Trollin with the wrong bait

avatar for Imamutt
The person formally known as my ATF apparently misses me aka my wallet. Texts from her have gotten mean and offensive, as if that would inspire me to see her. She had been so sweet in the beginning which is what drew me in at the very start. Her indifference and taking me for granted has pushed me away. I'm not sure what she hopes to gain with this approach. I'm not responding to angry negative texts, anything I say will be skewed in the worst way at this point. It's going in 3 weeks since we last spoke face to face, a month since she showed any tenderness at all. How long a break is enough? How long is too long? I think the cause may have been lost for a while now.


last comment
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
Block her texts. The next fav is out there waiting for you. What's worse is when they retire but stay sweet. At least this way you get closure.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Save your money. Jerk off and go out to eat. You will be amazed how wealthy you will become
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Kick her in the nuts
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
Ignore angry texters. It drives them crazy, because they know that you're taking the high road and you think you're better than them
avatar for Dougstcr.
9 years ago
Start fucking faggots
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
You are in her head, complete reversal from the way strippers get in our heads, and we get all upset while they don't give a fuck. Pretty fun position to be in, man! The smart thing to do would be to ignore her, or even block her like Meur said, but if you knew you weren't going back to that SC, it could be fun to troll her. Over the next few weeks, send her pictures of your wallet from all over. A picture of your wallet next to a nice drink at a bar, a picture of your wallet next to a strip club sign, picture of your wallet at the beach (caption: "wish you were here"), pic of your wallet watching porn, etc
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
I was going to say that Meusault had the right idea, but Subraman's plan seems way too fun to pass up.
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
Subraman, et al. That's genius! I needed a good laugh. I haven't been to a club in a while. I won't need to send pics. No matter where I go to ho she'll hear about it, the way they move around, one of her friends will see me n tell on me...
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
Just tell her you have a vulture bud that wears a suit and likes to have female hairless apes lick his cloaca. Then tell her that she'll love the taste of vulture jizz. Squawk!

I swear on my honor as a rick that I'll cum in the bitch's mouth and make her drink it. Squawk!
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
... pic of my wallet, in one hand of my new CF, sitting in 'her' car with the signed off title in her other hand...
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
Wait, she's a hottie, right? I'm not fucking any ugly apes. I have standards. I'm a rick. Squawk!

If she is hot I can arrange for my lion bud to fuck her with his BSLC while she drinks my vulture jizz. Tell her she'll like that. Squawk!
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
Rick- she's a nice girl and has never done anything like that. I'm the only one she does anything with, no matter what, she'll see her 'gina shut if she can't have me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
She may be in a tough position & desperate for $$$ (especially with the often slow summer) - trolling her would sorta be like kicking someone when they're down - just ignore her although decent chance you may not help yourself & give -in & end up going in to see her.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I agree with Subraman. I don't reward bad behavior. Responding to her in kind might feel good for you at first but it won't help you with her in the long run. Resist the urge to respond to any angry texts.

It's the slow season in most places (summer) and she probably misses your wallet. My guess is she's going through the 5 stages of grief (over the loss of your wallet) and she's stuck on the *anger* stage. It will pass.

PS: the tip about responding to her text with a picture of your roll of money SC was funny. It would be funny to fantasize about sending such a text to an angry dancer but I'd suggest you refrain. It's still funny though.
--> sort of like this post:…
--> direct pic link:…
--> ... assuming you have a SW login to view uploaded SW pictures.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
Subra - that's sone funny shit.

My opinion is to ignore or block. As funny as Subra 's idea is, I don't get the feeling that's who you are and what you're about.
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
Yeah, you guys get it, that's for sure. As much as I want to respond (and would do so in a kind way), I figure some day she will miss me, not just my wallet. But then it will be too late. She's too short sighted to see it now but she 'killed the goose.'
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
Good stuff. My disposable is variable due to the nature of my work, which proved to be part of the problem of you know who presuming what I had to spend and ever increasing demand w no consideration for me. Diminishing returns indeed. Cost / Benefit analysis says: high cost+zero benefit= chump.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Yeah, don't reward bad behavior. You don't want to be a chump. Maybe she will settle down in the future, who knows. That's why I say ignore her for now but don't block.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
"... the tip about responding to her text with a picture of your roll of money SC was funny ..."

LOL - they text us sexy pics to entice us & we text them a pic of a roll to entice them :) - we're wired differently yet we need each other and somehow gotta make it work - LOL
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Note to self, *definitely* add Subraman to the list of TUSCLers I'd like to meat.

That's something *I* would do. :)
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