
OT: Married Women

Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
So, I got a married coworker who wants some strange. I noticed that I get in these situations more than I liked to admit. In CA-- aka NOT an OPEN CARRY state -- I'd indulged in a few trysts. Anyway, with the situation rearing its head again, decided to do some research on the subject.

Turns out, married women are easier to bed than single women, or at least it seems that way to a lot of single guys.

Its because they are bored, not getting the thrills they used to, and starved for attention. Obviously the down side is an angry hubbie who could potentially make life miserable...but the upside is a higher than average probably of an easy lay.

Anybody else feel like married women (well women who got married anyway) easier than single girls. And how many of you had affairs with one, what was the outcome?


  • ricktheturtle
    9 years ago
    Married, schmarried. You hairless apes and your stupid rules. Part of turtlestyle loving is that if you can't be with the one you love you should love the one you're with.

    As a rick I love myself. The way I express that self love is to convince as many slutty hairless apes to do it with me turtlestyle. Aah...yup
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I've never had a tryst with a married woman so I can't provide any context.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    There was a time in my life I used to prefer OPP, and yeah, married girls are easier to bed than single or with a boyfriend. Especially those that are bored, neglected, unhappy and have kids. The ones without kids are sometimes looking to set up a new base to jump ship to, and no one wants that role.

    You know how with single girls they wait a while to let you talk them into freaky shit? Married women don't waste time like that.

    I'll write more about specifics later. Some of them ended badly, but I never got beaten up or killed... yet.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    This isn't bs. I know personally of someone who was killed by a jealous husband. You sleep with the wrong married woman and you are playing Russian roulette.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Lots of married women seem to want variety too just like married men. Maybe they also got a husband at home who is lousy in the sack. Why question it?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @Da Onion. .. yo bro, I hear you which is why I'm not fucking around in these Southern states. These guys here are way more macho about their shit.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Well, the MILF is married, but I don't think you're talking about strippers, are you? She was kind of difficult to get started with, which would seem to run counter to your hypothesis. However, since she *is* a stripper, she probably gets plenty of offers of strange, so she's also outside your typical demographic.

    Haven't had sex with a "civvie" in so long, I don't have a clue. :)

  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Ya @George I'm talking about civies. Married strippers are way harder to get than single strippers from my experience. It's because they have all the drama they need, and their loser SO keep things on edge, but they also won't leave the damaged sluts.
  • impala
    9 years ago
    Married civies are great for one night stands, and best part they DONT want to hang around afterwards
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    I've had both married women and divorced women - and both are easier to bed than single women. I don't know much - but I think if a woman is married and open to other men - then she's looking because of something lacking in her marriage. With divorced women - I think they will be more inclined to cut through the bs and get things going - as they've been through the dating shit already too.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    It seems hypocritical NOT to sleep with married women, if you want to. At least with so many men here getting side action and all. :/ Just stay safe.

    impala --> "best part they DONT want to hang around afterwards" --> end quote impala

    Agree with impala. I see the same sentiment dancers say about preferring married custies. ;) Go get your dick wet.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    No, I haven't bedded married women. It's a sin to help someone break their marriage vows. Do what you want, guys. I won't do it.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I hope to live to be 95 and get shot by a jealous husband.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I haven't broken m vows either, but some many others do. How do you reconcile that?

    I'm still trying to figure out what the "norms" around here for ethics and morality. Maybe there is no one standard for the forum, and instead its up to the individual person?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    It's a sin to lust after women too....so we're just gonna cherry pick which sins are ok to commit?

    That's why I dropped the religious act a long time ago. Either all sin is sin or no sin is so, I don't believe one sin to be worse than others.

    I firmly believe that God doesn't play politics.

    I also firmly believe that your wants are leading you toward your greatest self.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    My first married woman I was in college. I don't know her whoe story, but I know she was married, had a kid, and he neglected her. Maybe he cheated? I wasn't her first affair. We met online. Most of it happened over chat and email. She lived two states away. We spent a sexy weekend in a cheap motel. Pretty good sex, although her insecurity about her body held her back a little.

    Chick was dumb and at some point confessed and showed him her emails (probably when she got caught on her coworker she fucked). Luckily I never gave her my real name, so even if she'd sold me out the dude never could have found me.

    I had a couple where either the husband knew (open marriage/swinger ) or I imagine he kinda knew but didn't care (had his own affair going ). The sex for those was phenomenal and definitely were the type to want to fuck, cum, and go.

    Had one who got super clingy. She was a stay at home mom, bored and neglected. She wanted to call and text every day. Had to cut her loose when she got reckless and I was worried she'd do something stupid.

    Current DC is married and neglected. Amazing in bed. We will see how it ends.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Where's the best place to meet these neglected sweethearts besides work?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    The first married woman I fucked was amazing. She was 25 at the time had two kids. Best BJ to date. I fucked her like a cheap whore all over the office and outside. I got clingy because I was sex starved in my marriage.

