
sex in the champagne room with cameras

Hi all. I'm new here, so wanted to greet everyone. I'm kind of new to the SC scene, but thanks to this site, I've learned a lot in a short period of time.

Recently, I met a dancer and we hit it off. After some dances, we decided to head to VIP. I had done some private individual dance VIP's before, but this was my first time buying a half hour or hour VIP. Anyway, the dancer said we would have fun in VIP, but that there were cameras back there and there would be no sex.

After a while in VIP, things got pretty hot and heavy. I started fingering her and she got really turned on. She pointed out the camera in the room, so that we could shield ourselves from the camera as best we could. Eventually we started making out and I told her I had a condom and asked her if I could put it on. She was close to cumming and told me I could, but to hide it from the camera. So, I stealthily put on the condom, she slid her g-string to the side, and started riding me. It was awesome, especially since it was so unexpected. When we were done, we both lounged in the VIP room for a while, just enjoying laying together until the bouncer told us time was up.

So, here's my question. I want to repeat this experience, but I'm a little freaked out about the cameras. If anybody watched that security video, it would be obvious we were fucking. So what are the risks here, assuming LE doesn't catch us in the act?

If the club caught us, would I just get kicked out? Would the dancer get fired? This is a pretty nice club that is not considered an extras club. Anyway, any insight into the risk of doing this on camera would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I SC a lot but actually don't do VIP too much and in my area (South FL) cameras in VIP are a rare exception so don't have too much experience with this dilemma.

    IME more often than not cameras in VIP or dance--areas means nothing more than a regular LD although at times there can be some risqué bitches that live life on the willd-side - I've fucked some strippers in the regular dance areas and even at the bar in clubs that have floor-dances - in these cases the dancer just makes it look like she's grinding on me but I reality my willy in inside her.

    It is my understanding that clubs w/ cameras are often closely monitored and anything that looks suspicious will get the bouncer over even if nothing is going-on - but it's been posted here in the past that some clubs have cameras for show sorta to show the local authorities that they "monitor" the dance and VIP areas but they really don't.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    Check Pornhub next week. You might be a star.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    It varies from club to club so it's hard to tell. Maybe asking this dancer more about the cameras will give you a better idea if that's such a concern to you. I will give you some examples and your clubs likely fits into one of these categories:

    1. The worst: A guy is actively watching the monitors from the camera feeds like a hawk. I know of a few clubs that do this, one club is so obnoxious about it, that they put this guy out in the open as he also collects the money for the lapdances. So this guy takes money for lapdances and watched guys jerk themselves off in the VIP rooms all night because that's the most that happens at this club - self service.

    2. The law: In some cases, so clubs are forced to have cameras due to an agreement with the local municipality. I know one that got busted for extras (sent an undercover officer in) and in an agreement to keep the club open they had to install cameras in the VIP rooms. Does anyone actually look at those cameras? Probably not, but they are there and do work simply to comply with a demand set upon them.

    3: To cover their ass: As most clubs that have them, they are there to protect the dancers and partons, somebody is probably watching them but how much they are actually paying attention is not known. For example girls know where to sit so they aren't seen, certain positions to fuck in so they don't look suspicious, etc. You can have fun, but you're not going to be taking all your clothes off and having the stripper on her knees while you're standing in front of her.

    BTW - you are welcome for our advice, and as a small appreciation token we would like you to send a $50 giftcard for one of the following: Church's Chicken, Popeyes, KFC, or 711 to:

    Justin "Jucy" Nuts
    PO Box 7269
    Asheville, NC 28704

    You can send cash as well, just please, no checks.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    You can read reviews of the club and see what others say - often times dancers will say there are cameras as a way of doing VIP w/o sex; but if you actually saw it then that's another matter.

    Go ahead and post the club name - perhaps others here are familiar with the club and can give you the real 411.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    So this faggot Axelrod
    he's in his 20's/ early 30's based on the show he's referencing, is trolling because he's really just gammanu95.

    Bit sure why people get off creating fake accounts but to each his own

  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Who did Anongirl turn out to be? Think this is the same faggot
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    w.r.t. what happens to a custy and dancer - depends how strict the club is - custy often will get a warning or be asked to leave VIP but not necessarily get thrown out of the club - club will probably put more of the onus/blame on the dancer b/c she is supposed to know the rules - the dancer may get a stern warning - fined - or get fired/suspended - but often times fired dancers are rehired after a while
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Welcome. You've discovered a whole new world which is just beginning.

    While its somewhat rare, it certainly happens that you can end up getting sex in what you thought was a strictly no extras club. That happened the night that I met my favorite dancer which everyone here knows as the DS (dream stripper). She worked in a strictly no extras club with cameras in the VIP and we had an even more intimate and blatant sex session that you did. Another time, just a couple of months ago, I fucked a dancer like you did only this was out on the open floor next to the bar in a non-extras club. I posted a discussion after that experience suggesting that many of the clubs that we think of as non-extras clubs are really just more difficult to get extras in. Your experience demonstrates the point that I was making in that post.

