
Sure am glad I'm not married

layin low but staying high
Holy shit. I found another one.

Listen to these stats. 18 year old college freshman. Barely out of high school, gorgeous, at least 8.5, pushing a 9. Prettier than GingerBread but not quite up to the level of DS II. For those of you at the meetup, she looks like Hannah Banana with bigger tits and younger. HB is 22. Just started stripping. Very naive, knows very little about stripping. Bisexual. Limited sexual experience. Loves weed. Desperately needs my money. Works at a shitty club near school, so no other big spenders are likely to present much competition. And open to OTC discussions, but I've got to take it slow. Easy to scare away if I'm not careful. But she will likely cost considerably less than the DS.

So I know how to get her. My system was made for dancers exactly like her.

What I'm wondering is how do I fit her in. I've got 5 OTC strippers, she would make 6. Even setting aside all of the MILFs that I'm trying to fuck, I don't think it's feasible to fuck 6 strippers regularly. Plus I like to keep visiting the clubs for extras periodically. I could find the money but do I have the time or the stamina to add an 18 year old to this mix?

I'm thinking of dumping free girl (her sex is the worst of the group), and cutting back on video girl (she disappointed me by getting piercings without telling me beforehand). That would make something like 4.5 regular OTC girls. I could also cut back on club visits if I had to.

What in your experience is the largest number of regular OTC relationships that one PL can successfully handle simultaneously?


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    "Bisexual. Limited sexual experience" - interesting when these two go together.

    In my single days I couldn't manage more than 3 fuck buddies at the same time very well. Obviously it depends how often you see these girls; a girl you see once every two months is easier to keep on the roster than if you're trying to pencil her in weekly.

    You're clearly spoiled if you're thinking of dropping the girl you're getting it free from!
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I could handle six different girls but would prefer to do so if they live in 3-4 different cities. One in six different cities would be even better for those of us who travel.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It varies but I see most of them them an average of once every 10-14 days. Another solution is to spread this out to something like every 17-21 days.

    And yeah I hate to give up free 22 yo sex. But I value quality over price.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    5 are semi local (within the 30 miles). Only the DS lives far away.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Get plenty of rest when you can. You don't want to die of a heart attack while fucking the DS.

    Well, maybe you do?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'd die a happy man if the last thing I saw was her face and the last thing I felt was her pussy. But I couldn't be that selfish. She would freak.

  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Take your inspiration from King Solomon:

    "Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines"--1 Kings 11 2-3
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Dang, dude. I'm happy for you. Keep on trucking !!
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Good story johnny
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Keep it up. You could have the opposite problem
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Well damn. If Solomon can handle 1,000 then 6 strippers and some milfs in training doesn't sound so tough.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    If I had your cash JS, I'd fuck as many strippers as I could and not look back.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Solomon's wives had a pretty good deal - one night on, three years off, lol.

    On the other hand, when e started thinking with his little head, he started building temples to foreign gods and his tests led to the destruction of Israel as a single nation as his many children fought for power after he died. Definitely a nonbriiliant outcome, all because he couldn't just have one! ;-D
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    Married people as a rule are far wealthier than single people. When the 22 year old prostitutes gets pregnant and you pay child support for 23 years check back and tell us how you feel son.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    My max is 3. In terms of attention and $$$ - that number works well for me. I'm in northern New Jersey - and I don't like to deal with driving and traffic - as it's annoying and it can be stressful.

    I like your arrangement - as you have a good number of girls. I wouldn't drop the free one - as free pussy is important to keep. Maybe just space out the times you see your girls - so they still enjoy your company - and so that things don't become stressful.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Damn dude.

    When do you find time to actually work and make money???
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    JohnSmith69 has a harem. (That's a compliment)
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Skibum, I'm fixed and I have much more money as a single guy paying alimony than I ever did while married.

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Skibum, JS is apparently snipped, so no whore babies for him.

    Since his kids are grown (ish?) I can see where he has time to work and fuck strippers at night.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Damn – I get exhausted just thinking of the logistics
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    What a clown!
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Good for you John! Getting back to the DS's. DS3!!!! There is a 18 y.o at my regular club named CeCe that would love. She was a senior in HS when she started stripping.
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