    The other one was 36 Asian girls so she looked super good for her age, another coworker. I wasn't into her but she also let me treat her like a cheap piece of cum dump. Never even got to a motel had her outside on all fours in a remote parking lot. Did that a few times.

    Last one was 29 latina , she had her man on the phone when she unzipped me and started sucking my dick. She got too clingy though. Married an Asian guy for money but his shit didn't do it for her obviously.

    Ya they like to have some outrageous sex.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    ^I'd say online, but unfortunately for me it's been a great way to meet long distance sweethearts.

    Do professional conferences count as work? Those are notorious fuck-fests for married folks.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^No...I will start going to more of those
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    GACA, you clearly like to fuck your co-workers. It's risky due to possible drama, although as I've said in previous threads, arguably they have more to lose than you do, unless a gun-toting husband shows up.

    I think the trouble is a lot of women want to feel relatively safe and secure when they fuck, and many do want at least some sense of... I hate to call it "drama" or "romance", but they want a flirting narrative that builds up to the sex. A lot of women also don't want to feel like they went looking for it. Somehow it's less slutty to "end up" fucking someone you work with rather than going online looking for dick?

    The ones actually online looking sometimes are less attractive or more crazy. My DC and I met online but not with her looking for sex, but an online message board about our work industry (different companies, different cities, not direct competitors). We were online friends before we started snapchatting and snapchatted clean before we snapchatted dirty.

    Oh, I left one off, partially because we never actually fucked. We met on fucking Whisper of all things, met up at a Starbucks. Got into her SUV, parked in a remote corner of the parking lot behind a big rig and she straddled me. Made out, I spanked her ass in her yoga pants and she eventually took out my cock and gave me a quick BJ to completion, CIM, in the parking lot.

    The issue with her was she may have actually been mentally unstable, and also was clearly torn about her actions. I still would have fucked her, but she went back and forth for so long it fizzled out. I probably lucked out, I think she might have been a fuckton of crazy.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Yeah, "networking" events can sometimes turn into married people flirting with each other, especially if it's in the evening and there is booze involved. The people who aren't looking for trouble will usually drop off early while the people away from home and looking to have fun with sometimes gel together and go out drinking (or drink at the hotel bar). Especially conferences where everyone stays at the same hotel, hook-ups are pretty easy to set up discreetly and casually.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^ it's not that i like to fuck my coworkers but I do seriously work a lot. Not too much going on outside of work for me unfortunately. I tried to join a coed softball team, buy work definitely got in the way.

    No excuses, I'll make effort to have a social life outside of work.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Eh, I get it. Although I'm married and you're divorced, we're about the same age. You probably don't live near your HS or college buddies, so there's no one calling you Friday night to hit the bars, plus by your thirties no one wants to go out anyways except alcoholics and the guys who are a little too thirsty for pussy. A lot of guys have kids and families.

    In college it was a lot easier to work social networks to hook up with girls. A girl who might not give you the time of day at the bar as a stranger is less on guard if you meet at a mutual friend's birthday gathering.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    No all my college friends are in SD (went to SDSU) and I'm in GA right now, so no where close to be able to hit a bar. A lot if them are married with kids too so there's that. But I just move my ass back to SD had a lot of great times there
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I see it all the time when I'm out. You can easily spot the women who look at the man they're with and you can just see that "is this my life?" look in their eye. I saw it last night several times running around multiple places trying to find some big ass bunnies. The woman looks good and has obviously been taking care of herself but the man looks like he's been sleeping on the couch all day eating frozen pizzas for each meal. It goes both ways though. You also see the women who obviously have given up as well. If they both don't keep the spark alive then one will eventually move on or start stepping out.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ** might move back to SD
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Well, you probably won't recapture the great times of your early 20s even if you move back. But I'm sure you have friends it would be fun to just chill with on a regular basis.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^Mr Seas...ya that why I'm divorced. Wife completely and emphatically stop giving a gd fuck about her appearance. Got way too embarrassing to be seen in public so then she basically became a shut-in. Waste, such a beautiful and smart girl. Too many daddy issues though.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Conferences are good for meeting them.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @Dominic77: Yeah, there's some wildly different moralities represented here. :)

    I am especially amused when I'm mocked for *not* lying to my wife by those who routinely lie to theirs. :)
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'm late to the party, but I have bedded several married women over the years. Most were older than me, 1 same age, 1 younger.

    There was one of two reasons they did this.
    1. Their husband was cheating too, so they thought they should as well.
    2. They were married to a guy much older who was not sexually active anymore. The strangest was meeting a 32 year old who was married to a guy that was 60. He was broke too. I always thought "hey dummy if you're going to marry an old guy make sure he's rich." They have/had 3 kids together so she wouldn't leave him. He couldn't have sex anymore (I didn't ask details) so I filled in a void for a short period. It sucked because out of all the married women she was by far the hottest and good in bed, but her guilty conscious got the best of her and she stopped.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    There are three simple rule you must follow at all times
    First rule:
    Do not use your real name, address, phone number or occupation
    Second rule:
    Do not hit anything in your home town or leave any DNA evidence.
    Third rule:
    See first two rules
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