    As for your questions, I think you pretty much leave it up to the dancer if you're going to have sex in a club where sex is prohibited because she faces most of the consequences of getting caught. There are a variety of sanctions that she can face like being fined, being suspended for a period of time, and being fired. As a PL, you may not face any consequence. Or you may get kicked out. I suppose its possible that they might tell you not to come back, but I very seriously doubt it. There is a theoretical risk that LE could be contacted, but that's extremely unlikely. The club doesn't want to draw attention to itself by pointing out to LE that a dancer was having sex with a customer. An exception might exist if the club is under some type of enforcement action by local cops. PP in Greenville SC is an example of that where the govt is trying to shut the club down. But that sort of situation is rare.

    If I were you, I'd follow the dancer's lead. If she's willing to fuck you, and you're willing to pay for it, then do it. Follow her lead on how, when, and where the act is to be completed. Also consider whether tipping the bouncer (known around here as greasing the bouncer) might be a way to avoid scrutiny. I (and many others here) hate greasing bouncers as a general proposition, but it is occasionally necessary. If you don't know the club, then I'd rely on the dancer to tell you whether greasing the bouncer would do you any good.

    And don't worry about the cameras, cause you can't do anything about it. I've been on camera dozens of times performing lots of sexually intimate acts with strippers. So have many people here. Its just something that you have to put up with. Clubs have a strong incentive to not release such videos.

    After you hang out with us a while, you can learn how to take her back to your hotel and avoid all of the club enforcement drama. But that's a lesson for another day.

    Best of luck.
  • BobbyAxelrod
    8 years ago
    GACA, you are way off base. I'll bet you $10k I'm none of those other posters and I can prove it. You'll lose this bet. Feel free to keep your conspiracy theory going though.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    At least the OP has a review that although a bit generic sounds like he was there - so perhaps not a troll but who knows for sure.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    " Clubs have a strong incentive to not release such videos."

    Who's to say they are evening recording anything to begin with ;-)
  • BobbyAxelrod
    8 years ago
    Thanks John, Papi, and Shailynn. Appreciate it. Gawker, yeah I was thinking that too.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I'm pretty sure that Juice's PO Box # is 69.

    GACA, why do you think the guy is a troll?
  • BobbyAxelrod
    8 years ago
    John, if he takes the bet, and you can make it legally binding and enforce the collection of his payment, I'll split the $10k with you.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I shit when I read this
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I think that when we go to clubs we should now be carrying a can of black spray paint when we find a VIP- Champagne room with cameras we should spray paint over the lenses.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    I'll put up $10K. I know who I am, and I'm not BobbyAxelrod. GN95 is the only account I have or need. Draw up the contract, John.

    As for Bobby's post, I was once told that clubs that have those only reference the video is someone is accused of a crime, of if the club is on some kind of probation they will be monitored in real time for prohibited activity. Otherwise, SC's don't waste the labor hours and other monies to monitor them 100%.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I think gammanu95 is right. I doubt they are heavily interested in the actual video (and the VIP action). The dancers know how to position you to avoid anything being directly on camera.

    Enjoy your time clubbing.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    did you take a selfie of your stick?
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    "Check Pornhub next week. You might be a star."

  • Longball300
    8 years ago
    Either the club allows these things to occur in the VIP or not. The dancer should know this her first day there. The cameras are there to comply with local officials or to simply protect the dancers from acts of violence or unwanted advances.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    CHris Rock always said "No sex in the Champagne Room!"
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I doubt they actually record or the file deleted after 24 hours if it does record.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Chris Rock was wrong, and aren't we all glad for that.
  • sflguy123
    8 years ago
    If u did all u claimed and the cameras worked and were monitored it would have been obvious.

    One club I go to has cameras but the extras girls put a napkin over it b/f hand. Spit on the napkin and it sticks to the lens.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    ^^^ @sflguy ya we know he's a troll, a lazy one at that and can't keep his alias story straight
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... One club I go to has cameras but the extras girls put a napkin over it b/f hand. Spit on the napkin and it sticks to the lens ..."

    Had not heard of that approach - the ingenuity of these girls :)
  • s88
    8 years ago
    If a stripper says cameras, ask "how can the camera be turned off?" and evaluate the offer she gives from there. In most clubs the cameras are used only if there is a complaint. They are never reviewed otherwise. Dancer stole the customers wallet/CC/watch and customer complains. 1 dancer reports another dancer doing extras. Customer put a knife to dancer's neck and fucked her BB.

    In some clubs (no contact/bikini), the cameras are watched by the bouncer standing at the entrance to the VIP room area. Walking by with your stripper you can get a quick glance of his tv screen. The bouncer also WILL walk in and stop the dance if you touch the dancer and she knocks your hands off more than 2-3 times, or within a couple seconds if the dancer doesn't knock your hands off immediately. TUSCL reviews usually mention if bouncers or waitresses interrupt VIP or CR rooms to stop mileage, and the SC I described is listed as worthless on TUSCL except for beer and ESPN.
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