
Homesick For North America

<p> I am writing this blog from Scotland. Retirement boredom followed me to Europe for this winter vacation. An old oil patch buddy from Canada now running a company operating in the North Sea talked me into looking at a problem he is having with a well. Fascinating stuff for me. I am spending time on a production platform out in the British sector of the North Sea. My wits are being taxed by a complicated problem. I am hanging out with guys who talk the language of my 45 year career. How sweet it is!<p> No time for the Aberdeen SCs. Time for the occasional wee dram in a pub, however. Should you ever come across a Scotch called Princess Mary, treat that whisky with reverence. It is the finest "eau de vie" I have ever sampled.<p> An email from a friend back home had the following attachment:<p> http://photoclub.canadiangeographic.ca/p… I have talked often about my place in Alberta that I call Rancho farmerart. My place is about 20km from where the photo in that link was taken. The drama of that photo is what I see around me daily for the six months of good weather at Rancho farmerart. I love that part of Canada but winters are not quite so enticing. This winter has seen the heaviest snowfall in my little rural neighbourhood since 1974. Sure hope my neighbour is keeping my driveway plowed as he promised!<p> The vacation from North American SCs has tested me. I shall stop in Toronto for a short stay when I come back to North America in March. God help that janitor at the Cannonball if he interrupts me on my first visit to the VIP after this celibate sojourn in Europe!!


    14 years ago
    Art, if the Toronto strip clubs don't work out (there was a recent news post to the Discussion section about Police informing strip club owners there was sex taking place in their clubs and that they could be fined as a result), search back for the blog I posted about Massage Parlors nearby The Cannonball.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    are escorts legal in toronto?
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    Yes, they basically are...as long as no solicitation is done in public, LE in Ontario basically leaves the escorts & their agencies alone.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    MG: Just out of curiosity, how does the anti-pimping law work with an escort agency? Doesn't that count as "profiting" from prostitution? Or are the agencies doing something that makes them qualitatively different from your run of the mill pimp?
  • troop
    14 years ago
    sheesh art! quit complaing and go visit that fkk club in germany that i pointed you at awhile back. and bring me back a leggy brunette ;)
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    <p>While brothel ownership & pimping are technically illegal in Canada, they are basically tolerated to a large extent across much of Canada (not all of it, particularly in the West & central part of the country from what I can tell). I dated an American girl that used to work for an escort agency in Ottawa & Montreal a while back, and she told several tales of going to hotels, asking for a particular room number or hotel guest, and being asked very bluntly, "Oh, are you from (such & such) agency?". It was no big deal to anyone.</p>

    <p>If LE in Canada runs across pimping or prostitution being done out in public, then they usually will respond negatively...but they don't go out of their way (in general) to find such activities. Escorting is almost exclusively done indoors anyways.</p>

    <p>As we've talked about before on the discussion board, the prostitution laws in Canada are likely on their way to being liberalized even more, and I think LE can see that writing on the wall.</p>
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    So in other words, an "agency" really is a "pimp" according to the legal definition, but nobody really gives a shit. Do you think this is because they are acting more like actual agents should, i.e. representing, promoting and actually *helping*, and not the slaver that many pimps tend to be, or because they have more political clout, or simply, as you say, LE sees the writing on the wall and doesn't feel like wasting time with them?
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    <p>I don't have enough experience with escort agencies in Canada to tell you whether or not they are actually like "actual agents" or "slaver pimps". My guess is that it's the former & not the latter though. Most of my OTC hookups in Quebec are through friends of mine.</p>

    <p>What I can say is that LE seems waaaay more laid back about things like small amounts of pot possession, prostitution, AMPS, etc. than U.S. LE is. Don't get me wrong, they take drug trafficking VERY seriously at the U.S. border (on both sides), but I've yet to hear of an escort agency being taken down by LE in Canada. Street prostitution is another thing, especially in the Canadian Midwest & (to a lesser extent) in Ontario.</p>
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