
Venturing this brave new world by yourself for the first time: What was it like?

Hey, everyone! I've been doing this for at least 7 months. I had to go at it alone since all of my friends are either married, engaged in relationships, or have turned over to religion. From DC to Baltimore, I'm pretty much huffing it in learning the lingo and finding ATF dancers (not to mention finding the right dancers who will do an extra here or there). What was it like for you guys starting off? This is open to patrons, dancers, ex-dancers, and anyone who has toured this scene.


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    yeah I was like you one day.... I said to myself "strip clubs, yeah that sounds like a good idea." Somehow I stumbled onto a site that is now dead, and that lead to this site which gave me much needed info.

    I remember the first time I walked into a strip club by myself, I was very nervous, felt uncomfy. It was a dive, I assumed most of the rednecks where there to get drunk as it was their waterhole as much as a place to see naked women. I was there for sex.

    I learned quick, after over paying a few times, or not getting what I expected. I quickly wrote off the crappy clubs in my general area and went for bigger and better clubs far from my home base which new how to operate, and the dancers new how to work.

    My biggest piece of advice is read the reviews thoroughly on this site. If a club doesn't have many reviews and its been around for awhile, it probably sucks. I don't even waste my time anymore unless a club has some solid reviews.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    When I started out, I used to pay hundreds of dollars only to result in air dances and false promises. Then I discovered this site and leaned about "The System". I found out just how easy it was to go into dive bars all suited up (white polyester of course) and offer 18 year-old girls drugs and booze and a hundred dollars and got them to go with me for sex outside the club. Brilliant!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Yeah; this site should be required-reading for anyone intent on becoming a hobbyist – I def learned a lot more in a few months on the TUSCL discussion board than I did in 12 yrs of SCing b/f that.

    A lot of newbs; especially young guys it seems; think it’s odd to go to a strip-club alone where this is sorta the norm IMO – a SC is a place to meet and be w/ women and be intimate w/ them at some level (talking to LDs to extras) - would a dude always take his posse on a date w/ him? – would a dude take his posse with him when he’s going to fuck someone? – SCs are about 2 things; sex and $$$/business; one does not need their posse there and often times they just get in the way.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Motor posted: "I found out just how easy it was to go into dive bars all suited up (white polyester of course) and offer 18 year-old girls drugs and booze and a hundred dollars and got them to go with me for sex outside the club. Brilliant!"

    @motor. You're welcome motor. You're welcome. ;)

    Semi-seriously though Propsi, at least you have places like this from which to gather intel as you start your journey. Many of us started when sites like this were in their infancy or didn't even exist at all. I'm not ashamed to admit that I purchased more than a few champagne bottles and "2 foot rule" private dances in my early years with little ROI. I also fell for a few hustles that I chuckle at now.

    Now you will make your own mistakes too. It's called tuition. Nothing replaces time and experience, including a site like this. It takes time and a certain shifting of your understanding of human behavior to wrap your mind around what some strippers can and will do. Until this happens, everything posted on a place like this will just read like fantasy. But hopefully a resource like this can help you piece it together just a little bit quicker.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Got into the clubbing on my 18 birthday with some friends and had so much fun i started going by myself

    Like most i payed way to much and got way to lil...once i found this site i was able to find the clubs that gave me what i needed.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I was incredibly pathetic. Went to SR in Vegas late afternoon. Had no clue what to do. I LDKed about a minute into my first lap dance. The dancer was nothing like my type, you couldn't pay me to get a dance with her today. I was wearing light colored shorts and left with a huge visible stain covering the front. I also got in a fight with the dancer cause she asked for a tip and I thought she was trying to rip me off. It was years after that until I finally got good at it.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I am lucky enough to always have had a clique of buddies to SC with. Some have gotten married over the decades (i got married and divorced), but we all still love SCing. We made our mistakes together. I've always been, uh, "frugal", so never got raked over the coals as far as what things cost, and as early as the late '80s, I could get basic intel about strip clubs through alt.sex.strip-clubs, so was never totally clueless and never totally overpaid for things, etc. I did go through a few-year period where I screwed up, but it was getting too attached to the dancers
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    When I started to go to strip clubs regularly, I thought it would be nearly impossible to have sex with a dancer. Now I have sex with dancers every week. Money will get you what you want, but you have to learn not to over-pay.

    A little advice:
    1. Never pay in advance.
    2. Don't fall in love with a dancer. She will exploit you mercilessly.
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    I have never been by myself. I'm sure it will happen one day though. Back when I started going years ago I would go with a group of guys. After college it pretty much dwindled down to just me and one other person. Me and him go every other week but I don't know how much longer he will go with me. Pretty much depends on how long until he finds a girlfriend just like the others I used to go with.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If I had not been is a serious relationship, and then being married, I don't think I would have every gone very far doing pay for play sex in AMPs. I just would have done more civilians. I would have taken them at their slower pace, doing the phone numbers and the car key wallet dates.

    So being bound up in monogamy was the reason I went to P4P. It is the safe way to get outside action. The money is bribe money.

    But then it was also because of AMPs and knowing how it goes and knowing how to turn it into GFE, that I was not so impressed when it became known that in San Francisco that places like Market St. Cinema and New Century were building totally private rooms and hence offering FS. I doubted that it would equal AMPs, in terms of value for the money, or just the quality of the experience either.

    And then as far as "extras" or ejaculation services, like HJ, BJ, or dry humping 'till completion, I don't go for that. Totally uninteresting to me in a p4p context.

    What I like is to act on the girl. So I want GFE-FS. When that is not to be, there is still the possibility of turning it around by DATYing her. I like that.

    In future months I do plan to be traveling broad distances though. Still not interested in any kind of 'extras'. I feel that 'extras' is a chumps game.

    Rather, I will be getting GFE-FS, and then OTC-GFE-FS.

    I never treat women like prostitutes. I don't talk to them like I think they are people who sell sex or perform sex acts for money. I treat all women like civilians in all situations. The money is just a show of respect and concern for their well being.

  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    ^^^Why do you keep bringing up AMPs on a strip club site?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ b/c he's SJG :)
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Because AMPs are the shit
  • Propsi
    9 years ago
    Wow! I'm actually taking all of this in. Very good stuff, everyone. I'm learning a lot in a short time. I think I'll have to start a new thread regarding advice for something.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    AMPs are where I entered the world of P4P. Where I live we have these, but out strip clubs are no touching.

    But then AMPs are the standard by which I have measured P4P. San Francisco strip clubs beat AMP in terms of dolling up, hands down. But there has always been an issue of service quality, sufficient facility, and time.

    So our local strip clubs have been very rewarding places, but only for looking and talking.

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