UPDATE: HELP!!! :( I like a dancer but not sure if she like me or not

avatar for Igoham
Hey guys I posted my original discussion last week and just wanted to say thanks to all that read and commented! Some helpful and some child like. So to those that was interested I thought I'd catch you up.

After our last meet up on 7/28 we talked a bunch only to have her not text me for a few days. So I texted her a few days ago saying I would probably be coming in to the club tonight but of course no reply. So I went anyway and had some pretty good dances and had a long talk with a couple of the girls that I had seen before. One of them said I seem like the kinda guy she would have a drink with outside the club and that it would only be as friends and absolutely nothing more. She also warned me about a couple girls that are skanky and no good. So only natural for me to ask about the girl im interested in and she follows up with she seems extremely sweet and very clean but doesn't know her well enough. So a few days go by and still no reply from this girl I like. I decided to text her something like hey I know your not a big texter and I'm sure you been busy and all but I'm getting the feeling your blowing me off. I thought the last time we hung out went pretty well but I don't want to keep texting you if your not gonna reply. You seem like a good person and I would like to get to know you better but I'm trying to figure out if we could be friends, a really fun customer or if you just want me to lose your number. I'm okay with any bad long as I understand this situation better. Another day and shocking no response. Today she finally texts me saying that shes embarrassed to tell me that shes been fired about 3 weeks ago from a really good job and now has a shitty job (grocery store) that pays much less and requires her to work more hours. She pretty much told me she having a rough time emotionally and extremely stressed out and that shes very sorry she hasn't givin me any attention and that's she hasn't had time to breath from the stress of work and her financial situation isn't very good. I followed up with some encouragement and mentioned if she's having a tough time that maybe we could work something out. Still no reply but thought you guys might be interested in some follow up.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
IDK, on the surface it looks like to me you are beating a dead-horse - it shouldn't be that hard to get together w/ a chick if she wants to or is sincerely interested - personally I think you're being played as "the damsel in financial distress" is more than a common stripper hustle
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
You shouldn't have to jump thru so many hoops to get w/ a chick even less-so if it's P4P, either find a civvy that wants to genuinely go out w/ you or find a better P4P dancer
avatar for Igoham
9 years ago
I wouldn't mind spending on her what I would normally in the club if I could hit it a little.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
She likes your money and is playing you in a long con.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
My point is you are having to jump thru too many hoops - and you may be a little fixated on her making you ripe to getting taken advantage of & played, this happens all the time w/ inexperienced SCers
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Have to agree with Papi. Girls who are interested in a guy don't go that long without contacting him. She gave you some lame excuse for not calling. She knows your interest level because you keep calling. I expect she will string you along as long as you keep treating her as a possible girlfriend. She doesn't see you as boyfriend material.
avatar for clubdude
9 years ago
Time to move on1. Sounds like typical SS.
avatar for bang69
9 years ago
She has you on the hook and is playing with you. What part of she only wants your money don't you understand.
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
If she wanted to get to know you or hang out with you she would have responded or initiated contact with you. Moreover, she didn't even bite when you mentioned you might could help her out in her situation. Find several strippers and just know it's mostly business, then you won't be worrying this that and the other about just one.
avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
It's time to move on. She might contact you a few weeks/months or years from now when she has some need. Right now, she has clearly other things going on that don't involve you.

Maybe she found a sugar daddy, maybe she has a new boyfriend who doesn't even want her stripping, etc. If you're still wanting to go the stripper route, you could surely rebound to another from this rebound stripper. Or maybe you could just find a real girl. ;)
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Unless I'm reading this wrong, I think OP is fully aware that this is P4P. He is not delusional about this becoming a bf/gf relationship.

She should be back working at the strip club not the grocery store though.
avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
(I don't know why she swallowed the fly... perhaps she'll die!)
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
I think it's easier to get out of the friend-zone with a civvie than to get out of the PL-zone with a stripper.
avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
@Bavarian, the grocery store thing sounds like a typical implausible story. I haven't heard of a stripper getting fired from a club and not going to work at another one.

If she were so hard up for cash that she were signing up for overtime shifts at a grocery store making $18/hr instead of $12, she would probably jump at the chance to get with a guy she has already been with to supplement her income.
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
You've got to make her respect you man. Squawk!

Tell her that she WILL like your cloaca until you jizz in her mouth. Then she will swallow your jizz. Squawk!

That how I treat female hairless apes and it always works. Squawk!
avatar for Bavarian
9 years ago
Like ppwh said, it's possible she has a new boyfriend or an ex came back in her life. I just find it very odd that she is not back in the strip club if she is so stressed out about money. A boyfriend would be OK with her working as a a stripper as long as she is not fucking customers.
avatar for Igoham
9 years ago
From what she has told me she doesn't really work at the club unless she knows she's gonna be short financially. Like I said before I don't think she is the smartest girl but I don't think she's all the dum either. I don't really expect a relationship out if this but I would like to hit it once or twice more and if it turns into something else awesome if not no big deal. When I told her I might be able to help if we could work something out. Did I make it clear enough what that means?
avatar for Igoham
9 years ago
As far as her love life she has told me she was dating her roommate/best friend. Happens to be a girl but says they get along better as friends so one is trying to move out.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Fuck you jackie
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
Dancers only like your money. Believe me. You unfortunately happen to be the middle man she has to deal with to get it.
avatar for ppwh
9 years ago
Igoham, not sure if what you said is clear enough, maybe you should hire a skywriter to write it in the air over her house ;)

Seriously, though, she might text you in a couple/few weeks saying how she needs $200 or so for something and try to set up a meeting where you hand it to her and then both walk off in separate directions.

It will definitely be for something really important, though. Strippers' dogs swallow chocolate all the time and they usually need to meet up with a guy on the way to the emergency vet for money.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Go take a shit. You will feel lots smarter
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
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