
Techniques to Hustle More Money

Monday, August 1, 2016 12:05 PM
Learn any of these the hard way? Had other techniques tried on you? Overcounting dances, shortchanging, etc.. "Pay my tip-outs and I'll give you some free dances next time" Fact: When you next see her, she 'forgot', or says it's been slow and she really needs money again, or she's never seen there again. "Buy me a drink ($20-) and I'll come back to you as soon as I finish my next set" Fact: Never returns, or says she really needs to give this huge tipper some dances, disappears with him, or is never to be seen again. "I need a hundred to settle up tip-outs, dealer, etc. and I'll meet you when my shift is over" Fact: Passes you on her way out, dressed in civie clothes with her boyfriend/dealer. I actually heard a custy the other night arguing with a manager that a girl had grabbed money out of his pocket, while giving him a dance. The manager said her side of the story was that he gave it to her, and that he could stay but would be asked to leave if he was going to try to cause trouble.


  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    That last scene rio isn't a hustle it's a robbery and I would never back down if a manager asked me to leave after getting my pocket picked like that I would cause a scene if necessary refraining from violence of course and go call the cops myself if I needed to.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    It could be argued that all these scenarios are robbery in the form of theft via unfulfilled services under verbal contract. Hmmm. Civil court lawsuit? I can visualize it now!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    The three examples you gave, are all variations of "give me something now, and I'll make it up to you later." I imagine these only work on relatively new customers who don't understand what strippers are about. I can see myself falling for that when I was a brand new rube SC customer, for sure, but I can't imagine a seasoned PL falling for those. Somewhat similar to those types of hustles are the "vague promises" hustles. "We can do more in the back", "I'll really make it worth your while", etc. I think anyone can (and probably will, at some point) fall victim to overcounting. I think among seasoned PLs, I'm surprised at the number of guys who get intimidated or bullied into giving tips, through various manipulations. Sometimes the PLs justify their beta mentality to themselves by saying "She demanded a tip so I tipped her this one time, and I'm going to show her by never returning to her", but really, you've still gotten intimidated into giving money you didn't want to give. By a 22-year-old. Wearing a g-string.
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    I never buy dancers a drink unless they have been sitting with me already. The rest of this sounds suspicious and I wouldn't do any of those.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I usually never prepay for anything. I'll buy a drink but only if she's actively sitting with me (not "I'll come back later").
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Sometimes girls want you to buy them a drink, because then you will see it as having made a down payment. In our local strip clubs, there are sometimes hookers, and often they will say, "Buy me a drink". She probably wants a drink, but more she just wants you to feel you should then take further steps to finish what you have started. But the house dancers sometimes do that too. But as our clubs are no touching, mostly they just want to sit and talk with you, and maybe give them more money. But I have seen it with a girl I had talked with much before. What she wanted was an outside relationship. So your girl might have come back as she said. Just trying to get you tied to her, before any other girl gets you. We have had threads about this, about not feeling that you have to buy drinks, about guys substituting soft drinks, or I suppose just cash. SJG
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    In my second ever trip to the club I had spent about $700 on a girl. To this day she is still probably the most beautiful stripper I've ever met, and probably best conversation. We had a great night, but at the end of the night asked if I'd give her $120 more so she could "hit her goal". I was slightly hesitant, made her beg a little, but relented and gave it to her. I was in total stripper love. The funny thing is, it wasn't until later that I thought I should have just told her to at least throw down some dances for that money; I think she would have actually worked for it had I just asked. After all, we had been doing dances and hanging out all night. I must not have felt too taken advantage of at the time, because she was there a month later when I went back and I spent the whole night with her again, this time only money for services as she didn't try that again. I never saw her again. I truly believe she would be my CF, possibly ATF, if she were still around, but others told me she left the club and is at another one in the same city (Vegas). But no one knew, or would say, which club. Sidenote, sorry to hijack the thread a little. She gave me her real name, which I later confirmed was real by Facebook stalking :) - Would it be appropriate at this point to send a Facebook message and ask if she is still working and where, or is that super creepy? These two trips were in February and March.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    That much money! OTC! SJG
  • minnow
    8 years ago
    @TJ55- Creepy ? A couple of things: She's probably forgotten your name after 4 to 5 months, and done the same thing to more suckers than you have fingers and toes during that time span.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Minnow, I'm sure of it. But I'm also not following, are you saying yes, that's creepy, or saying to just send the message, because who the hell cares, it's been 4 months, she probably forgot your name?
  • TravelingGolfer
    8 years ago
    I fell for the "give me $100 more and we'll leave together" line. In my defense, I was already fucking this girl in the club, knew her real name, and we were communicating outside the club. Turns out she was willing to play with me ITC, but always got picked up by her jealous bf after her shifts, so she was lying to me about OTC. This was my first experience with a ROB. Since I was fucking her, knew her real name, and was talking to her outside the club, I was shocked that she would lie to me. Silly me. Lesson learned. She was a true hustler.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    True story: She said can she get a tip and I pulled out the tip of my dick. She happily sucked on it and let me nut in her empty McDonald's cup. Then she asked for another tip. And demanded i tip her cash for letting her ravage the tip and all of my dick. She even said I owed her even though it was supposed to be mutually beneficial. These hoes and their excellent hustle tactics
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I usually pay for my big Mack in advance
  • clubdude
    8 years ago
    When I was beginning my PL adventures ( late 80's). I left my change and covered drink at the bar and went for a lap dance. Of course when I returned the cash and drink were gone. The bar tender stated that no one leave cash on the bar. I learned my lesson.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    @Subraman: "I think among seasoned PLs, I'm surprised at the number of guys who get intimidated or bullied into giving tips, through various manipulations." No kidding. I still see guys I've seen in local clubs for years shelling out tips for girls they never even look at, or buying drinks only to have the girl disappear, and any of a number of other scams. Bloody amazing.
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Being just a smidge more seasoned than I was back in March, with a good 8-10 trips more since then, the drink thing pisses me off. If a girl starts out by asking for a drink, I pretty much ask her to leave. I'm only buying drinks if I enjoy her company and hope to spend more time. But this lesson I also learned from getting burned once.
  • SuperDude
    8 years ago
    The standard Detroit routine is to ask for a drink, hint at extras, go to VIP, upsell and ask for a tip and, back to the bar, ask the customer to buy her a meal to take home, which we know is for the loser boyfriend.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Of all the things to hustle for more money I've seen over the years: "over counting dances, asking for a tip, asking to accompany her to stage" I can't say I've had any dancer do any of that since I've returned to clubbing last year. So I am happy for that.
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