A week or so someone posted something about massage parlors on here and I mentioned some spas in Toronto and Montreal. After that, I have gotten about 15 PMs from people asking me for more info, so here it is.
I started going to spas in the Toronto area over a decade ago and they are quite fun. When you think of spas in the United States you mostly think of shady AMPs (Asian Massage Parlors). Toronto has those too, but these higher quality spas have mostly Canadian and Eastern Europeans working there. You will occasionally run into a South American, Canadian-Asian or Iranian as well. There are several different levels of massage but you're stupid not to go with the full nude BS (Body Slide massage). It's best to keep the session around 45 minutes. 30 minutes is too short and sometimes a 60 minute session is too long. Depending on the chemistry between you and your masseuse will depend on what type of session and how far you get to go. One thing is for sure, you will ALWAYS get a release and you will NEVER get full service, BJs are very rare as well. What happens in between is negotiable (by mood of the masseuse, not by the price you pay).
What makes these places so interesting is the quality of the girls. You can find 9's easily in these places and sometimes a rare 10. I've never, ever had a session with anything less than an 8 and I have met a few 10s before. The rates for these sessions run in the $200 range, with a swing of $25 either way. You can now get Nuru, Hot Tub, Shower, Vichy, Duo Massages, etc. etc. tons of options.
Now some guys getting full service ITC may scoff at these sessions but they are fun and a different experience than ITC. These can't replace ITC for the guys getting it, but it's a nice alternative now and then.
MONTREAL - Montreal is a different ballgame. The spas are cheaper, and you can get full service at some of them. The catch? Some of the places do not advertise the photos of the girls on their websites and some of them are hard to get in, being a stranger walking in off the street. There are ways to get in, but it's been so long since I have done it, don't come asking me how to get it done. In Toronto the spas are easy to get to because most are in the Airport area where parking and space is vast. In Montreal, most of the spas are in tight neighborhoods, where parking is hard to find, and some are a little sketchy at night.
Here are some interesting links that may help you if you would like to go on this journey:
TERB.cc - Toronto Escort Review Board
MERB.cc - Montreal Escort Review Board
Some of the better Spas in Toronto:
Steeles Royal -
http://www.royalspa.ca/Flirt Spa -
http://flirtspa.ca/Airport Golden Spa -
http://www.airportgoldenspa.co…Hands From Heaven -
http://handsfromheaven.ca/A few Montreal spas that actually have photos of attendants:
Secret Spa (not full service) -
http://secretspa.ca/our-ladies…Penthouse (known for full service) -
http://www.lepenthouse.com/en/…Royal Spa (known for full service) -
last commentDue to time constraints I had to choose between a SC or trying a spa on that trip and I have no regrets.
Thanks for starting this thread and the intel. on opportunities in Toronto and Montreal.
Wish I could get there more and definitely want to check out the Montreal spas Shailynn listed. Thanks Shailynn for the post!!