
Strippers and phones

Monday, May 2, 2016 6:52 PM
(in my best Seinfeld voice) What's the deal with strippers and their phones? You would think a stripper would take care of her phone the way a realtor takes care of her car: It's not her chief asset, but it's essential to doing her job well, am I right? In my considerable experience with strippers and their phones, they: * lose phones all the time * change phones all the time -- and change numbers when they trade phones * give fake phone numbers if they don't want you to contact them * answer texts sporadically if at all * answer a paragraph with a few words and a sentence with "lol" or "idk" or something similarly thoughtful Just in recent weeks, at just one club where I know several dayshift girls *very* well, I've encountered the following: (1) M*a gave me her number but it never receives my texts -- I get an error message every time (2) M*h gave me her number but she seldom answers my texts (3) D* gave me her number but it's no longer hers -- some doofus texted back that "This isn't D*'s number any more!" (4) J* blew me in VIP, got DATY from me -- *everyone* enjoyed that VIP visit! -- kissed me nonstop during and after, and offered her number and more fun OTC -- but is now on a break from stripping and doesn't answer my texts. For my own peace of mind, I'm assuming she lost her phone, because no other explanation is acceptable :) (5) L* provided HJ + BBBJ + TF in VIP and gave me her number but lost her phone within a couple of days. Fortunately she had a back-up phone and somehow knew my number, so she texted me to ask for a ride to work -- because she also has transportation issues! And don't even get me started on strippers and their transportation problems -- that's a whole other rant! What phone-related drama have you experienced with the ecdysiasts in your life?


  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Love the phone craziness with strippers. Obviously, it's worth mentioning up front that one should rightfully be suspicious of "lost my phone" and "battery ran out" stories, since they may well just be covering excuses for ignoring you. That said, my experience is that strippers really are constantly losing their phones and running out of juice. One of my very favorite things is their phone numbers. Changing phone numbers is the way they manage their contacts list -- change number, only give new number out to a chosen few. Often, they'll change their number because too many old customers have it -- although sometimes that's a separate google voice number. But they show the same good judgement in their personal lives also ... from the time they get the new number, they're giving out their number to tons of random guys, until their phone is blowing up from guys they barely remember, and then ... change their # again! lol
  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Hmmm. Could there be a correlation between extras and non-extras girls and how careful they are with their phones?
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I remember one dancer really did have a lot of phone issues. At one point she had dropped her phone and had a cracked screen for at least a month or two. Another time she said this carrier or that carrier sucked.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I've known her for a year and a half and in that time the DS has had seven different phones and seven different phone nunbers. In comparison, I've had the same phone number for over 15 years.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    Thats the way I am I have had the same number since 1999 for real. Strippers lose phones, run out of prepaid minutes or some dude throws there phone against the wall...LOL
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    Yep your examples sound JUST like the strippers I know. How do you lose a phone, get one 3 days later then break the new one again within a week? It's unfathomable how much they lose/break their phones! And it pisses me off to no end the responses way later or not at all or having a convo then disappearing with no explanation. BUT this is the world we live in with strippers. You have to roll with it if you want to tap it when it comes right down to it!
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    ^^^ What JS69 and ButterMan said! My favorite at Jimmy's in Chicago Heights (now sadly departed) gave me her new phone number every time I came in to see her, usually once every few months, because that's how often she changed phones and numbers. Meanwhile, I've had the same cell number since 2003 -- no lost phones and one cracked screen in 13 years! But we always have to remind ourselves: with all due respect to hotstuff, NinaBambina, and other lovely ladies on this board, if strippers in general made great decisions and sound choices in life, they probably wouldn't be strippers and we wouldn't have the fun with them that we so enjoy.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    Women lose their phones all the time. Their stupid tiny pockets arent big enough for modern smartphones. So they use their purse or just put it down wherever. Number changing can be a way to escape bad news ex boyfriends. GACA made a great joke a few days ago about stripper phones only working ITC. some of those girls had no interest in texting you
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I agree that girl #2 showed little interest in texting me -- I think she's out of the biz now. The puzzling one is #4, who provided a *total* GFE before, during, and after our time in the VIP room, proposed OTC, answered my first text a couple of days later, and then went silent. Since I'm kind of infatuated with this chick, I am trying to convince myself that she lost her phone and has no way to reach me.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Strippers suffer from downsyndrum
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    My gosh, what is there to add after reading the stories above. John's DS has had seven different phones/numbers in 18 months! Fucking incredible how these girls function in modern society. On a recent visit to see a potential favorite girl I truly thought I would have to find another dancer to entertain me. The girl spent nearly five minutes looking around the club for her lost phone. She finally found it in a chair on the main floor. But not before making at least two trips into VIP and the dressing room looking there. Black phones/phone cases in a very dark club makes it even more difficult to locate phones. Another reason I will never take my primary phone into a SC.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    So true
  • dudefromsd
    8 years ago
    I'm in the midst of #4 right now
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Lol, strippers and their phones, that's an adventure in itself.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    Many times they have phone issues, but many times its just selective texting/calling. My old fave could go a long time and not return texts. Couldn't leave a message when I called, voice mail not set up. But when she needed monetary assistance that phone was working perfectly. Text messages returned promptly, she might even call to confirm a meet up.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    (1) M*a gave me her number but it never receives my texts -- I get an error message every time Fake number or out of $. (2) M*h gave me her number but she seldom answers my texts Google Voice number or something. Not a real cellphone. (3) D* gave me her number but it's no longer hers -- some doofus texted back that "This isn't D*'s number any more!" Her pimp's phone. I let an exgf have a spare phone on my family plan for 2 weeks once, completely reasonable if some unintended calls come in. (4) J* blew me in VIP, got DATY from me -- *everyone* enjoyed that VIP visit! -- kissed me nonstop during and after, and offered her number and more fun OTC -- but is now on a break from stripping and doesn't answer my texts. For my own peace of mind, I'm assuming she lost her phone, because no other explanation is acceptable :) Unknown circumstances. (5) L* provided HJ + BBBJ + TF in VIP and gave me her number but lost her phone within a couple of days. Fortunately she had a back-up phone and somehow knew my number, so she texted me to ask for a ride to work -- because she also has transportation issues! Smart enough to backup her contacts to a website.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    My ATF loses her phone all the time. I've seen her not be able to find it in her own home. She will ask me to call her so the phone will ring and she can locate it.
