The Actor the looks very similar to Shailynn

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Much in the way juice looks similar to action Bronson, john Smith looks like Tom Hanks, Jack Lash looks like Woody Allen and shadow looks like pin head from hell razor

Shailynn looks like the super hero from hells kitchen in New York City...Dare Devil

I told you shailynn is a sexy mother fucker and I'm not a homosexual and I'm confessing this to my brothers

Also does anyone else find it funny that a lot of board members resemble famous people ?


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avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
That's even how he dresses and his body structure

Dude is one lucky SOB

Sorry for the man crush shailynn but tell us what is it like to get all those offers of free pussy ?
avatar for TravelingGolfer
8 years ago
Never would have pictured that. Interesting.
avatar for vincemichaels
8 years ago
Shailynn does bear a resemblance. Up at the Detroit meetup, I was glad to meet him and the others. I trust shailynn had a good time as he wandered around that night, that's how I do it. I stand up at the railing upstairs at the Flight Club and engage the dancers in chat as they sashay by.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Juice: no problem saying another man is sexy or attractive. That does not make one gay or homo. I have been known to say the same thing from time to time.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Hey just to note, I would never wear a sports jacket and a pair of sneakers like that fucker in the photo. Lol!!!

I agree with Dominic, and it seems half of my friends agree and the other half strongly disagree.

I think the best way to mention it is to say "that guy is handsome" or "that's a good looking dude."

When you get hit on by gay guys as much as I have over the years, you eventually just shrug it off and take it as a compliment considering how finicky gay guys are. Isn't that right San_Jose_Gay???
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Lol shailynn coming in with da knock out explanation lol

Dominic thanks bro

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
does anyone else find it funny that a lot of board members resemble famous people ?

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
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