
Why everyone should go to the strip club, life lessons.

Thursday, July 14, 2016 5:18 AM
Over the years I've gone to a few strip clubs and have had the opportunity to talk with a few strippers. I think I was a little bit trusting in my youth but over time strippers have helped me realize a couple things. 1. I feel I'm able to catch people lying more effectively. Over the years listening to stripper sht and all the stories and problems they have you begin to notice small things that help you get a feeling if someone is not telling you the truth. I will say some strippers are probably the best liars you will ever meet so you can see both ends of the spectrum (new stripper vs old). 2. I've never been into illegal drugs but I bet i could glance at someones behavior and make a good guess what drug they may be on. So,. what have strippers helped teach you over the years that you can actually find useful.


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    There is life after divorce. :)
  • dw.buck
    8 years ago
    My life aint that bad. no matter how bad my day was the stripper always has stories (stripper shit) that will make me feel better
  • screamineagle10
    8 years ago
    After over two years with my favorite both ITC and OTC I still am not sure if she is completely truthful with me. As far as i can tell through her and her family's face book pages,reviews on forums,etc.i have never found a bad thing said about her,just a single milf,works days only,limited with extras,two nice kids,etc. But the schtick that because im her "boyfriend" means to her a constant plea for help with expenses, and i feel good about doing that, but lately the return on investment isnt worth it..Thank god im not smitten enough to dump my reliable live in girlfriend for her.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I learned how to be very satisfied being selfish in bed
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Not to believe a word they say. When you see their lips move, you know they are lying. :)
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    shadowcat is right, as usual, I'm glad to have been with him on several occasions helping him to enjoy life after his divorce. Thanks for the candy, Candyman.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"I learned how to be very satisfied being selfish in bed" I'm with you, I'm obscenely comfortable with this now! Not that I don't enjoy pleasuring the ATFs who I really like, but beyond that, totally happy making it about me. I am also incredibly comfortable talking to incredibly beautiful young women, and have been for a very long time I think that's something that comes with age no matter what, but the strip club accelerated that process by decades...
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Strippers and strip clubs in general taught me that there is nothing better than being happily married. Nothing even comes close.
  • Rod8432
    8 years ago
    Even though a PL, I'm strangely confident in a strip club. I walk in like I own the place and chat up beautiful women without a worry of being rejected. Along the way, I translated that to the real world and hence, hang with cooler, prettier women than ever before. There should be a Strip Club 101 class for every young man in High School. Would've saved me a failed marriage, countless lonely nights, and who knows how many lost opportunities with lovelies I was too timid to approach.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Good topic. I'd have to say two things. 1. When my wife bitches at me about something, I have to step back and accept it. After all when she does bitch she's right at least 50% of the time. Her worst gripe is pale in comparison to what is an average day with some strippers. 2. I'll fuck a stripper, I'll take her to party, I'll take her to dinner, I'll even take her shopping, but I'm never ever falling in love with one again.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    All of the above, plus never buy a stripper a car unless you can get a bargain on an 82 Yugo then after she neglects you, trade it for a priceless stamp collection.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    As long as you don't mind where it has been, pussy is cheaper than you think.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    Money talks and bs walks. Also, there are plenty of fish in the sea. The usual cliches for me. Marriage is overrated.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Yes, recognizing who uses drugs, and just in general having more people smarts. And for me also learning how to come on to women and how to talk with them and have fun. Our local strip clubs are no touching. So the costs are lower and there is a lot more talk. SJG Gnosis - Secrets of the Kabbalah [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I can't say I've learned much that I can apply to the real world being that SC interactions are rarely real themselves - I guess I've learned that I don't have to settle for mediocre relationships/pussy just so I can get some.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Shailynn you married dawg ? I was for like 12 years but been happily divorced for 5 years now
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    IMO people should go to SCs to see hot naked womens and feel up on titties and ass - no deeper introspection required IMO
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I learned you can drink and have a good time in strip clubs, sometimes the party can continue later on. However don't fall in love or you may get screwed and not in a good way.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I have learned these hoes are for errybody.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    They for everybody Pass them all around, they at every party They ain't gon be loyal, not for anybody Still I love these hoes (These hoes) They for everybody Oh, that was your girl? oops, I'm sorry Don't bring her around, this just too much money Yeah I love these hoes --- Juicy J
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Nice Mr. Deuce lol.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Seriously, I have learned: 1. to be more confident in speaking with *anybody*, not just strippers 2. that many strippers are real people with emotions, needs, and interests just like anyone else (but usually with a whole lot of drama and dysfunction in their lives -- fortunately for us!) 3. that extras are much more widely available than I ever realized for my first 19 years of clubbing.
  • HungryGiraffe
    8 years ago
    Strippers have taught me: 1. There's a whole lot of easy, affordable pussy in the world. 2. Monogamy sucks. 3. More young women love porn than I realized. 4. Stripping is sex work, first and foremost an entertainment JOB. 5. A higher percentage of strippers are lesbian or bi-sexual than I initially expected.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    i'm in the same boat with chulo on this one----don't think its taught me much of anything-----and if it has----i don't know what it is
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    It has just made me a bit less naive and more apt to question what I hear.
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