
What You Missed Because You Did Not Attend the Miami Meetup Tonight

layin low but staying high
Stories to Follow.

1. Hannah Banana

2. The Greatest Act of Kindness I Have Ever Witnessed from a TUSCL Member

3. My First Visit to a Black Dive

4. The Scariest Car Ride of My Life. Followed by the Second Scariest Car Ride of My Life.

5. A Complete and Accurate Psychoanalytical Analysis Of Rech in Two Words

6. What Actors Do 25 and Clubber and 25 Remind Me of

Overall Conclusion: TUSCL has a lot of nice buys participating on the board. Everyone is weird, but in their own unique ways.


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Nice guys.

    And I forgot one more.

    7. The Furthest That Any TUSCL Member Has Ever Driven to Attend a Meet Up
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    I wanna hear more about number 4
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Had to involve Papi. Miami drivers are crazy!!!
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Looking forward to the stories
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Ok tell me about #2 and #4.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Who got thrown out of the club?
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    What I did not miss because I did not attend the Miami meet:

    1. Sex with a blonde in the club
    2. Sex with another blonde in my home after leaving the club
    3. Balmy Detroit temperature of 16 degrees
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    What I did not miss because I did not attend the Miami meet:

    1. 3 hours of white knuckle driving in the middle of a snowstorm in what usually takes 75 minutes.

    2. A delicious butterfinger flavored hot chocolate at an interstate rest stop vending machine.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    jackslash, how was the blonde at home?
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    What I did not miss:

    1) Spending 3 hours shoveling snow in near 0 degree temps last night.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Both blondes were good. The temperature is now 3 degrees.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Yep, I'm watching the weather gal now shivering out side. Better her than me !!
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Hmmmm, 1 degree F out there. South Beach sounds really good now.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    It's gonna be 85 degrees in Phoenix today and I'm gonna to enjoy being out outside for a good portion of it today. Oh happy day.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    And I look forward to more stories.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Enjoy, rh48hr, it must be nice and cool there. Not the 110 plus F summer heat.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Sorry guys, I had to leave early. I left about 10pm but before I left I met three more great guys and one great guy whom I have known for quite a while now. Just a note to all of the other TUSCLers out there in order of appearance John Smith is a good guy Clubber is another good one and Rech is as advertised a real nice guy and Papi is just as good in person as he is on line. I wasn't surprised at all but, pleasantly had confirmed what I have always known, there are some real good guys here on TUSCL hope we can do this again sometime when I don't have to leave early, at least you guys know I was with you in spirit even if I couldn't be there in person for the second half of the night, all in it was a memorable evening.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    You missed my Asian friend!
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I didn't don't you remember she came over to the table and spoke with me for a moment, before she sat down with you for about 10 minutes then you and her went off to have some fun
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Write an article!!
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    Oh yeah, that's correct. Had to shove you out of the way to get to her! Got her number and what she is open to OTC. Just a distance problem.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    haha she is a cutie.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    BTWJohn what actor do I remind you of ?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Had a good time hanging w/ the fellas at the meet – as I mentioned in another thread the meet was at 6 pm and the other 4 TUSCLers got there b/w 6 and 7 pm – I was not sure who was gonna show and decided I would get there later since Tootsies is not my scene and I did not want to be there for 4-hours+ (plus I had already met JS69; clubber; and twentyfive; on prior SC visits) - I texted with “twentyfive” and “clubber” and they told me 4 TUSCLers were there so since they had shown up I decided to get there b/f my scheduled time of 10 pm and got there around 8:45 pm.

    As I parked my car I had my radio on “seek” and it landed on a local hip-hop station and I kid you not – the song “Back to Back” by Drake was playing just 2 seconds b/f the lyric “Second floor Tootsies, gettin’ should rubs” – I had to LOL since we *were* sitting on the Tootsies 2nd-floor VIP.

    I ended-up hooking-up w/ the TUSCL gang at a good-table on the Tootsies 2nd-floor VIP – upon arriving “twentyfive” recognized me (we had met once b/f) and waived me over – clubber, twentyfive, and JS69 were at the table and Rech I think was getting some dances in the out-of-sight LD-area – I originally did not recognize JS69 b/c he was slouched down in the table-side sofa with a topless blond draped over him FCG (I kinda only saw the top of his head and why I did not recognize him at first, LOL).

    I’ve had the pleasure of meeting 15+ TUSCLers in my 4-year professional TUSCL career :) and I’m always glad I’ve met with them.

    Clubber looks like a hitman for the Hells Angels but one does not have to talk to him long to realize he is a very nice guy and very sharp/intelligent person.

    Twentyfive is like a big teddy-bear – super-friendly and loves to rap – he is a native New Yorker and thus has a very outgoing personality and after talking w/ him 5-minutes it’s as if you’ve been life-long friends (he’s a very down to earth guy).

