
What the hell is up with all the grumpy old men on TUSCL?

Crazy Town USA
Tuesday, December 1, 2015 1:57 PM
Did the Shady Acres retirement home just get internet access or something? Some of you guys need to get off the porch and stop complaining about the kids on your lawn and get a sense of fucking humor. Go the strip club and fuck a stripper. Geez. Maybe it will get rid of your pent up frustration and lighten up.


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ! SJG
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    You beat me to that same question, I was about to ask the exact same thing. Maybe the weather changed too quickly and the arthritis is making them all irritable and shit.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Lmfao! Smdh ! Omfg ! AMEN BROTHER
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I don't know if that was aimed at me or not. I'll be 74 next month and while the trolls were busy on here all day, I was at my favorite club and took the hottest little 21 yo to VIP and she has agreed to drive the 37 miles to meet me at my house later this week. Anybody doubts about how cute she is, I'm sure that verybigdawg and bubba267 will vouch for my claims. So if you can't keep up with the old dogs, stay on the porch.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Smart talk ^^^
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    funny how I can't see shadow scats comments lol
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    WTF are you talking about?
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ really cant figure out humor...sad. : (
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Nah scat I was thinking of myself I'm well over 60 living in the sunshine state my arthritis only flares up when one of these young girls turns the A/C too cold sorry I wasn't taking a shot at anyone.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    GMD yet one more fool added to my ever expanding waist...ooops ! Corrections i meant List : ) Twenty-five you cracked me up
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    There you go again Warhawks - being an "enabler" just like me and Motörhead!!!
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    25,do always say"them" when you talk about yourself?You're spineless and weak.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Seems to me that to the extent there is a problem of being grumpy and needing to go fuck a stripper, that is much more a characteristic of certain youthful members. Take chessmaster, for example, who has an emotional fit every time I talk about fucking a young stripper just because he's unable to do the same thing. Or TDice, who is a stripper boyfriend and one of the most irritating assholes around here. Meanwhile I've never known SCat to be grumpy except when dealing with trolls and drug dealers who force him out of his favorite seat. And he fucks as much young pussy as anyone here.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69 +5 SJG
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    JS69. +100 I'm not grumpy either because life is too short to care enough to BE grumpy.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    JS69,you've never seen when Scat loses his inhaler in the club?Motherfucker puts the "G" in grumpy.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    And gawker is an old guy who has more intense and erotic sexual experiences with strippers than anyone here, including me. He'd probably share more publicly if not for the plethora of vocal trolls and other assholes on the board.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tumbling dice, this inhaler issue is a red herring. Okay, so maybe some people get set of by some stuff. But this is not important. We are talking here about people who make sensible discussion on this form impossible. SCat does nothing of the sort. However there are plenty of others who don't know how to do anything else. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69 wrote, "He'd probably share more publicly if not for the plethora of vocal trolls and other assholes on the board." I know that this is true of a great many of the forum members. They would share all sorts of stuff, were it not for people who will just dump on them first chance they get. Age is not what makes one a "grumpy old man", it is attitude and conduct. SJG
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Gee td I didn't know that I was weak, I guess you would know being a bit of an asshole yourself, after all its still pretty warm down here and I haven't had any arthritic flare ups lately. Is that weak enough and spineless enough for you FUCKER
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Johnsmith69 is right. The reason I have an emotional fit every time he writes fucking young sttippers is because I can't do the same. I will stop with the emotional fits from now on.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    SJG,this board cannot teach me anything I didn't know 30 years ago.This is nothing but sport to me.I am the same guy here as I am in [view link] gotta shake those bushes to see what falls to the ground.Just knocking felt off my antlers.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Im well over 20 lol
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Dice: "Sport" to you is a very distasteful path based on your focus on trying to demaen others in a futile attempt to elevate yourself. I suggest you take up golf or bowling.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    tumblingdice wrote, "SJG,this board cannot teach me anything I didn't know 30 years ago." Well yes, that's the point of this thread. When people stop learning, they do turn into senile old fools. SJG Jefferson Starship 2014 03 16 Tarrytown NY [view link]
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Actually sport is life, TD, there are winners and losers in both, if I had to guess I would say that you are not usually the winner. Same as in life.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Everyone is being nice. It is better when everyone doesnt take themselves so seriously. I am sure that is the point a lot of the trolls are trying to get across. Dont take life so serious. You will never get out of it alive anyway. Stay light hearted and fun loving. Life is to short to be pissed off
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    have any of you guys heard of Don Rickles?
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Don is my fucking hero,you fucking kike.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    What I remember is when he would say he didn't want to offend the spear chuckers,and when he turned his back, act like he just got speared
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Speaking of "Spearchuckers",where are the brothers tonight.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Rickles always acknowledged his insults were inappropriate which is why he was so popular. The spearchucker joke is a great example. People would laugh because even if they endorsed his inappropriateness, it wasn't mean spirited because he'd give a metaphoric wink and nod. Dice lacks the charm of Rickles which is why he comes off as just a silly bitter man when he attacks someone. I recall Sherwood Schwartz telling how he hadto cast the skipper. He said this guy will be yelling, insulting and hitting Gilligan 20 times an episode so we need an actor that the audience finds endearing. Alan Hale Jr. was perfect casting. Dice, if you're going to take the Rickles/Skipper/Andrew Dice Clay route, you need to have some charm to go with it. I would suggest you think about that going forward.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    rockstar666 +6 A very cogent analysis of the situation. SJG
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Rickles is great. Too bad he passed
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