Honest Dancer?
I finally decided to leave my CF alone and go searching at another club for a new CF. Well I now have to different clubs where I MAY have a CF. One is a solid 9 and the other is an 8.5. The 9 almost seems to good to be true. I have only seen her 3 times but so far everything she has said she will do she does. We discussed doing dinner and she said yes. She seems sincere and honest in everything she says. Have any of you had dancers that were always honest with you?
But you shouldn't let this reality discourage you. Just don't be naive.
I dated a stripper for a long time (years). She always claimed she never ever lied to me, which I could never argue with. BUT there were several things she never told me. So, in other words it was my fault because I wasn't asking the right questions!
Has anyone ever known a woman who was always completely honest with them?
Jimmy Smith - The Cat
I suppose this breed exists somewhere? Could be as rare as a unicorn or an honest politician...
But I'm also saying that women communicate differently from men, and straight up truthfulness is rare with them.