OT @the ex-mrs. mail order bride san_jose_guy
Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
if you are reading this i would like to apologize for san_jose_guy. specifically i apologize for:
his incessant bed wetting
his bizarre Freudian mommy issues
his inability to achieve an erection and have sex with a grown woman
his obsession with AMPs where he can find women that look like they are 12 y/o
his dry cleaning bills for premature ejaculation when assaulting teenage girls
his refusal to share his weed
his complete lack of education
his refusal to get a job
his deeply ingrained racism
his overbearing misogyny
his bible-thumping devotion to his religion in order to please his mother
his lack of hygiene
his overpowering gravy breath
yes there are many more but please, please accept mine and everyone on TUSCL’s apology on his behalf for him being a total failure and waste of carbon atoms.
his incessant bed wetting
his bizarre Freudian mommy issues
his inability to achieve an erection and have sex with a grown woman
his obsession with AMPs where he can find women that look like they are 12 y/o
his dry cleaning bills for premature ejaculation when assaulting teenage girls
his refusal to share his weed
his complete lack of education
his refusal to get a job
his deeply ingrained racism
his overbearing misogyny
his bible-thumping devotion to his religion in order to please his mother
his lack of hygiene
his overpowering gravy breath
yes there are many more but please, please accept mine and everyone on TUSCL’s apology on his behalf for him being a total failure and waste of carbon atoms.
* He does seem to be somewhat educated in the sense of having read Karl Marx's Das Kapital and Howard Zinn's extremely leftwing People's History of the United States over and over and over.
* He isn't racist in the least, unless you mean against white people. Or is that not even a thing?
* I assume the reference to "his . . . devotion to his religion" is purely facetious, as I have never encountered anyone so vehemently hostile to Christianity in my life.
I admire Howard Zinn greatly, especially his newer "People's History of the American Empire". And I am indeed the person most vehemently hostile to Christianity that you could ever meet, except maybe for the late Madelyn Murray O'Hair. I have done nothing to make myself worthy of being in the same league she was in.
I don't dislike White people, I just have had to face the fact that by virtue of being the dominant racial group, Whites will tend to be either upwardly mobile conformists, or shit heads lacking political consciousness. With no other racial group is this problem so pronounced. Girls of color dance in strip clubs and fuck for money because they want to earn a living, and because it can be fun too. White girls do these same things, but it is because they are the designated family black sheep, and they are not able to face this so they lead self-destructive lives, while at the same time supporting right wing politics.
I am pleased to say that in San Francisco you do find politically aware White strippers. And we get some of them migrating down here to South Bay. Completely different from the Shit Head Whites, and I enjoy them very much. One of the things which is common among them is an acute awareness of how much childhood familial sexual abuse has to do with White girls going into sex work. Without this, they would have had other options.
With most forums on the Internet, they either take a National Public Radio sensibility, or even worse, a pro Recovery Movement and Psychotherapy position. There are way too many to count now. I've been kicked of thousands of them, and even when I am being on my best behavior.
And then TUSCL is the only place I can be myself, and the only place I can talk about my fetishistic and mongering proclivities with beautiful women. I would never dare even try to talk about such stuff on other forums. Once the Internet became main stream, during the dot com Ponzi scheme of the 90's, it became much like a Ladies Church Group.
Thanks MrDeuce and mikeya02 for the constructive questions.
Jimmy Smith, Any Number Can Win
album cover