
The secret to banging a dancer...

I get so tired of seeing this stuff on the internet about trying to pick up strippers or how to get a stripper to fuck. This crap is so bs. First off if a stripper wants to fuck you then she is going to. If not then she isn't. Lets be honest some girls are only dancers and that is it and others are dancers but lets be honest it has a gray line between going further. To some the though of grinding their pussy inches from a persons face is fine but letting them inside is oh so wrong. others not so much. But the real point is there is no trick. Heres the truth from a dancer. If you fuck a stripper shes either paying bills or horny and your hot. i have danced for a ton of people. sometimes its just work. other times i am repulsed and other times i need a lifeguard i am so wet. it really just depends. The only way in is either pay if shes that type or just be nice and tip accordingly and don't be ugly. i can remember a time that i met up with a traveler outside of the club. Met him inside and literally was so horny i couldn't stand it. As soon as the club closed and we got away from it, it was on. No secret and no money just a hot guy and a horny me lol. But if you honesly think there is a secret to sleeping with us then your are seriously mistaken.


  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Lol! No way. There's a got to be a "system" involved.
  • BigPoppa99
    8 years ago
    ;) Totally agree. Being good looking, rich, and charming are sometimes not all it takes. It's really up to the dancer....
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    That is so spot on. i mean sometimes it even comes down to a "i don't feel like it"
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Strippers are women, and unless it's P4P, women are usually much more picky as to whom they hook up with and when
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I agree that if a dancer really wants to have sex with you and she is persistent, then you'll likely have sex with her. It also helps if she gives you a bj the second you are alone so you don't have time to think about it too much. That's my weakness. I have trouble saying no when she's already sucking.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    Shit. I'm sol.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    Another thing to consider is if you aren't tipping frequently and a dancer stays with you then she def wants it. i actually get turned on by dancing naked if the person i am dancing for is hot.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Are you talking about P4P? If it's P4P, the secret is to "just ask".

    If you're talking about free, then yeah I agree with you.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    What Chulo said
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Great thread Poledancer. From what I see "the dancer always chooses."
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    "Met him inside and literally was so horny i couldn't stand it. As soon as the club closed and we got away"

    His name wasn't Manti Te'o by any chance?
  • ppwh
    8 years ago
    Wait a minute. Did you learn your paragraphing from Igoham?

    He seems like a very nice young man who would probably give you money for an emergency vet bill if your dog swallowed chocolate.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    No secret, but ways to present yourself in a more positive light. IE ways to make yourself "hotter" and more attractive.
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    Agree fucking strippers is about satisfying mutual needs, and OTC P4P is not at all hard. Although banging strippers for free, takes a bit more effort and patience.

    I love the game of fucking strippers because strip clubs provide a wonderful initial screening process for beautiful young women (sex workers) looking for incremental financial support and sexual fun. Haven't found a better quick fuck vetting mechanism.

    For those playing this game there are some basic requirements. Namely, not being cheap and having decent personal hygiene, uh just like in the civvy world.
  • poledancer83
    8 years ago
    Yes hygiene is crucial as well.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^given that dancers always bring this up as a point to remind customers and potential hookups, says to me that more guys need to take this one seriously. It is always good to be reminded of this from a dancer so customers understand the importance.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    If dancing for hot men turn poledancer on, then I'll have her sweating by the bucket load
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Disagree that there isn't a little system to it. Here are the two cases where there's no system:
    1. Dancer wants to fuck you for free. In every case where this happened to me, the dancer pursued me, and there was no confusion about it. No system needed.

    2. Dancer does p4p with anyone -- or at least any customer that's not a douchebag or creepy. In that case, just ask, and offer enough money. No system needed

    That said, I've done OTC with many strippers who are in no-extras clubs, many of whom are new to stripping, or generally don't do OTCs (as evidenced by the fact that they'll turn down other guys, the fact that I have to pursue them for a while, etc). For low-volume, no-volume, and first-timer girls, there's a little bit of art to it. Not much, but all of this helps:
    - don't be creepy
    - gain her trust... by being trustworthy
    - be fun, and hold up your end of the conversation
    - don't be repulsive, or at the very least, try to figure out how to repulse her relatively less, given what you have to work with :)
    - be respectful but not a doormat, don't put her on a pedestal (see "don't be creepy" and "be fun").
    - expect to pursue her, but know when it's time to fish, and when it's time to cut bait
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Well, unfortunately, I'm not in the "so hot girls get wet just looking at me" category, so for me, the secret it bringing enough money. There *have* been a few dancers who've say with me for free, but the ATF and the MILF are the only ones recently (since I was in the military) who've met me without exchanging money.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    I think Poledancer said it all in her opening remarks and pretty much put it out on the line.

