What are the greatest words your fav atripper has ever spoken to you?

avatar for JohnSmith69
as my orgasm faded, she uttered these words: "Damn John, that was a lot. I could barely swallow."

She just left, but her young voice innocently proclaiming those ten words keeps playing over and over again in my mind.

What are the greatest words your fav stripper has ever spoke to you?


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
"Don't worry - I'm clean"

(after I had fucked her bareback at the hightop table
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
An atripper is an A level stripper.
avatar for RandomMember
9 years ago
More likely, "damn John, I could barely find it."

avatar for bioman105
9 years ago
"I want to feel your cum dripping down my chi'
avatar for gawker
9 years ago
Damn, I wish you were 30 years younger!
avatar for K
9 years ago
"My room mate wants to join us" heard a variant of it a few years later.
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
I don't know which to pick. Here's a fave from my ATATF... she'd just told me she's on her period, to which I responded with the old standby "your ass isn't on your period, is it?" And she got this big mischievous smile and said almost coyly, "you want to fuck my ass?"

Anyway, here's the Greatest Atripper Words part: I'm about ready to begin, and she looks back at me over her shoulder and says sweetly, "don't worry if I start moaning or seem like I'm in pain. Just put it in and take me and keep going."

Now THAT is a world-class attitude about an ass fucking, if ever there was one!
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
One time after a full service session, this stripper says the usual "wow I don't go that far with guys." I responded "I knew you were gonna fuck me when you told me your name," she said "yeah you're right I was gonna fuck you."
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
"Tonight I'm all yours"
avatar for a21985
9 years ago
After finishing up my first VIP session with my current ATF where we just did BBBJ: "Too bad you didn't ask for more. I've been told my pussy is extremely tight."

An hour later of letting those words float around in my head, I was able to confirm that comment as 100% factual.
avatar for Timbuck12
9 years ago
Top 2: "Do whatever you want to me."

"I like it rough. I know I'm small but I won't break".
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
"I'm not pregnant after all."
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
My favorite once during her period just before she gave me a blowjob during her period said to me here's the quote
"just because one of the rides is down for maintenance, doesn't mean I shut the whole carnival down"
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
+1 for twentyfive. This chick has a great attitude *and* a sense of humor!
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
My ATF one afternoon told me my dances were on the house because I made her cum.
avatar for magicrat
9 years ago
"why don't you go by the adult store, buy some toys and get a room. I will call you when I get out of here." And she actually called and showed up!
avatar for Imamutt
9 years ago
"Oh, you thought I was kidding when I said I was going to rape you?"
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
"I love you, too."

Yes, I'm that pathetic.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Ready to fuck!?!?
avatar for rockie
9 years ago
Was that some kind of 'kama sutra"?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
"Want the greatest blow job of your life" - got that today w/ an ebony at a mixed club w/o me ever mentioning anything - damn I love women that take the initiative sexually - she sucked bare-dick line a damn Olympian - and yeah I fucked her FCG and RCG to go along with the BBBJ - it was the least I could do.
avatar for culvercityboy
9 years ago
We were in the VIP room in and had lost track of time. It was full GFE, but neither of us had finished. The bouncer knocked on on the door to end the session and before I could say anything, she said, "we're going another session". In a slight panic, I told her that I didnt bring the cash for a second session. Her reply was, "I'm paying for this one." Man, I miss her.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
These are good. I especially like "I'm paying for this one." It doesn't happen always but when they are as horny as you, it doesn't get any better.
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