
SanJoseGuy is an extreme political activist....

Nothing wrong with that. That explains everything he says. He can't help it. Knows some good music, tho.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I didn't used to be, but I have gotten involved in ground level local matter after matter.


    Arnold Schönberg: Pélleas und Melisande op.5 (1903)

    Do people like Arnold Schonberg? Do you think that because of the amount of dissonance which is already present in his music, that it would adapt well to the fixed tuning of keyboard instruments?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Revolutions go better with hookers and coke.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    About the hookers part I agree.

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Actually there *is* something wrong with that. The political center of gravity has shifted too far to the left in the past decade or so as it is. SJG, of course, would vehemently disagree, as for him Bernie Sanders is too conservative!

    I do agree that SJG has excellent taste in music. As far as Schonberg is concerned, I suppose *some* people like his music, but I certainly don't.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    MrDouche: "The political center of gravity has shifted too far to the left in the past decade or so as it is."

    No, you've just gotten too old.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Well no I don't agree that the political center of gravity has shifted too far to the Left. Rather I think the US has just gotten fatalistic. Here Jeremy Rifkin is a long term labor issues analyst. He chronicles the problem in the rise of the state lotteries.


    The US was moving to the Left in the Mid-60's. But then their was a backlash. Some of this I think just has to do with this country's history of bad race relations, coming out of slavery, and then the extreme low wage system which operated in the South East.

    So Richard Nixon debuted his Southern strategy in 1968, appealing to White racial prejudice. And then he had already been deploying conservative wedge issues, like abortion, to try and peel away historically Democratic voters.


    And the current system of Casino Capitalism doesn't benefit anyone except speculators.


    So Mr. Deuce, as someone who obviously cares about civil liberties issues, I'd think you'd be one of the first to cry foul over the use of social wedge issues simply to promote concentration of wealth.

    Hardt and Negri are contemporary theorists of the Left who I believe hold a great deal of promise:



    Some that look to me just right for continuing the 1910 revolution:

    Their uniforms aren't just a cute outfit. I believe there is a message, a feminist message, which underlies it. They want a good income and financial security, regardless of marital status, and they also live sane, sober and responsible lives. They want to be respected. And their country is one where there is precedent for this.


    MC5- Kick Out The Jams
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    @dougster: FWIW, I also thought during the 60s, 70s, 90s, and 00s that the U.S. was shifting too far left, so my current age doesn't explain anything about my political views. If anything, my views have moved decidedly in a libertarian direction in this century, radicalized by our over-reaction to 9/11 and by the failed policies of both Bush and Obama.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The US was starting to move to the left. But then it stopped.

    Europe kept on moving to the left, and what has resulted has been good.

    In Europe the Right was discredited because it supported Hitler. In the US, the Right has not really been discredited.

    One of the biggest disappointments of my life has been when my age peers decided to act as if Vietnam and Watergate never occurred, and support Ronald Reagan.

  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    So what's the name of your organization? What's the website? Surely you want to spread the word.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    pamphlets? newsletters? Anything to indicate you're not a movement of one?
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    We always need new revolutionaries for the cause.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Just as I thought, SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I am building an organization, and I do have a small team. But it is not primarily about politics, and its affairs must be kept private.

    As far as local politics though, I am not just highly involved, I am embedded.

    I grew up thinking that the idiotic world of my parents was going to vanish. I thought that because of the Sexual Revolution, the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, and The Environmental Movement that their world would vanish.

    What I did not understand was that most people my age did not even understand what kinds of things were at stake, and so they were intent on becoming just like their parents and like my parents. And I did not understand that most people seek approval from their parents.

    THE ROSICRUCIANS, The History and Mythology of an Occult Order, by Christopher McIntosh


    and we have a forward by none other than Colin Wilson.

    So fundamentally, we are not speaking about a hoax, or even about 'wishful thinking', but about the profoundest problem of the human race. Again, Ward comes excitingly close to putting his finger on it when he says that a part of him disliked his mother for I making him live two lives' — the natural instinctive life of a child, and the superimposed and artificial life of 'the world'. He goes on to say that under LSD, it seemed to him that all children are ruined by adults, through being conditioned to the life of this world, so that they live two lives, one secretly, and one for adult approval. But then, 'ruin' is not inevitable. For example, all my own books, from The Outsider onward, have been about precisely this subject: the outsider's' rejection of 'the world', his desire to turn inward to a world of truth that he feets resides in his own depths. So plainly, I have not been entirely ruined. Ward himself remarks that he is surprised that he is not more wicked and madder than he is, considering his upbringing. Most of us do, in fact, survive, because that inner hunger is so intense.

    Isn't that cool!


    CONCERT for GEORGE....Royal Albert Hall, 2002 (Full Concert)
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I read some passages from a book titled "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder", and much of what is stated mirrors SJG's views. Coincidence, maybe?
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    I read some passages from a book titled "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder", and much of what is stated mirrors SJG's views. Coincidence, maybe?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    WIth that kind of a book, probably so.

    Jim, you read stupid books.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    This has popped up on my feed with no other comments after mine, so I assume it's someone who I have on ignore is commenting. "liberalism is a mental disorder" states that guys who think they are righteous believe their ways are better than others, and that is SJG. It also states they are always looking for attention to draw upon themselves, which explains the more than 10,000 plus comments trolling TUSCL whic equates to an average of about 12 bullshit comments daily, all of which do not contribute to strip club topics. He has ZERO reviews which points to his troll like activities.
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