    Somehow I would bet this thread will get near record responses due to PL's having to pile their "I know better than the stripper" responses and obligatory shit posts for the trolls.
  • Lone_Wolf
    8 years ago
    I'm also not in the "so hot" category that strippers will screw for free. When pursuing the finer talent a "system" comes in handy to gain comfort and trust. That is where the secrets lie. A honey needs to be convinced that OTC will be safe, lucrative and fun.

    I've tried the "just ask" approach on first meeting a (finer talent) dancer and have found the percentage of success goes up dramatically when a system is used.

    There are methods that improve success that transcend just being non-creepy, clean and having money.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I use the "Juice Crew System" - over 85% success rate & no 3-piece suit required
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I combine the system with the front room system and the just ask system.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ the trifecta

  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    PD, if you are talking about "free" sex then I agree with you. Pick up artists who promote ways to easily fuck any stripper for free are idiots.

    However, when you are paying for sex, experience helps with some dancers. For example, I met all of my dream strippers after they had worked only a few days. They had no intention of ever being prostitutes, and it took a lot more than my money to convince them to do everything that we eventually did together. And even dancers who have already decided to fuck for money have varying degree of standards regarding who they will play with. Experience (or a system as its called here) helps convince the more discerning dancers that a particular PL is safe, respectful, and the kind she is willing to fuck.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    JS69-->" They had no intention of ever being prostitutes, and it took a lot more than my money to convince them to do everything that we eventually did together. And even dancers who have already decided to fuck for money have varying degree of standards regarding who they will play with. Experience (or a system as its called here) helps convince the more discerning dancers that a particular PL is safe, respectful, and the kind she is willing to fuck."

    Exactly. I can't understand how anyone who has actually done this (as a customer -- I realize most strippers won't have experience with this and may not realize it) would argue the point. It's also I don't agree with this quote:

    poledancer89-->"The only way in is either pay if shes that type or just be nice and tip accordingly and don't be ugly."

    It's the "if she's that type" where the problem is -- the fact, shown over and over again, is that for many girls, whether she's "that type" depends on you and yoru approach. It is absolutely the case that there are girls who do OTC with some guys but not others (no one would argue with that, right? No one believes a girl either OTCs with everyone, or no one?), and the amount of money offered is not always the deciding factor, or not the only one.

    BTW poledancer, love the post and always great to read a stripper's view! My experience has just been different... then again, I think that a customer who has banged a lot of new or hesitant strippers, has a lot of experience that most strippers won't have.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    You mean the system doesn't work?
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Some do and some don't. The better question is: how to find out?
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    You old farts need not worry about it. The answer is no regardless of if you use the system.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    ^Checkmate. ;)
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    eh thats only if youre willing to pay up and those whores will fuck anybody regardless.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    i know because im ugly. :)
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Like any women, it's a lot of luck and not being unattractive or creepy.

    There's a dancer I'm friendly with who is half my age. Were I single and a decade younger I could probably have smashed it for free. She even admitted once she would go home with the first hot young marine who walked through the door; she was single and horny that day.

    A lot of my pussy in my life was being at the right place and not fucking up.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    "A lot of pussy in my life was being at the right place and not fucking up".

  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    "Totally agree. Being good looking, rich, and charming are sometimes not all it takes. It's really up to the dancer"

    And when it's up to them they often choose..
    broke bum mooches that are supported by them
    broke bum baby daddies that are supported by them
    thugs that treat them like shit and totally disrespect them
    drug dealers "see thugs above"
    pimps "see thugs and drug dealers above"
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