
Does hair color matter to you?

I've had this favorite who is a blond. I saw her last week, and she dyed her hair purple. I was thinking to myself she's a lot more attractive as a blonde even though obviously her body and face is the same.



  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    I prefer the silky jet black of Asians. But it will also do on most any exotic looking woman. Preferably straight and long.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    1) as others; I'm not for board-moderation – but this shit of spamming threads or reviews is ridiculous and beyond a yes/no for board-moderation – this spamming crap affects everyone on the board; not just the spamee

    2) I've often mentioned I'm just about the bod; so hair-color has no bearing on me (or hair for that matter) – but for w/e reason I find extra-sexy a light brown skinned ebony w/ short platinum blond hair-color – w.r.t. Caucasians – I do find long straight black (not brown or dark; but black) hair very sexy – but the hair is never really the reason I get a dance nor a reason I don't get a dance
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I'm equal opportunity, but I have a tendency to go with darker hair.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I love red, red, and red. Blond is good too.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I would say blond for white girls, but that it doesn't really matter for girls of color. They seem to be able to pull off other hair colors better, especially if they're not natural hair colors.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    If it's real, red. Also natural blond, especially when her pubes are light colored as well.

    Otherwise, it's not a determining factor unless it clashes with her skin tone. Light, dark, light with dark roots, whatever.

  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    I like blondes, though the rare ginger is always an unexpected treat.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    If it is natural color i usually prefer brunettes

    I also like dirty blondes

    If we are talking out there colors i like a crazy auborn red or pink. Has to be the right girl to pull this one off. She must have a personality to match and willing to give me shit
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Clubber +1
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    We need to tag team us some! :)
  • Mal2
    9 years ago
    The hierarchy is red blonde dirty blonde black. Other colors (blue, purple, etc) are cool but depend on the girl being able to pull it off well.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    If it's clear they dyed their hair, it better be something that looks good on them. My former club favorite at my #2 club could dye her hair any color she wanted and make it look good, but then she also had a large number of tattoos. She wouldn't have normally been someone I go for, but that girl was just pure sexual energy. OTOH, if some other girl tried emulating her look, it may not have worked out well for her. Other than her, though, most of the girls who dye their hair just look worse than what they would look like with their natural hair color.

    Truth be told, unless they're redheads, hair color doesn't matter much to me.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Blonde is not usually my thing either, I prefer the dark hair.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I prefer brunettes (not girls that dye their hair black) probably because I'm married to a blonde.
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