancer_
8 yrs ago

My English today though, wtf

avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

That's OK, a lotta people can't type too well on their smart phones. Those keyboards are small.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

@ D95:

Yes - most of us see it for the most-part from the POV of what we are familiar w/ and have experienced - in that vein it can also be seen from the POV that you seem to mostly dance in the NE where things are more expensive all-around and perhpas the avg custy in that area may not see $20 or $25 dances as expensive.

For many custies the strip-club expendeture may be the #1 reason they don't visit as often as they would like and a club w/ good value often times makes it easier to get custies in the door and at least spending something vs not coming in at all or coming in w/ a mindset of just looking.

Most businesses that are successful are so by offering the best value while others that don't will often falter - but - strip-clubs are kinda a different animal and not like a normal business for the most-part and also location often plays a role on the type of strip-clubbing - the NE being so heavily populated and w/ folks often having higher salaries; means most SCs in an area like that can survive if not thrive.

avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

My thoughts are, some girls are able to make money anywhere, although certain girls do much better in some areas, than others but in my experience, most just don't make the kind of money that they expected or hoped for, due to many factors, as a result you see a lot of turnover in the clubs a direct result of girls being unable to afford their basic necessities, the ones who stick it out either turn to P4P in one form or another or settle for living a less than middle class lifestyle. I'm not talking about the druggies that changes everything and i avoid them as best as possible.

avatar for chessmaster
8 yrs ago

It seems like strip club prices are usually based on the cost of living often times. Which is great for traveling dancers but a dancer that lives in Phoenix doing dances for $10 is as well off as a dancer living in NYC doing dances for $20(not to mention those outrageous vip prices). So since op is traveling, NYC or Vegas would be better. Also new York and Vegas have the advantage of tourists and businessmen and company expense accounts throwing away money artificially boosting prices.

avatar for flagooner
8 yrs ago

Do you provide extras? We need a bit of info to give valid recommendations.

avatar for crazyjoe
8 yrs ago

Show your tits

avatar for crazyjoe
8 yrs ago

We want boobs

avatar for Tiburon
8 yrs ago

IF she comes to NY, she needs to let me know. I'll make her feel like I'm a celebrity and make it rain on her.

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

Of course Chicago is a better place from a stripper's POV than Detroit. Chicago doesn't have the relentless pressure to offer extras that Detroit does and is much safer, even if it's called "Chiraq". Chicago has many more murders and other violent crimes than Detroit in an absolute sense, because it's a much larger city, but much lower rates of violent crime per capita.

Now as a customer I see the advantages of clubbing in Detroit and make a point of going there at least once a year, but I'm trying to compare the two cities from the dancer's POV.

avatar for Dancer_
8 yrs ago

@Papi, dance prices have been standard 20 bucks for decades though while level of contact is way higher now than it used to be. So I don't think that 20-25$ is too much to ask for a lap-dance.

While lots of business do well cause they offer value, there always will be luxury segment. Steakhouses and Louis Vuitton didn't go out of business because of Burger King and H&M.

Either way, as I said, she is pretty and is able to travel. Also our career is short and we should make as much as we can , Therefore she should target cities with wealthy population or/and tourists with deep pockets and expensive clubs ie NYC, Vegas, NOLA, Boston, Chicago,etc. Not Detroit or Phoenix, lol.

I am sorry for corrupting a new dancer though.:)

avatar for MrDeuce
8 yrs ago

I hope you stay in Indy and dance at Brad's, Chuli! You can replace some of my favorite chocolate delights, now sadly departed, like Gia and Charlie.

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