"All things in moderation...." Is a great quote, but I find myself insatiable in regard to pussy in all its available approaches. Tonight an old stripper girl friend texted that she was house sitting, was lonely, and if I could Western Union her $100 for food & cigarettes, she'd love to see me. I sent the money, drove an hour to get there, took a viagra on the way, got there and had a warm greeting and began talking. 10 minutes later the doorbell rang and son of a bitch it was her mother. She wasn't leaving so I did. Sounds like a good night for some porn and my right hand. " a time for everything ".
If you'd like it I'll send you a video of my lion bud fucking your first DS in the ass with his BSLC while she licks my cloaca until I jizz in her mouth. Your DS is sexy with a vulture jizz moustache.
John, with all the action you get I am surprised you are even tempted by porn. I have cut way back on porn myself cause I have some OTC regulars that have kept me plenty occupied.
If I was getting laid as often as JS with that many different women I wouldn't need porn. Remembering my sexual exploits night to night would be my porn.
last commentIf you'd like it I'll send you a video of my lion bud fucking your first DS in the ass with his BSLC while she licks my cloaca until I jizz in her mouth. Your DS is sexy with a vulture jizz moustache.
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