The council of ricks (rickthevulture, ricktheshark, rickthetiger, rickdugan, and rick's lawyer) got together for a nice turkey dinner and evening of sharing stories over cigars and cognac. We looked so sharp in our suits that the only way we could have increased the sharpness quotient would have been to play a few games of darts using a set of darts inscribed with an Oscar Wilde witticism. That's how sharp we were.
I was was worried that rickthevulture would be offended by the turkey dinner, but my little buddy said "hey daddio, I'm a Turkey VULTURE, not a damn turkey!" Hess a good egg that way.
This morning I went hunting hairless apes for your idiotic "Black Friday." Most of you idiots don't even notice a lion killing apes in the Black Friday crowd. I did a hunt at Target because WalMart shoppers are just too fatty.
last commentThe vulture is from "Happy Days."
He probably wears a black leather jacket too.