The SC Desert that is Upstate NY

avatar for Theycallmejim
I have lived in Upstate NY all of my life except for the 20 yrs I spent in the military and I can't believe what a desert it is when it comes to even half decent SCs. None of the clubs that are in my area can even be called SC's. The girls that "work" at these clubs are usually in the 3-5 range in looks and most don't make any effort to interact with customers. And forget about getting a decent lap dance if one is even offered. Most are nothing but air dances in an area with no privacy. If I want to go to a decent club I have to drive 2.5 hrs to Canada which really sucks. After reading reviews of clubs in other states I don't understand why Upstate NY has to be such a crappy place for this type of entertainment.


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avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
What do *you* call "Upstate" NY?
avatar for Theycallmejim
9 years ago
WNY-Buffalo Rochester Syracuse area.
avatar for vincemichaels
9 years ago
Well, there are bears in dem hills. Find a bear to be friends with. :)
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
I know it's not convenient but the clubs across the falls in Niagara Falls Ontario are usually decent.

At one time Seductions and Sundowner were probably some of the best clubs on the entire east coast.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
It's not 2 1/2 hours from Buffalo to Niagara Falls, Ontario
avatar for Topspin57
9 years ago
Years ago I tried to find a good club in Rochester, Syracuse and Buffalo and there was minimal success. At times there were a dancer here or there who would provide a good time......but it was not often and never consistent. When I moved to the Atlanta area I found several clubs that I have enjoyed......but not always consistent.

The local and state laws contribute to the poor performance. Niagara Falls is the best choice for the Upstate NY patrons. Good luck!
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
"It's not 2 1/2 hours from Buffalo to Niagara Falls, Ontario"

You're right but crossing the border can be a pain in the ass... Then I realized, if you're local you can get the nexus pass and cross more freely. It's not cheap and you have to go through some extra steps when applying, but it's probably worth it for anyone who lives in the area.

I used to go up there so much in the early 2000s hitting strip clubs and casinos (at the time it was the closest casino to where I lived) I was going to try to apply for one but I couldn't because I didn't live in a state that touched Canada's border (that's was a requirement).

Seductions was the first club I ever went to where extras were the norm and they were expected. How about getting full service for $100 from a hot stripper who was from Quebec. with the currency rate favoring the US dollar that meant it really was about $72. At that time $20 Canadian was about $14 US so I was getting 2 full contact nude lap dances for less than $30 after the conversion rate. Oh how I miss 2001!!!
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
because everyone that goes upstate only goes for college and bear mountain. Ain't St. John upstate? I know a lot of college girls be pining after the college ball players these days
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
^^^^St Johns is in Queens, off union turnpike not upstate but part of NYC
avatar for Theycallmejim
9 years ago

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1 Hour Ago • It's not 2 1/2 hours from Buffalo to Niagara Falls, Ontario

I know, I shouldn't of included Buffalo. I live in a suburb of Rochester which is why it takes me 2.5 hrs to get to Canada. Going across the border sucks big time.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Yeah, Buffalo clubs have deteriorated quite a bit in the last ten years or so. If you just want hands on mileage, as opposed to sex, you can get that, but it's slightly more expensive than I consider reasonable. Not *horribly* so, but there it is.

In not local to that area any more, so things might be different for someone who is.
avatar for Theycallmejim
9 years ago

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1 Hour Ago • Years ago I tried to find a good club in Rochester, Syracuse and Buffalo and there was minimal success. At times there were a dancer here or there who would provide a good time......but it was not often and never consistent. When I moved to the Atlanta area I found several clubs that I have enjoyed......but not always consistent.

