The first strip club tip that I've ever received

avatar for JohnSmith69
I haven't seen such a massively failed effort at tipping since my vain effort at a black dive.

Guy is on second floor balcony overlooking main club floor. He drops around $50 in 1s above a satellite stage. It's a long drop and the money flows everywhere. I'd say he got maybe $20 on stage. The remaining $30 went all over about 10 tables. I got $4 on my table. I left the money for a while but put it in my pocket after nobody claimed it in about ten minutes.

Anybody else ever been tipped as a customer?


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I was at a tiny black dive so all the PLs and dancers are in close-quarters – a blackp-guy started indiscriminately throwing about 200 singles in the air and some landed on me – I did not keep any b/c I was in a black dive.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Yeah Papi the risk from the Baby Dolls' customers is considerably less.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
John, you should have given it to the bathroom troll
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
A while back at another black dive I was getting floor-dances at the bar from an ebony – one of the club employees tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the floor beneath my seat and there were about 20 singles underneath my seat/barstool – I thought it was my $$$ b/c I did have about 15 singles in my right shorts’ pocket and $$$ does tend to sometimes fall out of my shorts’ pockets when a dancer is grinding on me – so I got up from my seat and picked up the $$$ and put-it in my pocket.

After the ebony that was dancing for me left she came back 5-minutes later telling me the $$$ that I picked up off the floor was meant for her that her friend (a black dude standing behind me while she was dancing for me) had thrown it there for her (making it rain on her while she’s dancing for me and neither she nor me noticed).

Anyway – I was pretty sure it was her $$$ and the guy had rained it under my seat for her b/c it did seem more than the 15 or so singles I had so I gave it to her.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Mikey, still time for that. He hasn't reached for my crotch yet.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Man, those bathroom trolls work hard for the money
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Just found another $1 under my chair. I'll give that to the troll.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
A couple times I have had dancers on stage give me money. But I have to explain that these were favs who wanted me to hold their money for them until they had finished their sets.
avatar for Dur_Flush
9 years ago
I usually toss $1k on stage as a warm up
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
I have. Except for some reason I scooped most of it up that was near me, and put it on stage.

I had a dancer tip me once, too. She was squatting in from of me, and most of the singles in her garter shot forward onto my tap and floor beside me and the stage table. I picked those up for her and throw them over the rail.

I didn't realize I was allowed to keep it?
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
^"onto my lap and floor"
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I was at a black dive in San Antonio a decade ago and guys would take their stacks and place them in front of a fan and the $1s would go everywhere.

Well imagine that, the only cracker in the entire place (me) is sitting directly across from the fan. After about 30 minutes I must have had at least $40 in $1s at my feet. I did the polite thing and eventually scooped it all up and threw it on the stage. I wanted to put it in my pocket, I also wanted to take it to the fan, both of those ideas (I thought) were bad looks.

Side note that was my cheapest OTC ever. $125 for an entire night with a very cute Latina dancer.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
John I think PC meant the fact that he spent it immediately after he got it BECAUSE he was in a dive where rates are super low.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
Iccasionally there is some nut making it rain near me and the money if falling all over the place within 8 feet of the dancer and making the floor slippery to walk on. I just leave it there. I report 2 AMers not make them.
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