Rudest. Stripper. Ever.

I'm a pretty easy going guy and I don't complain often, but sometimes I just have to vent.
I'm in Vegas and visited 3 strip clubs today, which I'll post reviews of. At one of them, Sapphire, I encountered the rudest stripper and perhaps the rudest person I've ever met.
So, I walk in, grab a beer and sit at the bar. Two girls come up to me right away and start talking to me. I kind of wanted to chill with my beer and scope out all the dancers first, so a minute into the conversation, I tell them I'm not interested in getting dances from them, just so I don't waste their time. Even though I said this, they hung around with me anyway and continued to talk.
I was going to end the conversation, but we were actually having an interesting talk, so I didn't get up and leave or ask them to leave. While we talked, I was surveying the room to see what other dancers were there. I saw one pretty one that I liked and wanted to get dances from.
So, the girls finally ask me again if I want dances and I tell them no again. They are pleasant and finally walk away.
Then, the pretty girl comes up to me right away and I'm thinking 'cool'. Well, not so cool, after all.
Her: Wanna dance?
Me: Not right now, but...
Her: Turns het back to me mid sentence and walks away.
It gets worse. I'm like, okay whatever, I'll find another girl. So, I go tip the girl on stage, and when I return to the bar, the rude girl comes up to me again.
She says something I didn't hear and then she sits down and takes out her cell phone.
I decide to give her the benefit of the doubt and start over.
So, I walk up to her say hi and ask her name. She refuses to tell me her name. She says it doesn't matter what her name is. It's a fake name and she's not going to waste her time telling me. She says I've been here a while and haven't gotten a dance yet, so she's not going to waste her time talking to me.
So, I'm ready to explain to her that I didn't get a dance yet, because I was waiting for the other two girls to leave, so I could come find HER to get a dance.
I say, "you misunderstood, I..."
Again, she cuts me off midsentence, and says "I'm not going to sit here and talk to you, because some other guy might see us talking, and it might prevent me from selling a dance to someone else" and she walks off.
Bitch! So, at that point I had enough and was ready to ho somewhere else. Anywhere else. To spend my pocket full of money that I was planning to give to her.
The funny thing is, after she walked away from me and did a loop of the club, nobody else bought a dance from her, so she was sitting right back at the bar on her cell phone.
Anyway, wound up going to Spearmint Rhino. No cover, happy hour specials, talked to a bunch of NICE girls, got a double lap dance from two of the hottest girls in the bar, and all is better.
Had to vent though. Ahh.
last commentThat's that club lately. Attitude central. Used to be like that at SR but cant complain about my last 3 visits there.
Years ago I was with a group and a hot bitchy dancer at SR I approached told me to 'get real and come back when I had real money.' Told my friends Ill be back in an hour went to a cage pulled out 2k and made them break down $1000 in 20s and 10s to make the wad bigger. Came back found the gal and pulled out the bankroll and said 'Is this what you mean?' She goes 'Yeah baby now we're talking' and rubs my crotch. Im like 'cool.' Then I grabbed her friends hand even tho she was less attractive and led her straight to the VIP.
@Pistola Nice!
I’ll play devil’s advocate here – I guess if it’s ok for custies to not want to talk to certain dancers then I guess it should be ok for dancers to not want to talk to certain custies.
I've seen some rude bitches and I've seen rude customers...I believe it's due to burn out....she will probably quite soon
You did the right thang and moved on
I had a moment similar last week at Sapphires.
A group of guys I was with walks in (8 deep) and we immediately get 2 bottles and a table. Of course the girls come swarming and these two older dancers come by (looking like they're off the Real Housewives of Bev Hills) and I say "how about I buy 4 lapdances for my buddy" and they scoff "oh sorry we only do VIP." That's fine... We get multiple dances by several girls over the next hour while these two girls are still standing in the corner... Stupid bitches.
@papi - sure i agree but a dancer could just say 'one of my regulars is coming in and im waiting on him' instead of acting like a diva. I politely refuse gals all the time but dont act like an ahole, unless theyre pushy and wont go away.
Biggest bitch I ever met was a stripper.
Just as cold acting as she was hot looking.
I would've spent huge sums on her if she was chill. Instead, I quit after 2 cheap songs. To this day, over 10 years later, I can hardly conceive of what an ice queen she was.
That's a great story Pistola.
This town is whack. I was just walking through the busy casino on the way back to my room and got propositioned by two pretty, but kinda big, black girls. They took my arm and kept asking me to take them back to my room. I kept saying no thank you I'm tired and they kept saying 'let us come with you.' This dude in the elevator saw the whole thing and we couldn't figure out if they were prostitutes or drunk and hirny. I imagine prostitutes.
@daonion - it's a tough sc scene in Vegas because of the tourism. And oh man those bcgs in the casinos can be aggressive. If it helps bc you seem cool if you wake with blue balls go to the OG early. Or start your adventure at Cheetahs at noon, head to the OGs then Rhino then possibly back to Cheetahs. Be done by 9-10 and just play some light gaming and order a nice dinner and rinse and repeat. That's my advice. Smiley face and shit.
Ps - def working gals. Never ever mess with two gals at the same time unless you fully trust and have been with one for a minute. It's how they rob you
Thanks Pistola, appreciate that. Sounds like a good plan. I was at OG today, but it was so dark and empty that it scared me off. Planning on Little Darlings tomorrow, but may have to check out Cheetah and give OG another try too.
yeah fuck that place. my experience as well.
