
Sex on the first date

layin low but staying high
How common is sex on the first date these days with MILF civilians? They all say they want a relationship and not just sex. But then again, women rarely mean what they say.

I ask because I'm wondering whether or not to take a cialis before dinner.


  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    LOL ... First world problems, and all that!

    I've been dating for a few years now, and of my VERY few first date rules, "don't fuck her on the first date" is one of them. Older women definitely don't take sex as seriously and many will fuck regardless of what their profile says, but I would have gotten drunk and fucked a number of women I'd later regret, if I didn't have that rule. And if it means going out on a 2nd or 3rd date with the hotter ones, fine, I enjoy the buildup.

    I guess it comes down to why you're dating. For me, as it appears for you, I get all my sexual fantasies addressed nicely by strippers, so there's no reason at all to fuck anyone I'd later regret fucking. I date women in their late 30s and 40s to find a female I can relate to as a peer, do adult things with -- and yes, eventually sex, once I've decided I want to keep her around.

    Anyway, no reason my way of doing things should be yours, but for me, I wait until 2nd or 3rd date, which at least means I like her enough and am attracted enough to go on a 2nd date. Meanwhile, I have the sexual outlets I need, so it's no big deal to hold off.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Well, the civvis that I date sometimes just want sex so we always have 1st date sex. For actual LTR prospects, if we're not fucking by date 3 one or both of us is moving on. I met my current g/f on line and our first date was in a bar. As was the second. The 3rd was in the back of my van, so the 3 date rule was accurate!

    Since I pay less than $2 a dose for my "generic Viagra", I'm always prepared.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I'm not easy but I can be had on the first date. :)
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Can't you just wait to take the pill AFTER dinner? Not like you live next to the restaurant do you?
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    This info is from my experience 10-12 years ago, with women older (1-15 years) than me (one was a classmate I *carried* through coursework on a class together, not sure if she counts, but she put out, so did her friend). But my success rate was 66.7% on first date and 100% on/by second date. All were very grateful. A quick romp int he sack is not new territory for a MILF . . :-D

    "Dinner's on you and the rest of the night's on me" <-- seems to be a rule most MILFs have. IME. YMMV.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    Just like strippers YMMV!
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    rockstar666 --> "For actual LTR prospects, if we're not fucking by date 3 one or both of us is moving on."

    ^^^This. For a MILF, is she's not putting out by date #3, then either she's not into you or the chemistry isn't there. Most figure that sex is a payment for a date. Maybe not for "just dinner" but if you do something else (like dancing or theater) and YOU have forth either effort or $$ for the night out, then yeah, they pretty much figure they owe you sex in return. Though, most put out for "just dinner" too.

    @Esta : you need to get a piece of this MILF action, man!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks for the input. I will follow up later but one quick follow up question. Is most civilian sex these days covered or uncovered? I have no idea what civilian women will expect.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    YMMV seems accurate. Greater than 10% chance, less than 90%?

    The odds of a make-out session are higher, and she may expect you to get hard?
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ in my experience always uncovered - but these were all sluts, mind you.
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    Sex on the first date=no
    Covered or uncovered=covered for awhile until you're both comfortable with uncovered
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Only a dirty slut has sex on the first date. Didn't your mother teach you that?
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    larryfisherman --> "Covered or uncovered=covered for awhile until you're both comfortable with uncovered"
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    In my experience in the MILF/civie world...

    It depends on how much you both have to drink.

    And if she has to work the next day or not.

    Try and make your dates for a Friday or Saturday night to maximize your chances for sex on the first date.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks for all of the advice. This is totally new to me.

    Esta cialis is different that other ed meds. It takes longer (2-3 hours) to reach full effectiveness whereas other meds are at full power in 15-30 min I think. So it's better to take cialis 2-3 hours before you fuck if possible. However cialis lasts much longer -- 24 to 36 hours compared to 4 hours for the others. I might not need it but I figured a little help would be nice just in case she doesn't quite excite me as much as my strippers that are her daughter' age.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    My own experience is that if you literally mean a MILF, has at least one kid and is not getting any younger, then first date sex is always a go. If you don't do it, she'll call you on the phone the next evening and tell you she is coming over and already on her way.

    Or she'll ask you if you are a Priest.

    I mean, the more she wants a serious relationship, the more aggressive she is going to be about fucking you as quickly as possible and as many times as possible to make sure that you understand just how much she wants a relationship with you.

    I'm talking about showing up at my front door, having just come from work, with strawberries and a tub of cool whip, and then changing into a party dress with stockings and garter belt underneath, and of course high heels and make up.

    I'm talking about presenting me with a box of ginseng packets and saying, "so that you can go more times".

    Now of course as a young man the last thing I needed was chemical enhancement. But what I did need was encouragement to stop being such a gentleman with her. I needed to learn that when she is asleep with me, she wants to be bothered and at the earliest possible opportunity.

    The more intently she wants that relationship, the more she is going to make sure that I fuck her as many times as possible.

    So John, if you are going to all the trouble of going out with her, and if you like her, then fuck her as quickly as possible and as many times as possible.

    And also, when it is done in a totally civilian style, do not be surprised if chemical assistance is no longer necessary or desired.

    Enjoy, but better to just go and pick up on them face to face, instead of online. And its not that women don't mean what they say, its that they very rarely say what they mean.

  • Dominic77
    9 years ago

    SJG --> "Enjoy, but better to just go and pick up on them face to face, instead of online. And its not that women don't mean what they say, its that they very rarely say what they mean."

    ^Yes. MILFs and civvis like to use body language and voice inflection A LOT, especially in the beginning. Even with sex, sometimes they are saying "no" or "not yet" but the other cues are saying "fuck me now, stud." That's hard to read online with only typed responses.

    SJG --> "first date sex is always a go. If you don't do it, she'll call you on the phone the next evening and tell you she is coming over and already on her way. . . Or she'll ask you if you are a Priest."

    For me, the more common line was: I'm horny, I am in the recliner with my bottoms off, I'm facing the front door, and it's unlocked. The kiddo's gone for the night. I'm trying to finger myself, and it's just not working. I *AM* going to fuck the first person who comes through this door. Tell me you coming? What, you're cumming? No, save that for me.

    Sigh. Those were good days. MILFs are kind of forward like they when they want a booty call the next day.

    SJG --> "And also, when it is done in a totally civilian style, do not be surprised if chemical assistance is no longer necessary or desired."

    ^*Thumbs Up*
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "Yes. MILFs and civvis like to use body language and voice inflection A LOT..."

    That wasn't what I meant. I meant that women do mean what they say. But their standard modus operandi is to be indirect and try to make things go their way without saying so explicitly. So they don't directly say what they mean.

    And well what I meant is that if a MILF decides that she wants you, she's just going to do whatever it takes to make it happen as fast as possible and as many times as possible.

    Now later on, when you are actually in a relationship with her, then it isn't going to be quite like that.

    And yes, I am convinced that at least much of the need for chemicals is due to psychological limitations. But this does not mean that I am trivializing such matters.

    Both men and women live in states of distress.


  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    No problem. Thanks for the clarification.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Some of these MILF's, if they want you, they aren't going to be timid!

    Of the one I've described above, my mistake was that I didn't communicate to her that I always want women in high heels and makeup, and to dress for sex, when I first met her. So the next day when she called and invited herself over, she was in sweats and tennis shoes. But it was still good. She'd picked red, which is really good for her. But the next day, knowing now what I liked, and that actually being her preferred mode too, slutty, she more than make up for it.

    So now, while I don't dwell on it, I make sure the girl hears it right off.


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