The local and state laws contribute to the poor performance. Niagara Falls is the best choice for the Upstate NY patrons. Good luck!
Thanks Topspin57. I wish I could say that things have changed since you left for Atlanta but unfortunately they haven't. I blame the politicians and others with a liberal POV for preventing good SC's from coming to this area even though there are places in the city where they could be located out of sight. Someone did try to open a high level SC here about 7 yrs ago I think but the political and social BS they had to put up with drove them out of town.
avatar for Theycallmejim
9 years ago

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26 Minutes Ago • because everyone that goes upstate only goes for college and bear mountain. Ain't St. John upstate? I know a lot of college girls be pining after the college ball players these days

St John Fisher is in Rochester, that's where the Buffalo Bills have their TC.
avatar for Theycallmejim
9 years ago

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1 Hour Ago • I know it's not convenient but the clubs across the falls in Niagara Falls Ontario are usually decent.

At one time Seductions and Sundowner were probably some of the best clubs on the entire east coast.

They still are although not many Quebec women come there anymore since they "legalized" prostitution in Canada. There are a lot of eastern European women there now (Russian, Czech etc).
avatar for rickdugan
9 years ago
Idk. I have spent all of my life living in areas where ITC fun was limited. When one gets lemons, make lemonade? Seriously though, it forced me to develop good OTC sourcing skills if I wanted to have sex with strippers. In a place with as many clubs as Rochester, there have to be some girls doing OTC, at least with their regulars. I guess the questions are whether that is your cup of tea and if you have the means to play that regular game.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
@twentyfive hmm, I know there's a well acclaimed college out upstate that has a very popular basketball team. Or maybe that was just St. John. I feel silly for not remembering ST. John being that I live in queens.
avatar for Theycallmejim
9 years ago
I'm not necessarily looking to have sex with stippers (although I wouldn't turn it down if the girl was hot). I just would like to not have to drive 2.5 hrs to get to a SC that has good looking women who know how to show customers a good time. That's not asking to much IMO.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Montreal? Ohio? back in Pennsylvania? This is where I would think one looks. One just need to find one good place for their layovers.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Unfortunately it seems good SC areas are the exception rather than the norm – you are def not the only-one by being in WNY.

If you are single and thus have the flexibility; you could do some SC trips – but of course it’s not as practical as going to the SCs in one’s area.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 years ago
You either have to go to Erie PA (good dive club)or Canada.
I do not know Buffalo clubs but Rochester and Syracuse club stink.
last time in Syracuse i hit 4 or 5 clubs and was disappointed in all.
Last time in Rochester a couple of clubs had a couple of decent lookers but were ROB's. I had fun at the Tally HO where take out was available with a little blonde milf who would do a private show for you.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
To Estafador that would be Syracuse in upstate NY
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
To GMD Upstate NY is north and west of NYC generally considered anything past Westchester County
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
@twentyfive: Say rather "north and west of Albany," and you'll more accurately reflect the views of those actually *in* upstate NY. We don't consider the capital district or the Catskills to be "upstate." :)
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
^^^^George I grew up in Brooklyn than moved to Nassau county and when we were growing up the Catskills were considered upstate in fact every thing past Westchester or Putnam counties were called upstate even though we referred to Erie county and Buffalo as western NY State it was still considered by us Long Islanders and city folks to be upstate Albany was definitely referred to as Upstate, by us Downstate folks BTW my dad was one of the original builders of Motel on the Mountain, on Bear Mountain back in the early 60s. I do realize that you folks Upstate referred to it differently but that part of the state was always considered differently by people there often negatively referring to us in the city.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Just as *that* part of the state was referred to negatively by those of us in the rest of the state. :)

I personally never figured the Catskills are to be part of the NY area, mostly because my knowledge of areas beyond WNY, the Fingerlakes and the Adirondacks was woefully inadequate.

Albany and NYC were lumped together because of politics.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
But we spent some great summers in the Catskills and in the winter we would go to Grossinger's and Kutcher's back then we referred to that part of the Catskill as the Borscht Belt or The Jewish Alps it was terrific growing up in the late 50s and early 60s if you remember the movie Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swaze and Jennifer Grey it was kind of like that in those hotel resorts.
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