  • localuser
    8 years ago
    My fav smashed her phone, so I ordered a replacement screen from eBay and brought it with me with my screwdrivers into the club with the intention of replacing it right there, she somehow managed to get her smashed phone stolen before the part came in.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    #4 is on a break from stripping. Sounds like at least for now she's off the menu. Girls quit (and return) all the time. They aren't McDonald's, always there and available, they're more like food trucks. But at least food trucks usually post schedules online.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Up until almost a year ago, I had had the same cell phone number for about 8 or 9 years.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    Nina, next are you going to tell us that you respond promptly and clearly to all texts from regular customers? If so you really are a unicorn.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    This is typical of young women in general. Annoying as fuck to constantly change their numbers all the time. I don't even bother contacting them anymore.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    "Nina, next are you going to tell us that you respond promptly and clearly to all texts from regular customers? If so you really are a unicorn." Lol. I am going to be honest here, I don't always respond promptly --- clearly, yes, promptly, not always. However, it depends on if it's a "priority customer" ie a big spender and/or one I've built a rapport with. There are times when I will forget entirely to text back until they next day. That's not me being purposefully dismissive though, I just sometimes get busy and forget. I'd still have that same number too, but my sister jumped onto my phone plan without my permission. Not only did Verizon let her do this without my permission, but they also added other leeches to my phone plan without telling me and WITHOUT RAISING OUR DATA PLAN. So it was five people sharing data that was meant for one or two people; they were all leeches incapable of paying their own bills so I got stuck with a $1500 bill (we went way over on data). I had to pay all 1500 myself, had to pay to keep their lines suspended, and they wouldn't switch their lines into their own names. The next bill was 2K so I said fuck it and switched providers. It kinda sucks, because I lost some long term regulars' numbers. Luckily my gmail saved some of them.
  • Ugluck75
    8 years ago
    Glad to read stripper phones issues are common. When dealing with strippers we must remember that between their flightiness and all the phone/text traffic they receive, it can be hard communicating with them. Fortunately for me I am not a big talker/texter anyways so place little cred in communicating with them outside the club. Now that I know strippers better I just find ways to adapt to this quirk.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"There are times when I will forget entirely to text back until they next day. That's not me being purposefully dismissive though, I just sometimes get busy and forget. " I think there's an extent to which we ascribe to "stripper phone flakiness", things that are really "older person phone etiquette vs young person text etiquette". IME with younger people who've grown up texting, a text isn't always a high priority deal, and things like "I checked your text but was super busy, then forgot about it, then remembered about it when I looked at my texts the next day" is a pretty common story. So are passive-aggressive techniques like simply not returning texts at all. With older people, all of that is perceived as an insult ... unless it's dangerous because you're doing something like driving, you should at least text back "busy, talk later" or whatever. I do think strippers uplevel this to high art, but younger people are more relaxed about this even with non-strippers
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Once this dancer claimed her mom had died, that's why she never called. I subsequently found out that her lie was SS. I went to her condo, knocked on the door, her brother answers, I express sympathy on their mom's death. He reacts in shock !! What a piece of crap that broad was. I dumped her slimy ass.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    All cellphones should be taken away from strippers until they learn how to use them properly.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    The issue I ran into was them not paying their bill and getting their service cut off & them wanting me to pay to get their service back up.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx "This is typical of young women in general. Annoying as fuck to constantly change their numbers all the time. I don't even bother contacting them anymore." Women dont have the balls to tell people to fuck off by phone call or text. They dont want to let down the dirtbag chick or guy, instead they will change their number so dirtbag cant contact them anymore. If dirtbag chick/guy figures out how to contact the woman, she just says "I lost/broke/changed my number, and im so sorry I forgot to give it you" instead of saying telling dirtbag the number was changed specifically because of dirtbag. Pathetic.
  • jayhawk123
    8 years ago
    I have heard many times that the battery died so they couldn't text me back until the next day. I have a charger in my house and one in my car to make sure my phone doesn't die and I am not a dancer who like mentioned above needs to have it to keep regulars
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