
Tracking San Jose Police in their quest to erradicate AMPs, also comparing to Sa

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
I see from Rubmaps that they are closing more than one per month. And having been following Rubmaps for a year now, I see that those getting closed are those with good "mileage" reports.

But new shops are opening, though I am not sure the rate. So I want to track it. Lets do it just for muni San Jose

11/29, only looking at OPEN shops

# of shops where FS + Kissing + FIV + DATY has been reported: 19

# of shops reporting BBBJTCWS ( rare in AMPs ): 2

# of shops reporting BBBJTC: 15

# of shops reporting BBBJWF: 2

Now let me explain, BJ is not typically associated with AMPs. They are more for HJ and FS. The reason I separate BJ types out from the rest of the sex act indicators is that RubMaps does not properly treat the implied set logic of the BJ classifications.

The reason that I don't look at shops with only lower mileage reports is that RubMaps continues to list the closed shops, and it would be too time consumptive for me to manually count them up and subtract them.

So having laid this out, I want to watch and see how these numbers change. SJPD is very active. But I still believe that the number of shops and mileage levels are increasing, as SJ has a police shortage and more serious crime matters to deal with.

Lets consider also San Francisco

# of shops where FS + Kissing + FIV + DATY has been reported: 30

# of shops reporting BBBJTCWS ( rare in AMPs ): 0

# of shops reporting BBBJTC: 0

# of shops reporting BBBJWF: 0

Again, BJ's are rare in AMPs.

Also, comparing my own experiences to what is written in reviews, I am certain that the reviews under report on the highest mileage levels. I can tell from the texts that the guys writing these don't really get along with the girls that well. And most of the girls don't like reviews. So the guys who do get along with the girls don't write reviews.

So while many use AMPs just for Happy Ending, the number of people doing FS and GFE-FS is much higher I am sure, than Rubmaps makes it look.



  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Can't wait for the day they bust you in your fishnets and mascara.
  • samsung1
    9 years ago
    Warren ohio used to have some of the best amps until a few years back
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Warren Ohio, Really?

    Only two open shops listed now. But lots of closed ones.

    Both come up positive for FS + Kissing + FIV + DATY

    One comes up positive for BBBJTCWS, which is rare in AMPs.

    But this still looks like a hostile regulatory environment, which does make it all less GFE.

    Warren, 15 miles North West of Youngstown

    40 miles East of Akron, getting close to Pittsburg

    Let me look for 50 mile radius using zip code 44481.

    We get 12 open shops, some in Pennsylvania.

    even this, a white escort service:

    so for FS + Kissing + FIV + DATY we get the two in Warren plus one more in Youngstown.

    Rubmaps doesn't do the set logic right for BJ variations. But if I look for BBBJ, I get the same three shops.

    Thank you samsung1

    tumblingdice, get your eight legs back your rock or I'm going to step on you!

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    More about San Jose:

    Screening for FS is the most important. If that is happening, then anything else is in principle possible.

    So I look for shops with 6 or less reviews, at least one in the last month, and all of the reviews in 2015. I find a few. I find one at the exact address and unit number as one just closed. Good to know, but they probably had contact with LE, or a problem with the landlord. Otherwise they would not go thru the closure and reopening and name change routine. This kind of stuff undermines the GFE potential.

    I also find a couple like this:

    Back room of a retail unit, using door facing the parking lot. Could well be zero official listing that this place even exists, no business license or retail sign permit. Service providers may not even be in compliance with state massage licensing law, so they have nothing to lose. May classify claim to do "Relaxation", instead of massage.

    No real setup costs for such a place.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, AMPs are often associated with Hair Salons. This D and D Massage is the back door to this Beauty Salon:


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Star Spa, 22 N White Rd, San Jose


    Just opened, 3 reviews, FS already claimed. Seems to be at what had been this dental office.


    I learned of this from the San Jose Metro Newspaper.

    Lots of new shops opening in this area. But also some have been recently closed.

    Overall I think LE is losing ground. It is not just number of shops or what they do, it is how open and competitive about it they are. This is what controls how hot the girls look, how slutty they dress, and how GFE they are.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Correction, probably at the NY Pizza unit.


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    J&Y Angel Spa
    1121 Koch Ln
    San Jose, CA, 95125

    Just listed on RubMaps as closed today. I am only counting the ones which have a review claiming 'FS'.

    SJPD are closing more than one per month.

    Looking at San Francisco, again only those where FS is claimed in at least one review, PD also are closing many, but less than 1 per month. The last was 3 months ago. But still at the SF places they are much more conspicuous, dressed more slutty and more used to GFE and putting this across in their demeanor.

