pretending you never LDed or spoke to a stripper when you really have

At my reg SC, I come every week for the last year. Sometimes I will get a LD from a 9 or 10 in looks, and be like meh, no chemistry, no touching, she sucks. Out of desperation, I decided to repeat with a no chemistry 10. But this time I walked upto her and asked her name, what she does, her age, etc, even though 6 months ago I did the exact same thing, and I already knew all of that info. I took her into VIP, and it was a 180 degree difference from the first time. She is now my CF. I eventually I told her I did once before VIP her, but "there was no connection between us", she said "I remembered you, I thought you didnt like me".
Has anyone else here pretended they dont know a stripper after many weeks or months of ignoring her and pretend like its the first time they are meeting, when they do know the stripper from a 1 time dance in the past and it isn't the first time? but you are faking it is the first time?
Any success with that like I had?
last commentNo I've never tried that. Once in a while dancers really don't seem to remember me, but that is rare.
Sometimes I really don't recognize a girl. Different hair and makeup. Then say maybe I watch her dance, especially from behind, the shape of the hips, then I recognize her.
Once I recognized a girl this way and I realized for the first time that she was a girl I'd seen often at another club, but that she was also another girl from another club further back.
But anyway, you have much better chances getting friendly with a girl in the front room, than in letting her sell you dances.
What really drives this home for me are the underground table dancing shows in San Jose's Mexican bars. You can feed a girl money and get friendly with her. Better than letting her sell you dances.
When the time is right, you invite her to go into the back room with you, or maybe just to come home with you.
"Once in a while dancers really don't seem to remember me, but that is rare."
They remember the gravy stains.
I make an impression, usually a good impression. I'm a memorable personality. This is why most strip club dancers do like me and do open up to me.
LOL I see now. I should have read your reviews, my bad.
^ Ha! Good point -- we all need SC advice from someone who has written no reviews in his two years on TUSCL.
That dancer was making shit up, most dancers can't even remember their middle name what makes you think they would remember some random PL from 6 months ago? Lol
I'm only kidding...