
Simultaneous OTC relationships with multiple dancers in the same club

layin low but staying high
Other girls at her club told video girl that I had asked them for sex. So she's all paranoid that I'm going to dump her. But of course I assured her that I would never risk the drama of fucking two girls at the same club simultaneously.

But in reality gingerbread and free girl work at the same club. And I've heard the club has a lot of new girls so I'm going shopping there this weekend.

So I was curious. What's the largest number of dancers from the same club that you've simultaneously had an OTC relationship with? And did the girls ever find out about you simultaneously fucking their competition?

3 is definitely my record. And the thing that makes me somewhat uncomfortable is that they are all three friends with each other. So far as I know, each one thinks they are my only OTC relationship. I tell each of them that the other two girls are just ITC relationships. Am I being naive to think they don't know?


  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    You're safe John. If you have read stripper web you know that strippers never have sex with customers, so the dancers you speak of will never find out.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I am currently doing OTC with 2 at the same club. It is a little tricky because they are kind of friends or Atleast club friends but at this place a lot of girls on the DL abt their shit so I'm not that worried. I've done OTC with abt 5 others their over the last 3 years.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    4 but my circumstances are different:

    Interesting how this worked. I was not a regular at this club and would pop in about once or twice a month.

    Girl 1 I met on a Friday night. She always worked day shift but decided to work this 1 Friday night. She was an extremely reliable OTC which I saw probably a dozen times over a 1 year period.

    Girl 2 I met on a Friday night as well, at a later date and girl 1 wasn't working. I just did full service with her inside the club. I only clubbed here on Friday and Saturday nights, and she never (or very seldom) worked Saturday nights. I probably ITC'd with her 5 or 6 times.

    Girl 3 I met on a Saturday night. She started dancing at another club but I still did OTC with her a few times as she lived right down the street from the hotel area I usually stayed at. I did OTC with her 4 times.

    Girl 4 I met on a rare Saturday day shift (I usually don't do day shift), and I met her a few times for OTC as well.

    What I would do, is txt these girls that I would be in town about a week in advance, and see who was available. On two weekends (that I can remember) I did OTC with one on one night, one on the next and didn't even enter a club the entire weekend.

    Girls 1, 2, and 3 were loners in the club. All new and I don't think any lasted more than a year stripping. Girl 4 is a young one (21) but a lifer. I could see her stripping when she's 40 judging by her attitude. She probably contributes to stripperweb too.

    Sadly, girl 2 and 3 are no longer stripping to my knowledge. Girl 1 no longer strips either but she will still meet for OTC. I no longer see any of them because there are better options out there. I often feel like girls care less about what their appearance is when they stop stripping.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Butter man, get those butter fingers under control.

    DL abt?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    2 but not recently.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    when you step back and look at the situation from a third person point of view, you realize how RIDICULOUS all these feelings is just for paper. It's like watching a bunch of teens playing house...except your adults and the scene is a strip club....eh compare it to the bachelor/ette. Why the hell are all these hoes getting mad when they ALL getting paid. Especially when outside the club, and outside the OTC, she wants NOTHING to do with you beyond business friendship. Tell these hoes to calm the fuck down, your not dating outside the club so stop bitching like they are.

    These delude fantasy setting kill me when it's taken too far. I think I'm starting to see why some of the folks here advise AGAINST dating a stripper.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Estafador-->"Why the hell are all these hoes getting mad when they ALL getting paid. "

    Esta, obviously enough, it ends up not that simple. If things were like they're presented in Stripperweb fantasyland, where all strippers are just perfect economic actors, and it's all business, it would be easier. But it's not, the services are intimate and various confusing feelings come into play for the strippers, from "this regular is my property now" to "I'm giving him something I don't give many/any other clients, he better be giving me something exclusive in return". (all of which I'm sure you're aware of, but it's worth saying out loud)

    The place I do sympathize a bit: I do solidly believe -- to the point of certainty -- that there are very low volume OTC girls, and to the point where she's plucked a customer out and said "you're the chosen one who gets to do OTC with me", how unreasonable is it to expect some exclusivity back? Hell, the whole reason I like the low volume OTC girls is because they're not fucking too many other guys OTC
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @Subraman I guess I would have to experience the OTC lifestyle to understand I suppose. So I guess I'll never know because I never ran into strippers who fucked and I doubt I ever will.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    They get mad at each other because they feel like if one is doing OTC with you and another one isn't their taking your money out of the club. My current CF and OTC girl even gets a little attitude when she see's me in the club doing danced with other girls. She feels like I should be "saving" up for her.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    It does seem like girls don't tall to each other about who they OTC with, and if they do, it's only if they know it will be okay.

    Strippers want to protect their money.

    JS, your biggest issue will be if free girl finds out you've paid other girls. But the worst there is you lose the free pussy. It sounds like that's a rare occurance anyways.

    It these girls have boyfriends they have extra incentive to keep their OTC activities on the DL.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I think the reasons are more nuanced than we sometimes think. Obviously, share-of-wallet is probably always the biggest issue, since she doesn't want to share your wallet :) But I believe, depending on the girl, there can be a whole number of other issues. These are attractive women and strip club lockerroom politics are important, and played at about a mean junior high school girl level, and it might be important for her not to let the other girls know what she's doing OTC or that she's doing OTC at all, and who knows what you might be saying to the other girl. Plus, I absolutely know that if one girl has a guy, and her frenemy can lure that guy away or get some share of his wallet, then the frenemy "wins". There's all kinds of goofy chick politics at play, even if the main issue is that you're spending her money on someone else.

    To back up the above, I have had more than one stripper who told me outright that she didn't care if I did OTC with girls from another club, but asked me not to see other girls from her club.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    My problem is that the club where these 3 girls work has much better OTC candidates than any other club around. I would spread the wealth around more but most of the talent is at this place. I found DS II at a competing nearby club but that was a fluke. I wouldn't touch the other girls at DS II's club with SJG's dick. That is assuming that SJG has a dick.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    The most from one club was 4, and they all knew about each other. It was seldom that more of two of them were actually at the club at the same time, but since I was mostly seeing them OTC,
    It didn't really matter that much.

    One one of them really got upset when she found out, but then I got to use my favorite line: "If my *wife* can handle me having sex with other women, so can you."
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    "I wouldn't touch the other girls at DS II's club with SJG's dick. That is assuming that SJG has a dick." Lmfao john
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Recently 5. I've had up to 4 girls on shift at the same time that I have taken out in recent times, which makes things pretty interesting. I generally take whichever one I want the most on that particular night. But it's an unusual situation in that it is common to take out from this club and some of these girls are advertising in other places too.

    Prior to finding this little gem of a club, I never saw more than one girl OTC at a time. Other clubs that I have frequented were much tighter and OTC required more discretion. Simply put, the best girls in those clubs simply would not agree to OTC if they knew that you were already seeing another girl in the club unless they knew that you were making a transition. They would also not agree to OTC if they thought that you were indiscreet.

    The current club is a lot of fun, but eventually I will make my way back to a higher end club with lower volume girls.
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