    The level of fear of LE is what drives this. FS is almost always available. But quality factors like GFE and slutty dressing, though not in and of themselves illegal, still totally depend on the level of fear of LE. Slutty dressing and the kind of slutty demeanor which suggests GFE, are very conspicuous.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Clarification / Correction, for San Jose, considering only OPEN shops, as of 12/10.

    # of shops where FS + Kissing + FIV + DATY has been reported: 29

    I think I must have fumbled the math on my earlier reporting.

  • ime
    9 years ago
    Ontario Canada, Universal Basic Income!!!!


    I think a basic income guarantee is mandatory. Capitalism is what creates unemployment. And Cecil Williams and the people who run Guild Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco have got it right. Poverty is caused by social marginalization.

    So a corollary is simply this, everyone wants to do well. They want to win the admiration of family and friends. So if they are not doing well, then there must be some social marginalization or disability at work here. But as the main problem is marginalization, then we should not talk about disability, as usually this just means more marginalization.

    And of course it is absurd that people should be accepting psychiatric labels. These are just an extreme form of oppression.

    So for there to be justice there has to be this basic income guarantee, or what amounts to cradle to grave welfare.

    The typical person on welfare takes far less out of our economy than those employed do. And if the welfare recipient is not driving around much in a car, then they are treading far more lightly on the earth than those who senselessly burn up gas and dump CO2 into the atmosphere to do jobs which produce absolutely nothing which people need to live.

    Now welfare takes money out of gov't coffers, but in the US welfare has never been more than 3% of federal expenditure. This is much less than corporate welfare and other expenses directed to the betterment of the middle class in order to maintain political allegiance, or to keeping the poor down. So welfare is a cheaper way to keep our society going than the present state of affairs.

    And then as far as federal accounts, it is the federal gov't which controls the printing press, the furnace, and interest rates which multiply the availability of money by the inverse of the interest rate. Suffice to say, federal accounts and the money supply are all under gov't control, hence it is artificial. It is just a matter of who and what are being served by it.

    So as those who are not doing well are simply the victims of social injustice, we must redress this social injustice.

    1. Stop using psychiatric labels, learning disability labels, or morality labels.

    2. Offer people value producing work, not nonsense just to get a paycheck.

    3. Provide this cradle to grave welfare system as efficiently as possible, and understand that everyone wants to be a useful and meaningful part of our society.

    4. Follow my recommendation and hold parents accountable for exploiting their children, using them to give themselves a adult identity. This amounts to psychological child abuse. So besides criminal prosecution where practical, also prevent disinheritance and offer something like a divorce from one's parents when their is parent v child animosity. Make the parents pay, and pay dearly. Make it so that child exploitation no longer pays.

    5. And for those who insist on calling the poor lazy or immoral, know that this is how Capitalism works. It is the family where this starts, with the designation of a child as the blacksheep. Those who denigrate the poor are just doing what their parents did to them. So the poor and marginalized need to start standing up for themselves rather than submitting. They and all of us must start engaging in public advocacy and non-violent civil disobedience.

    6. And then since the New Economy and Libertarianism are really just the old Social Darwinism and Eugenics Movement, saying that the poor are not fit to compete, we all need to be prepared to do more than just be non-violent. We don't want to be like Anne Frank's father, hiding in an attic waiting for the Gestapo. We need to be ready to engage in guerrilla warfare, the use of lethal force, and without taking prisoners. Unless we are willing to do this, then we are helping the eugenicists who say that we are not fit to live. Gandhi and Jesus lived in violent revolutionary times. They were only able to accomplish their works because others were maintaining the constant threat of lethal violence on a large scale.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Mr. IME, the next time you want to start impersonating me by replicating my posts, just PM me and I'll send you my account password.

    But whatever you are on right now, you've got to stay off of it. Just intoxication alone does not do this to someone. Rather it happens when someone is so psychologically addicted to a mood altering chemical that they cannot function without it.


    Beethoven's 9th
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    San Jose trying to regulate massage parlors


    This is no good. Some of the new places are back door only. They are probably places which don't even officially exist.

    Lux Spa was not a place I've visited, but it was known to be good, more of an AAMP level of service than an AMP level. Seemed connected to a similar place which SJPD closed, out on E. Santa Clara St.

    The trafficking argument is total bullshit.

    But there is an exchange circuit between LA and the Bay Area for the younger girls who don't want to work in their home town.

    The 2 ft clearance distance around massage tables is not something I'd heard of before. Some of these places are very improvised and the rooms are too small. LE could just be trying to make it tough on them.

