What the hell is up with all the grumpy old men on TUSCL?
Crazy Town USA
Did the Shady Acres retirement home just get internet access or something?
Some of you guys need to get off the porch and stop complaining about the kids on your lawn and get a sense of fucking humor.
Go the strip club and fuck a stripper. Geez. Maybe it will get rid of your pent up frustration and lighten up.
So if you can't keep up with the old dogs, stay on the porch.
Twenty-five you cracked me up
Meanwhile I've never known SCat to be grumpy except when dealing with trolls and drug dealers who force him out of his favorite seat. And he fucks as much young pussy as anyone here.
SCat does nothing of the sort.
However there are plenty of others who don't know how to do anything else.
I know that this is true of a great many of the forum members. They would share all sorts of stuff, were it not for people who will just dump on them first chance they get.
Age is not what makes one a "grumpy old man", it is attitude and conduct.
Well yes, that's the point of this thread. When people stop learning, they do turn into senile old fools.
Jefferson Starship 2014 03 16 Tarrytown NY
I am sure that is the point a lot of the trolls are trying to get across. Dont take life so serious. You will never get out of it alive anyway. Stay light hearted and fun loving. Life is to short to be pissed off
Dice lacks the charm of Rickles which is why he comes off as just a silly bitter man when he attacks someone. I recall Sherwood Schwartz telling how he hadto cast the skipper. He said this guy will be yelling, insulting and hitting Gilligan 20 times an episode so we need an actor that the audience finds endearing. Alan Hale Jr. was perfect casting.
Dice, if you're going to take the Rickles/Skipper/Andrew Dice Clay route, you need to have some charm to go with it. I would suggest you think about that going forward.
A very cogent analysis of the situation.