
Failed? OTC, convo review

For those who don't recognize my username, I'm a young guy. Never done OTC, but almost did tonight...

I get a text from my local club's most popular dancer. She's an 18ish year old, spinner. She's almost always tied up at the club, catering to the older guys.

Her: Hi
Me: Well that was unexpected. What's up?
Her: Not much bored at the club
Me: Oh now you're bored, when I'm not there to get a dance from you lol
Her: Yes I'm sorry that is how it works out somettimes
Me: Are you available to come to my place tonight?
Me: And it's fine, I know you're popular there
Her: I'm working come here
Me: What if I cover your income for the night?
Her: 300 and now I'm [in the] hole 80 so 380
Me: If you stay the rest of the night, yea that sounds good
[1 hour goes by, no response]
Me: I meant if you come to my place and stay here for the night, in case that wasn't clear. Does that work for you?

My guess is either she found a better offer, or I actually made it too structured with my length-of-stay condition. Or maybe she just got busy.


  • FTS
    9 years ago
    And I'm actually wondering if I should have bartered a little. Tonight's not the greatest night for me anyway (NCAA game!)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    No surefire formula – OTC often has a high failure rate.

    It’s hard for a dancer to commit to an all-nighter especially if she does not have OTC experience w/ the custy.

    I would have stuck at $300 for 2 hours and maybe that would have worked – although I’m not sure if she knew OTC meant sex or the same thing you do in the club (dances).
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Plus it’s harder to negotiate on the spot – perhaps you can arrange it for her days off so you would not have to necessarily buy-out her shift
  • FTS
    9 years ago
    Thanks Papi. So you think I should explicitly tell her that I'm expecting sex if she comes over?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    if that's what you want -but one needs to kinda talk up to that moment and say it w/ a some finesse - you are the one paying - so you should get what you want - but kinda to pop-it like that on the spot especially if you're not sure she's DTF.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    but kinda to pop-it like that

    but kinda hard to pop-it like that
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I don't think you did anything wrong, just worked out the way it worked out. I do agree with Papi, that if you expected sex, you didn't mention it, so even if she showed up, she might have chosen to pretend that you just bought her out for hanging out.

    For that reason, I always negotiate for OTC in-person. Just seems like there's too many ways to come off looking like a douche in text. IF she's on the fence at all, texting will always scare her away
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Send her some dick-pics so she gets the point - works for Rech

  • FTS
    9 years ago
    Haha, idk she's small and young, a pic of my huge cock might scare her more than my texts lol.

    Yea I'll probably talk to her about it when I see her at the club. Her stage name is Temptation, and during a dance I told her that was a perfect name for her. And I asked her if she had a bf. That was when she gave me her number. Guess I should just have a little more fun talking sexy with her.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    You chose a very difficult way to set up OTC because it required her to leave work early. It's much easier to set up for a night in the not too distant future. And yes you pushed too hard by insisting upon staying the night. That would be hard for her to do without advance preparation. Plus spending the night is something that's usually done after you have an established OTC relationship. And while opinions will vary, I personally don't think you offered enough money for what you wanted given her popularity and age.

    As to whether or not to specify sex will happen, it can go both ways depending upon the dancer and the situation. I usually specify sex in a non creepy way but there are circumstances where that might not be necessary.

    I'd keep trying when you see her in person. Or since 18 year olds are my specialty, you can just give me the information and I'll set it up. After I'm done with her, then the precedent will be set for you. You're welcome.

  • Eagle1191
    9 years ago
    You made a few mistakes for this one, first off you should never ask a dancer over your place as the first OTC she does not know you well enough for that. The first, and second OTC are to build trust so she knows your not some crazy serial killer or what not and yes people do that to dancers.

    Second was your price being to low, she needs $380 which means you offter $400 atleast to make it look more viable then staying at the club especially if she is already at the club.

    Another thing you could have done is offer her a chance to leave early if she is not making much that night or ask her to meet up another day so you can give her a less stressful but profitable day.

  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Fuck the shit outa her
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Yeah, what crazyjoe said.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Rather than trying to close the deal via text, I would have gone to the club to negotiate in person. Some women like to be pursued; texting is a little impersonal (even if it is convenient).
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    Yeah you weren't clear on sex in your texts. Best bet would have been to go visit her and actually speak with her. It's too easy to misinterpret things in text where by talking you are usually on the same page.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Best to try and set things up on a day when she isn't in the club, as others have said, but my take on the text exchange is simpler, she was just doing what many good salespeople do trying to prospect her customers, and see if she could entice you to come in and spend some money that's all, she was not really looking for OTC and probably won't do OTC unless you up your game substantially.
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    ....or more than likely she had no intention of going to your place. Sounds like she was hoping that you would go to the club. Her line "I'm working come here" says alot.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Haha. Your game sucks. Strap on that crash test helmet good & tight. I'm going to be blunt here.

