post stripping success
New Jersey
Another thread sparked my thoughts on this. I know the stereotype. I know many , perhaps most dancers do not move onto successful careers.
How many do I know had success after stripping. I'm only counting those I have confidence are true. Some continued to dance part time and some gave it up entirely when they graduated college. All quit dancing completely within a few years.
I know one civil engineer that danced her way to her degree.
Two nurses.
One real estate agent/Landlord.
A physician's assistant
A pharmacist
An eye Doctor -
Two accountants, one of them a CPA
A professional pilot
Several teachers
A college professor.
That's all I can think of for now. It is enough to convince me that dancers are not destined to a life of menial jobs. Anyone else have similar success stories?
How many do I know had success after stripping. I'm only counting those I have confidence are true. Some continued to dance part time and some gave it up entirely when they graduated college. All quit dancing completely within a few years.
I know one civil engineer that danced her way to her degree.
Two nurses.
One real estate agent/Landlord.
A physician's assistant
A pharmacist
An eye Doctor -
Two accountants, one of them a CPA
A professional pilot
Several teachers
A college professor.
That's all I can think of for now. It is enough to convince me that dancers are not destined to a life of menial jobs. Anyone else have similar success stories?
One was going to nursing school. Another wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, but she was going to cosmetology school. Another was going to graphics design school. Another was going to a trade school and is now a cable installer with Comcast.
But our strip clubs here are softer core. So there are lines most of the girls still have not crossed.
I've been doing this hobby for getting close to 40 years. I do know many dancers and know a fair bit about some of their lives.
I had a long term civilian relationship with the civil engineer. I had professional relationships with the pilot, one of the nurses and the eye doctor. My friend met the accountant in a club and married her a few years later. I was at their house just a few days ago for a party. There were at least 10 former strippers there with their husbands and children. I have developed some friendships with dancers and one of my best friends was a DJ in a club.
I am convinced the majority do not go on to successful professional careers. They make too many poor choices.
A different thread made me wonder if all dancers are doomed. I found that depressing so I thought about those I know to see if I could convince myself that they are not doomed. they can have a good life, if they make good decisions and act on them.
I know of two right now that I strongly feel have their act together and will come out successful. One quit being a teacher and became a stripper in Vegas - so she did it backwards. Her plan is to earn a bunch of money and live frugal in the meantime - then go back to being a teacher once she had enough money to pay for a nice house.
Now - I think a lot of the success of these women depends on where they are dancing. If they are high up on the stripper hotness scale and work in a big city earring high dollars they probably have a better chance at making their dreams in the professional world a reality, versus a stripper who grew up in a low income home working some dumpy strip club off some random interstate exit out in the middle of nowhere.
The only one I know that's out of the game and successful became a webcam model. I don't think that's the type of success we are talking about.
Maybe it was K's influence and guidance that ultimately led to their success
i do take credit for some of them. My money paid many term bills.
I wonder if you went back to high school, interviewed each person in your class, I wonder how many of them became "successful?" Of course we all have different definitions of success and I doubt even a small group on here could establish a benchmark.
Unfortunately she also put on twenty pounds.