    JS69 is your typical 50 y/o teenager LOL – dude is living it up like he was a 21 y/o trust-fund baby – he def seems to be making the most of his post-marriage freedom and good for him – he seems to have the means to enjoy himself to his delight and the strip-club seems to be his playground – not soon after I arrived and he had the topless blond draped over him they then went for some dances in the LD-area and then they made a beeline for the VIP – JS seemed in a very good mood and very energetic post his VIP – I wonder what she did to him – maybe she told him some really good jokes that put JS in such a good mood :).

    Tootsies – like many of the SoFlo clubs; is becoming very Cuban-dancer heavy these days – but Tootsies has a national rep and is not locally owned (owned by Ricks Corp which owns dozens of SCs nationwide) so this kinda attracts non-Latin white/Anglo dancers often from out of state – thus Tootsies is one of the few Miami clubs with a decent # of non-Cuban dancers – fair # of white/Anglo girls; maybe some black but usually 2 or 3 and often zero; some Euro chicks I’ve met; and perhaps an Asian every now and then.

    Tootsies is open from 12 pm to 6 a.m. so there are 3 dancer shifts (day, mid, night) – day and mid shifts I believe have a bit better dancer variety (dayshift is ~12 to 7/8 pm; mid-shift is ~ 3/4 to 11/12 pm – and nightshift is ~10/11 pm till 6 a.m.) – nightshift is usually when the Cubanas are out inforce.

    Anyway – just mentioning this b/c clubber got lucky he met up with a partial Asian chick since this is a bit rare in Cubana-heavy Miami SCs (she said she was Peruvian but of Japanese decent and one could def see her Asian-ness) – clubber’s Asian was very cool – she seemed like a very nice chick w/ great people skills – she made sure to kiss all of us on the cheek when she said goodbye to clubber b/c he had to leave (but old clubber did get in some LDs with his Asian).

    The TUSCL gang was there from about 6 to 10 pm so they caught the tail-end of the dayshift and kinda in the middle of mid-shift so this may have aided clubber land his Asian and JS69 land his “very friendly” white/Anglo blond that seems to have delivered in VIP in spades – JS69’s blond said she was from Austin, TX.

    So JS69 got his Tootsies freak-on; clubber got dances from his Asian; Rech also got some dances but I didn’t see who – me and twentyfive were the squares that could not land a chick even in a strip-club LOL.

    For me – my finances are in the red – I had SC-binged two weekends prior and did 6 SC visits b/w that Fr and Su and by that Su eve my bank-account had a grand total of 11 cents in it – plus as great as Tootsies is it’s not my scene – I can get $5 dances w/ better mileage at the black-dives and I prefer the chocolate anyway – thus these days I’m reluctant to pay $25/dance (non-black Miami SC price) and actually get less mileage.

    Twentyfive is a very social guy like many a New Yorker and seemed to prefer to socialize rather than talk w/ the bimbos LOL – and I kinda prefer that too – if I wanna get my SC freak-on; I prefer to go by myself so I can “concentrate on the task at hand” – but I go w/ someone else for me it’s more about socializing – but it’s understandable that a TUSCLer coming from out of town is not going to make the trip just to “socialize” and wants to enjoy the club and its dancers – or local guys that don’t get to SC too often also want to take advantage of the opportunity – as for me; no S.O. and no kids means I can SC whenever thus when I go w/ someone else I don’t tend to pay as much attention to the dancers and rather shoot the bull.

    But – I def enjoyed my time w/ my fellow PLs and wish I would have shown up earlier than I did.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Damn – forgot to describe Rech – dude is so low-key you almost don’t notice him, LOL.

    Rech def seems a bit of a “man of mystery” – low-key, easy-going; does not seem to reveal much about himself – he seems super chill and seems to prefer to let the others do the talking – he would def fit-in as a Key West bohemian.

    I thought he was a super chill guy and I def enjoyed his company although I don’t think I could hang in there w/ him the way he seems to like to party.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    sounds like you guys had a good time--thanks for the details chulo
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    I thought Rech was nothing like I imagined he would be. When I found out who he was, I was shocked. Troll, no way. Ass buster, WAY! In a good way. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Yeah - JS gives Rech too hard a time - he's very low-key.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I thought Rech was super cool he looks like Jeff Bridges in the movie where he plays the Dude think it's The Big Lebowski.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Tootsies is where I first met Clubber. It was memorable. When an Asian babe would walk by his ears perked up :)
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Vin I thought Clubber was a good guy definitely the kind of guy you can depend on no matter the situation
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    It gets difficult integrating my different personas. :)
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    I don't know if you remember or not, but we were leaving Tootsie's and I saw an Asian dancer. I think we were heading to the Booby Trap. I said give me a few minutes and I'll meet you there. She was gone when I went back inside. :(..

    OR, I could be completely loony and it was with someone else in another galaxy far far away.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    are these all names of threads or articles?
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