That's why I don't go there often when I visit Vegas. I wouldn't have bothered with her again after the first time she cut you short.
we prefer smaller clubs. prospecting for that elusive gem.
Rude strippers....should we expect anything else?
What other job pays $20 for 3 minutes of "work"? And then we're surprised when they are divas?
One of my first real favorites was the rudest bitch I've ever seen. Nice to me, but I was ashamed of the way she treated waitresses and food servers in and out of the club. She clearly thought she was better than other people.
Truth in typos: "I had enough and was ready to ho somewhere else."
Haha! I saw that afterward. Typing on my phone here.
OGs before 1 pm is good. Usually the same 3-4 gals. Youll need to shower after but I hear ya sometimes it's a ghost town although I get away with more there than anywhere else and for a reasonable value. Btw Rhino during the day isnt bad at all. Crazy Horse 3 is worth a look too - a little tame but always some talent. In any event may the force be with you and have fun!
I know a girl who started stripping, first night ever stripping, she made $1500 -- at Sapphire. Second night, $1000. This is a girl who has no fucking idea what she's doing, she says she can see the veteran strippers have all kinds of tricks to keep guys spending, and thinks she'll be making more soon.
So, I suppose, the girls there are making enough that, if they are cunty at heart, they can indulge their cuntiness and still walk away with a lot of $. That girl was like a real-life version of the SW girls ... except I'm convinced the SW girls are just venting and don't really behave the way they say they do, but the girl you met actually did it! Over at SW they've probably hoisted her on their shoulders and are yelling hizzah! up and down the aisles. :)
" I encountered the rudest stripper and perhaps the rudest person I've ever met. "
Rude? Yes. But If she was perhaps the rudest stripper or person you ever met I'd have to say you must be leading a charmed life. Trust me there are lots more ruder people out there.
As rude stripper's go, that was very gentle. She was only saying out loud what most wanna dance types are thinking when you tell them maybe later. If they were interested in hearing your explanation, they wouldn't be going around just saying wanna dance.
I've had dancers refuse to do test LDs and say VP room or fuck off to me. That dancer later sits with what I presume is her regular customer. Some dancers will sit with their regular most of the night rather than work the floor or chat with random customers without knowing if random customers will buy anything or not.
Her: Wanna dance?
Me: Not right now, but...
Her: Turns het back to me mid sentence and walks away.
You just told her you are broke or she is ugly. You need to find different words to say. Perhaps someone else can suggest better phrases. IDK, I'd say "I just came to watch girls tonight" which means you might stage tip but you wont buy LDs. Or "I just got here, Im thinking of getting dances tonight, but I want to see who is working here tonight first". Or "I just got here, Im thinking of getting dances tonight, but I want girls on stage first before I make up my mind", or "I want to first see you dance on stage".
I decide to give her the benefit of the doubt and start over.
So, I walk up to her say hi and ask her name. She refuses to tell me her name. She says it doesn't matter what her name is. It's a fake name and she's not going to waste her time telling me. She says I've been here a while and haven't gotten a dance yet, so she's not going to waste her time talking to me.
You told her she is ugly or you are broke.
Again, she cuts me off midsentence, and says "I'm not going to sit here and talk to you, because some other guy might see us talking, and it might prevent me from selling a dance to someone else" and she walks off.
Bitch! So, at that point I had enough and was ready to ho somewhere else. Anywhere else. To spend my pocket full of money that I was planning to give to her.
You told her she is ugly or you are broke.
Live and learn.
I forgot - this happened in Vegas. I've never been to the Vegas clubs - but I doubt I'd hit those clubs for anything other than curiosity. It sounds like they expect you to pay and pay - and there's very little play.
It would seem to be prudent for most dancers to take a basic business course - and maybe a marketing course as well. It might make a difference in the understanding of supply and demand - and product presentation - etc. They are in essence private contractors - running their own business - so it might provide some insights that could be effective.
Fuck Las Vegas.
I miss the good old days before the corporations came in and bought everyone out. Back in the day, they understood the value in keeping the gamblers happy. Las Vegas should be less Disney and more New Year Eve for us degenerate mongers and gamblers (not a place to bring the kids or the wife -- not a place for 21-year-old douchebags willing to blows $500 to sit around a topless pool and get bottle service -- dumbasses!)!
I secretly hope Cuba emerges as Las Vegas circa 1970 with tits and ass and great, cheap food and fine entertainment with hot and cold running hookers.
@s88 Yeah, you're right. It is a learning experience. If she hadn't cut me off mid-sentence, which had never happened to me before, she would have known that I wanted to buy dances from her and not the other girls.
Anyway, in the future, I would do things differently. 1. Not hang around with the other girls so long, which may have prevented the problem. 2. Said, 'yes, I do want a dance. saw you earlier and thought you were pretty. tell me your name first though.' 3. Most importantly, go to a SC in a city other than Vegas.
Live and learn.
I personally don’t think you did anything wrong – there are just dancers that are gonna act that way and some that will-not and one should not be too surprised or too taken aback when they run into-them; it’s part of the biz just like there are really crappy custies.
True Papi. I'm a rookie still and have been fortunate to interact with mostly nice dancers. This was a wake up call to expect rude dancers from time to time and not be shocked when you run into them. Part of the biz, like you said.