Unexpected 3rd wheel ?
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I've noticed a few comments in the context of OTC about a dancer showing up with a girl friend, usually unexpectedly.
I recall in my SC Houston trip back in 2012 I met a sexy-ass ebony on my Sat night SC visit and we were to meet for lunch the next day on Su – eventually we meet up about 2 or 3 hours after the original time (how uncommon) and PL unknowingly to me she shows up w/ a female friend and I end-up having to buy lunch for all 3 of us which was not a big deal but she never bothered to mention she was bringing someone along.
Anyway – we had a good time and all we did was have lunch at a nice restaurant and some Starbucks later-on and we hung-out a bit but I was kinda caught off guard.
I assume chicks do this perhaps mainly out of safety reasons (when they don't' know the PL very well) which is kinda understandable (I also think these 2 got it on w/ each other but that's beyond the point).
So has this happened to you – an unexpected 3rd-wheel during an OTC hookup?
I was really nervous about what the friend would do while OTC girl and I did our thing, but the only thing that happened was I caught the friend watching while we went at it in the next room.
Ironically they got pulled over on the drive home. I had to go pick up OTC girl because the friend got arrested for DUII and the car was impounded. I ended up driving OTC home.
I was really nervous about what the friend would do while OTC girl and I did our thing, but the only thing that happened was I caught the friend watching while we went at it in the next room.
Ironically they got pulled over on the drive home. I had to go pick up OTC girl because the friend got arrested for DUII and the car was impounded. I ended up driving OTC home.
Your post in the other thread reminded me of my 3rd-wheel OTC and what prompted me to create this thread.
She showed up at my hotel 30 minutes later but brought a girl friend with her. They were car pooling it Nashville. Don't remember the friends name but she was about a 6. I fixed all of us drinks and awhile later the friend asked Crystal if she wanted her to go wait in the car. Crystal said "No. I want you to join us" and whispered in my ear that this wasn't going to cost me extra. That she would share our original fee of $150 with her friend. It was my first and only 3 some OTC with strippers. I don't remember a lot of the details. I remember that it was a lot of fun and I do remember the friend saying "Cumming before going to bed always made her sleep good". I can agree with that. :)
I'd known the OTC girl a long time when this happened, both in and out of the clubs. She quit stripping a couple of years ago and we're still friends. 3rd wheel was her best friend at the time, so I decided to trust OTC when she vouched for her.
As it turned out, the only bad outcome was for the girls: OTC had her car impounded and 3rd wheel did 30 days for her 3rd DUII. I just had a great time with one of my favs for less than I'd have spent for a hurried ITC.