i like the cut of his gib

avatar for DoctorPhil.
that @juicebox69 fellow has always irritated me but i think he has turned over a new leaf. you can tell that he has lived a life almost as interesting as mine

@mikey aka @TheeOSU aka @CaraLynn87 aka a bunch of other crap characters you should really be more like @juicebox69. in other words stop being a feces obsessed troll and straighten up and fly right

step 1 is acknowledging how amazing my life has been


last comment

Some of millenials don't know what you mean.

See this thread

Juice is da mang.

Half retarded, half bad speller - but almost always funny.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
That's funny doc. You also kissed Juice's ass when you were zipman
There certainly is a lot of ass to kiss there when it comes to Juices ass.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Gatorfan had it right
@mikey you mean that you used to kiss @juicebox69 ass when you posted as @zipperhead. you arent fooling any of use with your retarded feces obsessed troll act @mikey aka aka aka

besides i like the new mature and truthful @juicebox69 and you liked the retarded troll he used to be. but thats the kind of people we are. i like grown ups and you like 13 year old retards. could that be because you are a 13 year old retard?
Lil_Bumper did you do one too many lines again or something?
The word is jib dumb ass.
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