ATF other regulars

How many us care to know how many other guys our ATFs are fucking besides ourselves?

Because they are strippers we accept that they bumping uglies with at least a half dozen other PL regulars putting out $500-$1000+ each month to ensure the ATF are paying their bills.


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    If most of the girls I've messed with are getting $6K a month from other PLs then they all have the shittiest money management skills ever.

    Actually it wouldn't surprise me it that were true.

    In all my years I probably had 3 that I could confidently say they weren't seeing anyone else. One wanted to be my wife (she didn't know I already have one), one was just too damn lazy to pursue more PLs and the third had a boyfriend and claimed it was hard enough breaking free to see me - and I actually believed her.

    All the others probably had more than just me. Even if they didn't they would if they were offered.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    If it's a high mileage/extras club good chance she's porking a few guys if she's good enough for you to pork.

  • jaredlucas
    8 years ago
    I found out my atf is connecting with at least 6 others like me. She accidently left her phone at my place for a couple of days and naturally I had to watch all the texts come in.

    Was a bit surprised at the age spread ( late 20's to mid 60's. I know I shouldn't care but it unsettled me. Good to know though because I now understand what she really means when she tells me Me she is " busy tonite"'and can't meet outside the club.

    What was more surprising was the Craig list hook ups she was stringing along. She actually hooked with one guy within 24?hours of exchanging Craig's list messages. Stupidly she invites him to her place for their hook up. She definitely loses points for this and I now don't mind getting extras for the others girls in her club. I be been keeping that little secret on the down low until now. Might be interesting to take another gal into VIP while she is in shift. Ha ha

    I guess we need to always remember the golden rule. "
    Don't fall for a stripper slut"
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    One should never even entertain the idea of monogamy w/ a stripper
  • jaredlucas
    8 years ago
    Pali. Truer words were never spoken.

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"How many us care to know how many other guys our ATFs are fucking besides ourselves? "

    Why would you care?
    - Because you've over-romanticized the relationship. A little pathetic, no?
    - Because you just like knowing you're getting a little YMMV most guys aren't. Also a little pathetic, but to be honest, I kinda fall in this bucket... YMMV is my jam.

    For the most part, I never ask and don't care (beyond enjoying the fact that I might be one of few guys who get privileges), she's not my romantic interest. I have a little advantage over most guys here, perhaps -- I do most of my SCing in non-extras clubs, so unlike girls in extras clubs, she's not fucking and blowing 8 guys at work in the club, though obviously who knows how many guys she's dating and other customers she's seeing OTC. Still, if I like at my current fave -- between working 3-4 days per week, school, and what seems to be an active social life, I can't imagine she has time for lots of OTC dates, and then add in the fact that she was very reticent to agree to OTC and it took me weeks to score it, and it paints a pretty nice YMMV picture.

    --> "Don't fall for a stripper slut"

    Why do it in insulting terms though? Are your feelings hurt about it? If so, that's something for you to fix -- really, you'll be happier
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    Four or five years ago my ATF was banging me and two other regulars. I met one of them and saw the other in the club one night. She told me everything about both of them and how much they paid and how often. She was a hot mess with her heroin addiction and blew through the thousands of dollars in the blink of an eye. She would also occasionally X suck the dick of a random customer and always give me a full report.
    Then were the freebies if a guy was hot and a BF who was in and out of prison. When he was doing time she always hooked up with another guy so she wouldn't be alone.
    About 18 months ago she started getting serious about quitting drugs but she's convinced herself that the drugs are stronger than she is and as a result goes to detox or rehab and relapses a few days after getting out.
    Tomorrow I'm bringing her to detox and rehab again. We had sex today and she swears she hasn't been with anyone else ( other than blowjobs at work) in over a month. One of her other former regulars and I text each other occasionally and he is tied up with a 32 year old sugar baby and had a major fallout with my ATF. The other former regular got too possessive and wanted her to not see anyone else and was willing and able to pay handsomely for it, but she couldn't commit.
    After seeing her today I got home and there was a letter from her which was thanking me for hanging in with her through all of her shit ( her words). She said she's never met anyone like me, loves me, understands my frustration with her and her habit and really apologizing for what I've read as taking me for granted and using me. I had told her last week that I can't take the craziness any more. I refuse to take her to pick up dope, I leave if she uses in my prescience and have begun arguing that she needs to be empowered to quit instead of buying the NA/AA claptrap that you must admit you are powerless. I feel that that is promulgated by the $43 billion rehab industry and her personal strength must overcome the allure of drugs. More than 90% of the shit in her life is a direct result of drugs. She has many outstanding court dates coming up. She's lost her driver's license for the foreseeable future. Her BF and father of her 12 year old son won't see her cuz he's in recovery ( he calls me to find out how she's doing). She has health issues being ignored (dental & Hep C) because she's too busy chasing needles.
    She's really very tired of stripping and realizes that being in the club exposes her to the whole drug subculture and she's got to get away from it if she's ever going to have a life. I know I've been her chief enabler and I feel guilt about it, but she justifies it by saying if it wasn't me she had her pick of others. She called tonight; is dope sick and offered to fuck me tomorrow if I'd send her $100 tonight. That's $500 pussy being offered at discount, but I declined and said I'd pick her up at noon tomorrow. What the hell. She loves me. Said so in her letter. It must be true.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    God Damn Gawk!!!!

    jaredlucas - I feel ya, I do... but I would not advise playing games with a stripper because you will lose if she has an ounce of intelligence. Just take what you can get and leave it at that.

    I have been playing this game for over a decade (I know there's guys on here that have done it much longer than me) and eventually you will find a stripper that will play just exclusive to you. It's very rare, but it exists. Then again maybe these girls I have dealt with are just amazing at hiding it! lol
  • georgebailey
    8 years ago can't make this shit up. That's a hard life and it's hard to watch.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I'm curious how many others they fuck, especially a DS. But contrary to what many may think, I don't obsess over it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    One would think dancers that are a hard OTC nut to crack would have less OTCs than dancers that are up for it relatively easy
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    It's funny, but my ATF wants to know how many others I'm fucking on a regular basis. She's worried I'll spend my money on others.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Juice is fucking everyone
  • jaredlucas
    8 years ago

    Good advice. I guess I did romanticize it because she actually told me I was the only one. Ha ha. Wow.

    Having Mostly free FWB with a babe with amazing sexual skills deluded me into having thoughts to consider her as GF material. Guess I got played like a PL.
    took me a few days to get over it .,, getting back in the club tonite. I'll keep her in rotation but will be more open to #2 and #3 who I previously let hang out on the edge if #1 was ever around.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    I regard essentially anything said to me by a stripper as a potential lie. At best, it may be a highly distorted truth. I don't resent them for it; it's sort of built into their job description. Also, it's not like they get tons of honesty and sincerity from the customer side of the equation.

    This may sound a bit mercenary, but relations with strippers tend to go smoother when thought of in terms of needs and transactions rather than affection and romance. That doesn't prevent you from actually liking and enjoying the company of your CF, but it helps when the train comes off the tracks eventually (and it almost always does...).

    Revising or ending a friendly business relationship is far easier than doing the same with a fantasy stripper romance.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    Well said Rech! Lol

    I don't ask because I don't care. I also don't ask because I don't feel the need to ask a stripper to lie to me.

    I'm going to use protection regardless - so I'm not asking about how clean she is.

    Gawker - you are a good man. That dancer doesn't know how lucky she is.
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