Morels Are Freakishly Early This Year!

avatar for rockstar666
OMG. I found 8 morels by the path in the woods I walk at lunch every day, and I wasn't even looking for them!!! They are small but big enough to pick! I would have left them to grow but someone else would see them and that would be that. April 25th....the all time early date to start the season by NINE days! I know it's been warm but where I live, May 5th has been the earliest I've ever found any. Must be this global warming thing that I keep hearing is really just a hoax. Perhaps I should send every GOP congressman and senator a mushroom...


last comment
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I don't have any morals.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I like my stripers to have no morals as well
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
I just bought a few at $39.99/lb in WA. We have lesser black morels, you have the better white morels. I bought spores and learned that they can't be home grown. Dreamgirls at Rick's smells like mushrooms, I might have to go check it out and see if I can get a fungus.
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
Lesser Black you saying nigga?

No... but I did have to goggle what it is you white people were talking about....smh.
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
LOL, two different strains named for their color difference. West coast morels aren't as tastey as where his reviewed clubs are located. WA morels are krump.
avatar for warhawks
9 years ago

I like my strippers freakish. White or black, with or without morals.

Preferably without though.
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