    But it could be that without that clearance it looks like the set up is not really for massage.

    In the old days girls showed me that it is best just to take the sheet of the table and spread it on the carpet and fuck on the floor.

    But today these shops seem to have larger massage tables.

    Also nice to get the girl onto your lap and get friendly with her. But some of these places just have rooms that are too small.

    This idea of prohibiting that address from hosting another AMP once they have been busted, is of course no good.

    This is the same thing as with strip clubs. Local authorities like to demolish the buildings. No Good!

    Prohibiting sleeping quarters is just the existing building codes. I have never seen this, but covertly it might be violated, but I think this would be more in San Francisco style shops. In any event I don't think it something LE needs to worry about.

    All this issue does is force people to set up AAMPs instead of AMPs. AMPs have the advantage of window shopping and preliminary flirtations.

    I've not had time yet to look at other old and new threads.


    Why we need Free College and Universal Single Payer Health Care, and why Bernie Sanders is our man!

    "Love Trumps Hate": Actress Rosario Dawson on Why She Supports Bernie Sanders for President

    Zarathustra for French Horn and Piano
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    New San Jose Regs, and a map by council district


    Best to see your girls off site!

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    OPEN shops, San Jose only

    # of shops where FS + Kissing + FIV + DATY has been reported: 30, up from 29 on 12/10. San Jose PD has been busy closing shops regularly. But new shops open, and old shops get more explicit reviews.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Places in Vallejo and Suisun City, besides Oakland and Rohnert Park, and one in Cupertino, and two in Milpitas, and two in Redwood City are all within 50 miles of San Francisco and all meet that FS + Kissing + FIV + DATY criterion. But doing it this way, advanced search, one cannot know if it may be a rare thing, even a girl who no longer works there.

    Nothing for San Mateo. One for Santa Clara

    But overall I would still say that RubMaps is an underestimate because from the session narratives I can tell that they guys who get along with the girls and know how to interact with them, do not write reviews.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Shit, SJ now has only 25 shops, 5 closures in one month!, if you screen for DATY + FS + kissing + FIV. This is the toughest screen you can do on rub maps Advanced Search. I recognize the names of the closed 5. Been to some. I hope RubMaps is not causing this.

    San Francisco has 31 shops looked at the same way. But San Francisco is always better, right out in the open, slutty dressing and slutty behavior, which means more GFE.



    Mexico, has to be the greatest country on the face of the earth!

    Jeff Beck
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    screen for DATY + FS + kissing + FIV, and now San Jose has 28 shots. Some of those closed above are back open. So of course you can see how this kind of LE pressure would destroy the front room sluttiness, which undermines the GFE.

    Sab Francisco now has 30, screened the same way.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So San Jose still has 28 shops open ( DATY + FS + kissing + FIV )

    Screening the same way, San Francisco
    now has 32 shops. Things much cooler in San Francisco, and what this directly leads to is not higher mileage, but rather more slutty dressing, sluttier demeanor, and more GFE and a higher percentage of maximum mileage.


    Jeff Healey Band - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Now the rubmaps count of maximum mileage San Jose AMPs is up to 31.

    AMPs are winning. Sam Liccardo and SJPD are losing.



    Joe Jackson
    Night and Day
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    32 for San Francisco, but the San Francisco ones are still much better, more slutty dressing and slutty behavior, younger girls on the average, and doing a higher percentage of FS.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So right now, 31 for San Jose and 32 for San Francisco. This using Rubmap's tightest reliable advanced search screen, Kissing + DATY + FIV + FS.

    But San Francisco shops will still be better, more likely to do DFKing and more slutty dressing and demeanor. Higher percentage of sessions are GFE-FS, so girls are more hot to go.


    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Aeroplane [Official Music Video]

    Red Hot Chili Peppers - Suck My Kiss

    Yvette Young and Covet, notice the two handed stick guitar playing style she uses. Though not here she sometimes plays 7 string.

    Here she has 7 strings





    Covet - Sea Dragon


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    So right now, 31 for San Jose, but they did close one I was looking forward on visiting. Maybe it will be back open.

    San Francisco 32

    These are the maximum service we can make Rubmaps advanced search screen for.

    As far as the cities between San Jose and San Francisco, on the Peninsula, it seems to be getting sparser and sparser, those were FS is being claimed. One in Redwood City, on in South San Francisco.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    So searching that way I find 11 open shops for Miami. Not bad. So so.

    The same way for San Jose 31 shops

    San Francisco 29 shops, a drop!

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