Hello. First forum post. Don't kill me if I break any sorts of etiquette. I've done some reviews but I am by no means a vet of TUSCL. I am however a vet of getting the max experience out of SC's. Please PM ME INFO or post some general info about the place to be in Cleveland. I've read previous posts, but I'd like to have the current accurate info.
You can go to Christies at the Flats and have some nice eye candy and one way contact lap dances. I like Christies but that's all you're going to get walking in off the street.
Akron (30-40min south) has some extras clubs but they are rough and seedy. I was dumb enough to go to one years ago and when I left the hood of my car was all scratched up because a fight broke out inside the bar that ended up outside on the hood of my car.
If you can swing it go to Detroit. Easy drive on I80 and I75 - 2 hours from CLE airport to DTW airport. If you can't do that make the best of it and check out Christies. Just be warned, if there's a Cavs or Indians game going on, make sure you're there after the game has started and don't try to go when the game is over or try to leave at least 1 hour after the game. Traffic is horrible especially on the weekends.
As has been mentioned Akron at least seems to have mileage - you can check out the reviews of carlos_spiceyweiner since Akron is his turf:
TUSCLer TheeOSU is from Cleveland I belief: