
OT: Married Co-Workers

Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
I know we've discussed the costs/benefits in some thread. But need to revisit my other head is doing all the reasoning right now.

So a cute (7) girl@ work getting increasingly frisky. I haven't gone pass texting how hot her ass looks in a particular wardrobe, and the occasional pat when others aren't looking.

We work in the same building and Business Unit and report to the same Director, but technically she's in a different department and I'm not her boss. She's late 20's. I'm 35/36 and single.

And before you say find a single girl...on the south and most if not all the hot single women are already married before they get out if high school or shortly thereafter. This wouldn't be a conversation if I was in NY/DC/LA


  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Stop. Now. Is it really worth your job?

    If you can't/won't take that piece of advice, at least quit texting her, that's just leaving a trail she can eventually show to people.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Why would it cost me my job?
  • K
    9 years ago
    If you have to ask, you know what to do. Don't shit where you eat. If you do go on, don't leave a paper trail, even if it is virtual. What will you do if it goes sour? You both need to shoe up together. Find a young stripper, married or not. Just my lowly opinion
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    How many guns does her husband own?
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Never dip the pen in the company ink...ever. Zero chance of it ending well.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    Will it definitely cost you your job? No.

    But the chance is too high for it to be worth it in my opinion.

    Just cause you're not her boss (though you used the word technically) doesn't mean this can't get you fired.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    I think this won't end well - it will be horribly uncomfortable if you are still working nearby after this ends. However - folks don't seem to work for the same company forever anymore - so it's possible one of you will be moving on in a little while.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Fuck...so, nobody has successfully pulled off an office romance with zero consequences? If so please chime in, if not, there's no way I'm going to be am exception.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    If she was single and you were willing to risk your job over it, that would be one thing. However, with her being married too, that's a lot of risk for a 7. Also, probably not a good idea to pat her ass in the office. If someone sees, you could jeopardize your reputation in the office, even if you don't lose your job. That would suck, especially if you haven't slept with her yet.

    I've had sex at work on more than one occasion, but I knew the risks and they weren't married. I also know married people who were co-workers and they lost both their jobs and their marriages as a result of their interoffice affair.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^Cashman good point, it's already getting to the point where I'm looking for a new region. The South is fun at times, but the shortage of hot un-married women in the late 20's early 30's is becoming problematic. Like I say ...They call it the Bible Belt because they can't call it a Chastity Belt for damn sure
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Office romances can work (sometimes) if both parties are single. And even then it can be nothing but drama if it doesn't work out. But a married co-worker ups the potential drama and implosion ante to an whole new level.
  • rattdog
    9 years ago
    if you are living in the south just find a stripper who is 25 or under, is as hot or hotter than that office chick, then problem solved and easier moving onward.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Good point about the texting that stops immediately
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It can cost your reputation, although you're right in thinking HER reputation is more vulnerable than yours.

    You know this girl... is she just looking for some dick, or does she want... romance? I've had affairs with married women (not coworkers!) and encountered both kinds. The kind that wants you to text all day and all night just to get the pussy every couple of weeks vs. the kind that truly gets that it's just about getting some strange excitement.

    Is she going to blab to her friends, or do you trust her to be chill?
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    And yeah, my Bro went to Med School in the South and was shocked at how awful the dating pool was, even for a young Doctor-to-be. The divorced women all have kids (more than one) and you're an old maid if you're not married by 25.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^JamesSD not sure what she wants. We only text during office hours, only once or twice outside of it but work related text.

    I don't trust girls to keep it quiet, but she doesn't have friends at work so that won't be an issue.

    Is she unhappy with her marriage or does she just want to strange? Probably more the latter, she's been with just the one dude and is probably needing to feel pretty. This has been building for over six months so she's definitely not taking it lightly. She's definitely more of the nerdy type (think sexy librarian) and has some pretty rigid thinking. If I had to guess her hubby routinely steps out and she's looking for some pay back. But being a girl she wants to be sure if shit hits the fan then at least it will be with someone who's an up grade over her current situation.

    But in the end you never know what a girls is thinking
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^ JamesSD, oh yes...I don't even ask if they have kids I always ask how many kids now. Gonna do another year tops and bounce back to CA
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @rattdog the problem I'm having with strippers out here is pregnancies. As soon as I find one I think makes a good OTC candidate. ..fckn baby bump.

    Oh, and the other night one just killed any chance because if the rachet hood broke skinny short mother fucka she left the club with.

    I thought the South was just going to be a smaller California, so nope. People settle way earlier and there's not nearly the amount of ambition. Even with strippers.

    Don't get me wrong, I love how neighborly every one is, and life is super relaxing, but my god, sidewalks would help solve a lot of obesity and other health related issues here.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Oh yes, that sweet fine co-worker pussy. Few things are more erotic than the build up of sexual tension with a flirtatious co-worker. Damn near...correction...pretty much impossible to resist if it is available.

    Speaking from personal experience and seeing many inter-office romances crash and burn around me, I can say it almost always ends in disaster.

    Even so, like I said, it is almost impossible to resist pursuing that forbidden fruit once that train has left the station. Best of luck.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    ^^^Touchè LW
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    A coworker and supervisor hooked up where I work.
    Really, the affair was none of my business. However, they are both married. I saw them walking together
    back to his office. Professionally, they work in different departments. So, I was confused. But, then I learned through gossip what was really happening. She was unable to transfer to his department because of this. Also, the gossip surrounding the affair was learned by everyone. Just a cautionary tale.
    I wouldn't do it. It is not worth it.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I pulled off an office romance once with few casualties. I was the director of the building with 150 employees. She was "technically" working for a contractor, but she answered to me. She was Scandavian, slim, blonde, aged 29 & had just divorced. I was 40, married and horny.
    We fucked in my office, in the elevator at work, in her car, and at her apartment. After 6 months she broke it off, feeling I was getting too serious. It was stupid, risky, potentially could have cost me my job, but I'd do it all over again in a minute.
    What a fine primo piece of ass!
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I dated a co worker for awhile. we kept it professional at work and we were both single. A few co-workers knew we were dating but it wasn't common knowledge. We didn't work in the same area so when we broke up we didn't see each other often which was good. We remained friends but not working in the same area helped not to make it awkward. I have since moved onto a new job.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    The only co-workers I want to date would be strippers if I worked at a SC.

    Fuck = dating right?
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    It's all good. Turns out all she's looking for is flirting. Came at me today total "friend zone".
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