Atlanta suburb
When I as born back in '42 most males born in the U.S. were circumcised. It appears that today the trend is going the other way.
Anybody have any insight as to whether strippers prefer one or the other? In all my years of clubbing I can't remember it ever coming up.
Anybody have any insight as to whether strippers prefer one or the other? In all my years of clubbing I can't remember it ever coming up.
I also heard that female prefer circumcised, not just dancer. Do you guys know why?
A few years back a buddy of mine had a boy, and while his "family" was in the hospital the debate came up about circumcision. My buddy insisted on it and for some stupid reason his wife was against it. She is a faux hippie so I'm she's against anything "unnatural" and I'm guessing circumcision fell into that category. She's so fucking stupid she's in charge of the flouride treatments at one her older kids school, so explain how that doesn't fit into the "unnatural" category.
Anyway my buddy told me that the nurses overheard the debate and were joking with my buddy that they have been with circumcised and non-circumcised men and they all preferred non-circumcised.
Non-circumcised dudes seem to show up in European porn a good bit, Blair that I'm staring at guys dicks like SJG, I'm just pointing that out as it's much more common to be uncut over in Europe.
..... Because Jewish women won't touch anything unless it's 20 percent off
Per Wikipedia:
"... The procedure is most often an elective surgery performed on babies and children for religious and cultural reasons ..."
"... Evidence supports that male circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection among heterosexual men in sub-Saharan Africa.[10][11] Therefore, The WHO recommends considering circumcision as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention program in areas with high rates of HIV, such as Sub Saharan Africa.[12] However, evidence for a health benefit against HIV for men who have sex with men is less clear.[13][14] Additionally, the effectiveness of using circumcision to prevent HIV in the developed world is also unclear.[15] Circumcision in general is associated with reduced rates of cancer causing forms of HPV[16][17] and risk of both UTIs and cancer of the penis.[4] Prevention of those conditions, however, is not a justification for routine circumcision of infants.[1][18] Studies of its potential protective effects against other sexually transmitted infections have been unclear ..."
"... Circumcision is most prevalent in the Muslim world, Israel, South Korea, the United States and parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. It is relatively rare in Europe, Latin America, parts of Southern Africa and Oceania and most of Asia. Prevalence is near-universal in the Middle East and Central Asia.[5][73] Non-religious circumcision in Asia, outside of the Republic of Korea and the Philippines, is fairly rare,[5] and prevalence is generally low (less than 20%) across Europe.[5][74] Estimates for individual countries include Taiwan at 9%[75] and Australia 58.7%.[76] Prevalence in the United States and Canada is estimated at 75% and 30% respectively.[5] Prevalence in Africa varies from less than 20% in some southern African countries to near universal in North and West Africa ..."…
^ there is a colored map in section 5 (Titled Prevalence) of the above Wikipedia article
There is usually no valid reason medically to circumcise. It reduces sensitivity of males and is like a tradition to mutilate that society has accepted in some circles in my opinion.
Europeans typically do not do it and they do not have a gazillion problems with their dicks.
It's like an accepted form of violence against men. It wouldn't surprise me if men in the US and Middle East have suppressed memories of the violence and pain and that results in them being more violent. Not that guys in the US or the Middle East are more likely to get violent but it has made me wonder when I read an article suggesting the possibility.
All strippers probably care about is how much it will cost them. Saying it reduces cancer is like saying you have a reduced chance of breast cancer if you cut off your tits. There are big trade offs if you cut off body parts at birth that the victim will never get to enjoy. My opinion only.
If you hear about guys taking a long time during sex or not enjoying sex very much, they were probably traumatized early on in my opinion or they are just old.
I think it's like a tradition to cut off females cliteris that some still do in Africa. Some women are in favor of violence against men too. There isn't a law against it either when it is delivered like this.
1} helps prevent infection as stated above- most boys are not taught haw to maintain their penis and if you are not circumcised you must pull back the skin to pee if the skin interferes with that function and you must wash and dry under the foreskin to help prevent bacterial growth.
2} The argument that circumcision decreases sensitivity is BS that mostly comes from the gay community and so what if it does it means you last longer.
3} the last reason goes back to maintenance; I have had girls (both civilians and pros) tell me they will not give a BBBJ to an uncircumcised man and will put the condom on with their hand rather than their mouth because most uncircumcised penises stink. Many have also said that they always check for "head cheese" under the foreskin a sure sign of a yeast infection from poor hygiene.
Bottom line is a cut penis is lower maintenance and less likely to rot and fall off.
No I am not Jewish
@papichulo got it correct
Like many religious traditions like eating "kosher" (really just old food safety rules on how to clean and prepare food, plus which animals to eat, remember pigs carry diseases), they have a basis in preventative health measures.
Muslim mutilation of women is a sick control thing the same as castration, I think the mutilation of women's genitalia stems from fear and hatred of women because they have the exclusive power of childbearing and like the Orlando murderer most mullahs that spew that shit(hatred of women and the west) are lazy closet homosexuals who bugger boys. Have you ever noticed that they never say which sex the "57 virgins in paradise" are.
Removing it may be sorta like saying it's better to have a shaved head b/c it's "cleaner" or that way you won't catch lice.
We are born with an appendix and it has no function. Possibly when humans were evolving, it had a function.
But then the subject of BJ's came up, especially rather spontaneous civilian ones. They felt that young women preferred cut, and so he might lose out. And they talked to some women. ( promiscuous was the word they used, and some were strippers. )
But then they considered that this view might be unique to the US, that in Europe they might be more accepting of uncut.
My .02
Not for sex tourism, but as a place to live and interact with the locals, Mexico City
Janis Joplin - Ball and Chain…
But some question whether or not women like to BJ the uncut? But then some say that resistance is only from American women, that around the world women have zero problem with it.
Brian Eno - Thursday Afternoon (61 Minute Version)……