
" Skin Too Skin "

Saturday, May 14, 2016 8:01 PM
I was at my favorite club on Saturday...And decided to play a sex game, that I've been playing for over 50 years... Call, skin too skin but don't stick it in... The game consist of rubbing , the shaft of my erected Jonson, on her clit hood, clit, pussy lips, and butt cheeks... I have nine entertainers at this club, that I'm constantly getting these disguise lap dances from. I broke in #10 today.... How many guys out there, receiving these type of dancing,.on the main dance area....


  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    The entire thread didn't post ,, my question is,, How many guys out there are getting these type of Dances on the main dance area ?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I get'm from time to time - I rotate among clubs thus not a regular at any one club so don't get to know dancers too well - but there are some in 2 particular club I often visit that when I get dances from them I can often fuck them on the floor if I'm in the mood, and with them I often am in the mood but I don't like hitting the same clubs every time nor most times but will hit theirs when I'm in the mood for sure-mileage. BTW = I've fucked 3 different dancers on the floor at your fave club and I'm an out of towner but I'm also a freak!
  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    You know that old strip club saying " Freak or Treat "
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    LOL - the freaks give and get the treats :)
  • iliklaps2
    8 years ago
    l live for that type of lap dance skin to skin is in
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    What you're really asking is how many have done the camel toe slide in public? A few times but you have to be careful. Accidents do happen.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    The camel toe slide is a nice beginning, but then I want to stick it in.
  • eyeamlong
    8 years ago
    @Shadowcat,,, So true
  • bang69
    8 years ago
    A friend of mine did the camel toe slid once & got a sdt from it
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    ^^^ correct. All the risk , with none of the real fun. Pass.
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