    --> "Her: I'm working come here" --> end quote

    ^This is standard SS**. She wants you to come ITC and spend. This is the reason she gave you (or any dancer really) her texting number. To draw you back into the club to bring money, ITC. It's for ITC.

    --> "You: What if I cover your income for the night?
    Her: 300 and now I'm [in the] hole 80 so 380" --> end quote

    ^Here, she assumed you just conned you into (1) coming into the club and (2) buying $380 worth of dances, ITC. She probably has a smug look on her face and is waiting to you arrive any minute, since it's slow. This thinks you're a white knight or some sucker ... since you agreed to "cover her income for the night." Aww. You white knight, you. You're "rescuing the poor woman" form a slow shift. Now she's pleased with herself that she gave you her number. ;)

    --> "You: If you stay the rest of the night, yea that sounds good
    [1 hour goes by, no response]" --> end quote

    She realized you are now pushing for OTC p4p. She did not bargain for this or got a better deal. So she's ignoring you. My guess is she may not do p4p, but it's hard to tell. Tough break.

    ^That's my take. Feel free to criticize it.

    **SS=Stripper Shit. Basically lies, anything, strippers say to get you to spend more ... in the club. ITC!
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    p4p= pay 4 play, aka sex for money

    Also, I agree with JohnSmith69 and I feel you offered too low of money $$. You agreed to buy her off her shift, which was dumb. But, okay, that's $380, round up to $400. Now you need to dangle the OTC p4p carrot. I imagine, to close this deal, you should offer the p4p rate on top of buying her shift off. Now, understand, this is a lot of money, but, if you're (1) trying to convert an unlikely prospect and (2) buying her off her shift, you need to pay her appropriately.

    So: $400 + market rate for OTC p4p.

    Then you need to figure out your market rate. Some places are $200, some are $250 and some are $300 (or more).

    So, let's assume $300.

    $380, round up to $400, then plus $300 = $700. That should cover 2 hours or so in fun. Asking to spend the night was a bad move at least so early on. Also you should have rented a 3.5 star (or so) hotel room, and done the deed there.

    Next time, don't agree to cover her shift. That was dumb.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    Has there been any sex with her at the club? If not, and that was what you were after with the "spend the night" offer, you probably rushed it.

    If you've had some kind of sex with her ITC, then she's either not an OTC kind of girl, or her income went up at the club.
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I'll throw in my two cents...

    It's hard to say what went wrong. She might have been seconds away from saying she'll be there in 15 minutes when a patron came up, asked her if she'd like a drink & altered the course of the night. She might have realized she wasn't gonna get you ITC & cut bait. She might have realized you wanted to fuck and got creeped out. She might have been offended at the $380. Who knows.

    That said, I never "negotiate" via text. Ever. If sex and/or payment come up, I generally do like she did. I'll just go dark. Occasionally, I'll say something indicating I was just looking get to know her better & I'm not interested in that kind of relationship. There's a number of reasons for doing it that way, the biggest one is that you never know who is on the other end of a text or reading it after the fact. And that goes both ways. Another is that you can't see the reaction and are left to ask a bunch of random assholes online WTF happened. I like to have those conversations in person, where I can read her body language and respond accordingly or at the very least get a solid answer. The way it is now, you're left with no good options. If you try again, do you offer more? Demand less? Be more explicit? Plan ahead, or wait and capitalize on an opportunity?

    I'd make arrangements to see her at the club and have a conversation about OTC in general. Feel her out & if you can, get a good framework of her rate. Then next time the opportunity strikes its just a simple yes/no.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    I see an OTC encounter with her in your future. I'd go into the club and set it up in person if that is what you want.
  • FTS
    8 years ago
    @Dolfan, best comment thus far: "... and are left to ask a bunch of random assholes online WTF happened."

    Thanks everybody, I think I get the gist of it
  • s88
    8 years ago
    @Dolfan I agree. Every text I send a dancer, I like to pretend a booking/intake cop will be reading through her message history the next time she is arrested. Her phone could also be her pimp's phone when she is not at work, or her BF "in denial she is a stripper" could take her phone while she is nodded out and be responding to me to set up a man to man showdown or robbery that nobody fucks his girl. I will never discuss drugs or sex, or $ for drugs or sex over a phone, text or voice.

    There is also the problem that some strippers have no fucking clue what SC customer face is connected with what number or they dont store customers as contacts or something. They talk to every PL the same way, you arent Mike or Gus, you are "papi", so all papis get turned down for OTC and are told to go ITC where she will make a decision in person whether to OTC.
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